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Sianbrowett's Shop

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I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.




I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.
Exploring Genres

Exploring Genres

KS3 lesson exploring conventions of genre. Pair work detailing different conventions of genre. Trailer for films to help understanding of conventions of genre. Creative writing task writing the opening paragraph to a story from this genre. Describe the location and introduce one character. Differentiated tasks. Peer assessment
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

KS3 lesson on creative writing Developing a magical power - what powers could it be? Class discussion on powers Teacher model of boring writing and strong writing Success criteria Self assessment
Mini SOW Creative Writing

Mini SOW Creative Writing

7 Resources
Can be used together as a mini SOW developing creative writing techniques. KS3. All resources fit into the fantasy genre. Show, don't tell Building believable characters Setting Tension Starting to structure ideas Extracts to annotate and analyse
Theme of Dreams - Of Mice and Men

Theme of Dreams - Of Mice and Men

Discussion on what dreams are and why we have them. Robert Burns' poem - how does this influence our understanding of the theme? Brief analysis of poem. The American Dream. Dreams of characters. Lennie and George's dream - how is it similar, how is it different.
Essay Writing - The Northern Lights - Challenging

Essay Writing - The Northern Lights - Challenging

KS3 - Developing essay writing. Challenging task for extra work/summer/extended project. Using Philip Pullman’s ‘The Northern Lights’. Planning their own essay topic - choosing their own essay title. Success criteria. Structure of an essay. PQEL explanation - with a more detailed scaffold. Self assessment. Questions for book review.
Essay Writing Skills

Essay Writing Skills

KS3 - Developing essay writing. Using Lord Tennyson’s ‘The Kraken’ Discussion images to engage students. Poem and glossary of terms. Success criteria. List of techniques to look for. Structure of an essay. PQEL explanation - with a more detailed scaffold. Poem to annotate with some techniques in bold. Self assessment.
Assembly Bundle

Assembly Bundle

3 Resources
Four 15min assemblies to engage, encourage thoughtfulness and motivate students.
Mini Scheme of Work on Autobiographies and Biographies

Mini Scheme of Work on Autobiographies and Biographies

Roughly 2 week SOW for first years and second years covering autobiography and biography. PPTs with creative writing tasks, analysis of extracts of autobiographies and biographies, exploration of media such as book covers and the intention on colour, shape and layout. This scheme of work aims to improve analysis, creative writing and introduce exploration of media.
Descriptive Writing lesson - Show, don't tell.

Descriptive Writing lesson - Show, don't tell.

A descriptive writing lesson building on a class' understanding of 'show, don't tell'. Looking at building simple sentences into showing sentences where descriptive techniques have been used to create impact. List of techniques needed, teacher model, sentences to convert to description, self assessment.
Writing to Explain

Writing to Explain

A 33 slide PPT. Explores exam style writing questions. Writing to explain, looking at broadsheet newspapers, analysing examples, developing their own opinions and then writing an exam style answer.
Fact and Opinion Langauge Lesson

Fact and Opinion Langauge Lesson

A lesson looking at identifying and exploring the effects of facts and opinions. Worksheet and 2 lessons. Lesson 1- what are the differences and analysing a piece of writing. Lesson 2 - doing their own piece of analysis.
Writing to Argue

Writing to Argue

Lesson on writing to argue. Focus on counter-argument with examples. List of techniques. Teacher model to annotate and analyse. How to plan for/against. Question to answer.
Non-Fiction Texts

Non-Fiction Texts

6 lessons. Looking at information retrieval, explanation questions, comparative questions, presentational analysis. Extracts to annotate and analyse. Teacher model. Quiz on presentation and language techniques with answers.
Informative, Explanative and Persuasive Writing

Informative, Explanative and Persuasive Writing

Looking at the difference between these three styles of writing. How are they different. List of techniques to make writing engaging. Teacher models on the same topic for each writing type. Example to have a go at. Self-assessment.
Analysis - Macbeth

Analysis - Macbeth

Analysis of the theme of deceit and the witches in Macbeth. Exploration of witches prophecies. Discussion on whether or not they are deceitful. Teacher model of analysis.