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Mini Creations Teaching Resources by Sian

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(based on 2 reviews)

I am a teacher of 18 years. Mini Creations Teaching Resources has been my "keep me sane whilst recovering from Long Covid" project. I have taught throughout all the primary phases and love individual resources :-)

I am a teacher of 18 years. Mini Creations Teaching Resources has been my "keep me sane whilst recovering from Long Covid" project. I have taught throughout all the primary phases and love individual resources :-)
Display Lettering - Bright Stars

Display Lettering - Bright Stars

Classroom Display Lettering - Bright Stars Ideal for a range of class displays! Bright and cheerful classroom display lettering. Complete with upper & lower case letters, numbers and key punctuation. Just download, print and laminate!
Tudor Style Display Lettering

Tudor Style Display Lettering

Tudor Style Display Lettering Ideal for your Tudor or English history display. Full upper and lower case alphabet. Also included key punctuation and numbers 0-9. Just download, print, laminate and display
Tudor Portrait Art Planning

Tudor Portrait Art Planning

Tudor Portrait Art Planning This planning comes resourced with Powerpoint and weekly planning. This plan uses KS2 art objectives and was originally planned for Year 5. Work through basic shading and cross hatching techniques and create fantastic Tudor Portraits in this 6 week plan.
Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000

Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000

Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 Rounding can be challenging to teach. This resource can be used with the whole class, groups or individuals to support children with a visual aid.
Display Lettering - BEES

Display Lettering - BEES

BEE Classroom Display Lettering Bright and fun classroom display lettering with a Bee design. Just download, print and laminate. This item is also editable!! PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
Balanced Argument Checklist

Balanced Argument Checklist

Balanced argument checklist - ideal for Year 5 or Year 6. Use this poster on your working wall to remind children of all the key features of a balanced argument. An ideal writing prompt to support children when finding features in texts.
Display Lettering - Green Leaf

Display Lettering - Green Leaf

Classroom Display Lettering - Green Leaf Ideal for a range of Scientific or Geographical displays! Bright and cheerful classroom display lettering. Complete with upper & lower case letters, numbers and key punctuation. Just download, print and laminate!
Whole School Primary PE Progression Map

Whole School Primary PE Progression Map

Whole school Primary PE progression map and overview covering ALL National Curriculum Objectives from Nursery through to Year 6. All national curriculum objectives broken down by year group to show full progression across the primary stage. It includes Outdoor Adventure, Dance, Swimming objectives. This resource also includes a whole school PE overivew of units.
Display Lettering - Vintage Maps

Display Lettering - Vintage Maps

Classroom Display Lettering - Vintage Maps Ideal for a range of Historical and Geographical topic displays! Bright and cheerful classroom display lettering. Complete with upper & lower case letters, numbers and key punctuation. Just download, print and laminate!
Science Forces and Magnets Year 3 Planning and Resources

Science Forces and Magnets Year 3 Planning and Resources

A full Science Forces and Magnets unit plan and resources for Year 3. This resources includes all activities, poerpoints and smartboard files and a pre and post assessment. This planning covers the following NC objectives: Compare how things move on different surfaces. Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others. Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials. Working Scientifically objectives Asking relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them Making systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers Setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests Gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions Record findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings Identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes
Geography Tremors Year 3 Planning

Geography Tremors Year 3 Planning

Geography planning for Year 3 covering all extreme earth geographical objectives. This planning covers basic map skills, layers of the earth, plate tectonics, how volcanoes and earthquakes are formed and their impact on both humans and the environment. This cover lower KS2 objectives so could be used for Year 4 also.
Science Rocks Year 3 Planning

Science Rocks Year 3 Planning

Science Rocks Year 3 Planning. A full term of planning covering all relevant rocks and working scientifically objectives. Also includes work on Mary Anning. Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
Verb Vocabulary Mat

Verb Vocabulary Mat

Verb Vocabulary Mat The perfect resource for encouraging higher level writing and challenging oral vocabulary within the classroom. Just download, print and laminate for your class
SPAG Daily Activities

SPAG Daily Activities

Year 3 and 4 Daily SPAG activities using photos as inspirational starting points. Idea for a daily dose of SPAG. Use real pictures to inspire creative writing and to challenge higher level content. These slides could be used with year 3 or year 4 and get progressively harder. All objectives are year 3 and 4 English SPAG objectives. All slides have bee created using natural backgrounds to aid focus and understanding. 40 slides increasing in difficulty whilst also allowing for consolidation of skills. Includes blank slides for your own topic inspired pictures. FULLY EDITABLE
Adjective Vocab Mat

Adjective Vocab Mat

Adjective Vocabulary Mat The perfect resource for encouraging higher level writing. Just download, print and laminate for your class.
Multiplication Problem Solving Activities

Multiplication Problem Solving Activities

Using and Applying Multiplication Problems Ideal for Year 3 & Year 4 A set of 10 problems that challenge children to solve multiplication problems and puzzles using their times tables knowledge.
Display Lettering-Dots

Display Lettering-Dots

A fun set of display letters using the font style “Dots” Perfect for any display board lettering! Full set of upper and lower case letters and numbers 0-9 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD! Please look at my other listings for other designs.
Display Lettering-Pencils

Display Lettering-Pencils

A fun set of display letters using the font style “Pencil” Perfect for any display board lettering! Full set of upper and lower case letters and numbers 0-9 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD! Please look at my other listings for other designs.
4 Main Sentence Types WORKING WALL POSTER

4 Main Sentence Types WORKING WALL POSTER

What are the 4 Sentence Types? - GREAT POSTER FOR YOUR WORKING WALL. A clear, concise poster showing the four main types of sentences. Command, statement, question and exclamation. This poster gives a clear description of each sentence type and provides examples.