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GCSE & KS3 Spanish Resources
GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Role Play Helpsheet

GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Role Play Helpsheet

A doubled sided helpsheet to start students off with the role play tasks in the GCSE course. Designed with the new specification from Edexcel in mind taking into account the 10 prescribed scenarios, some common demands from the interactive tasks, frequent question words and some possible questions to ask for each scenario. Suitable for both foundation and higher tiers. Includes sections for: Cinema Leisure centre Shopping At the doctors Restaurant In town Tourist information Campsite Hotel Train Station
GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Photo card Helpsheet

GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Photo card Helpsheet

A doubled sided helpsheet to start students off describing photos in the GCSE course. Designed with the new specification from Edexcel in mind taking into account the required information on what students should include in their description and common objects and scenarios used in the sample assessment material. Includes sections for: People Action (using the gerund) Location and Anything Else (weather, clothes, mood, descriptions and objects)
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) All Themes Topic Revision Mats BUNDLE

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) All Themes Topic Revision Mats BUNDLE

14 Resources
A bundle of complete topic revision mats for the AQA GCSE Spanish specification (2016) . High frequency vocabulary has been used from the specification list to revise ahead of the exams in the summer. These resources include a mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams. Save 52% by buying as a bundle.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 3 Speaking General Conversation Answer Booklet

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 3 Speaking General Conversation Answer Booklet

A booklet with theme 3 possible answers for both foundation and higher speaking questions for GCSE Spanish AQA Specification. Answers included in response to the following questions: Theme 3: Current and Future Study and Employment Topics 1 and 2: My Studies/Life at School/College ¿Qué asignaturas te gustan? ¿Por qué? What subjects do you like? Why? ¿Cuál es tu asignatura favorita? ¿Por qué? Which is your favourite subject? Why? ¿Cómo son tus profesores? What are your teachers like? Topic 2: Life at School/College Describe tu colegio. Descibe your school. ¿Estás a favor del uniforme? ¿Por qué (no)? Are you in favour of wearing an uniform? Why (not)? ¿Cómo son las reglas en tu colegio? What sre the rules in your school blike? ¿Cómo sería tu colegio ideal? What would your ideal school be like? ¿Qué hiciste en el colegio la semana pasada? What did you do in school last week? ¿Cómo era tu escuela primaria? What was your primary school like? ¿Qué hiciste para tus prácticas? What did you do for your school experience? Describe a una visita escolar que hiciste en el pasado. Describe a school trip that you have been on last year. Topic 3: Education Post-16 ¿Te gustaría continuar tus estudios? Would you like to continue your studies? Topic 4: Jobs, Career Choices and Ambitions Describe tu trabajo ideal. Describe your ideal job. ¿Tienes un trabajo a tiempo parcial? Do you have a part-time job?
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Topic 2 Social Issues Revision Mat

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Topic 2 Social Issues Revision Mat

A complete revision mat for Theme 2 Topic 2 Social Issues (Charity work & Poverty) from the AQA specification. High frequency vocabulary has been used. A mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 1 Topic 1 Me, My Family & My Friends Revision Mat

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 1 Topic 1 Me, My Family & My Friends Revision Mat

A complete revision mat for Theme 1 Topic 1 Topic 1 Me, My Family & My Friends from the AQA specification. High frequency vocabulary has been used. A mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams.
GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) School Uniform Sentence Builder

GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) School Uniform Sentence Builder

Sentence builder to give information on what you wear to school and what you think of it. Based on the vocabulary from the 2024 Edexcel GCSE Spanish specification ready for teaching the topic of family in Thematic Context 5: Studying and my future. Does include a wider variety of destinations to account for student interests. Available in Word (editable) and PDF.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Jobs and Future Plans Vocabulary Sheets

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Jobs and Future Plans Vocabulary Sheets

A variety of vocabulary on jobs, careers and future ambitions. Includes: jobs, part-time jobs, places of work, what you do at work, gap year, languages, advantages , education post-16, qualities needed for work, future plans and applying for a job. Available with completed and blank versions for you to decide with your students.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Revision Mats BUNDLE

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Revision Mats BUNDLE

5 Resources
A bundle of complete revision mats for Theme 2 from the AQA specification. High frequency vocabulary has been used from the specification list to revise ahead of the exams in the summer. These resources include a mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams. Save 33% by buying as a bundle.
GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Read Aloud/SSC Helpsheet

GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Read Aloud/SSC Helpsheet

A single sided helpsheet to support students off with the read aloud tasks in the GCSE course. Designed with the new specification from Edexcel in mind taking into account the common SSCs listed in the textbooks and the specification. Suitable for both foundation and higher tiers.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Topic 3 Global Issues Revision Mat

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Topic 3 Global Issues Revision Mat

A complete revision mat for Theme 2 Topic 3 Global Issues from the AQA specification. High frequency vocabulary has been used. A mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Speaking General Conversation Answer Booklet

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 2 Speaking General Conversation Answer Booklet

A booklet with theme 2 possible answers for both foundation and higher speaking questions for GCSE Spanish AQA Specification. Answers included in response to the following questions: Topic 1: Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region ¿Dónde vives? Where do you live? ¿Qué se puede hacer en tu barrio? What can you do in your area? ¿Cómo sería tu casa ideal? What would your ideal house be like? ¿Qué hiciste en tu pueblo o ciudad la semana pasada? What did you do in your area last week? ¿Dónde vivirás en el futuro? Where will you live in the future? Why? ¿Es mejor vivir en la ciudad o en el campo? ¿Por qué? Is it better to live in the town or in the countryside? Why? Topic 2: Social Issues ¿Tienes una dieta equilibrada? Do you eat healthily? ¿Qué hiciste para mantenerte en forma la semana pasada? What did you do last week to stay healthy? ¿Qué piensas de los cigarillos, el alcohol y las drogas? What is your opinion about cigarettes, alcohol and drugs? ¿Qué harás para mantenerte en forma en el futuro? What will you do in the future to stay healthy? Topic 3: Global Issues ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente? What do you do to protect the environment? ¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada para proteger el medio ambiente? What did you do last week to help the environment? ¿Qué harás para proteger el medio ambiente en el futuro? What will you do in the future to help the environment? Topic 4: Travel and Tourism ¿Dónde sueles ir de vacaciones? Where do you normally go on holiday? ¿Qué te gusta hacer durante las vacaciones? What do you like doing when you are on holiday? ¿Dónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado? Where did you go on holiday last year? ¿Qué planes tienes para este verano? What plans do you have for the summer holidays? ¿Cómo serían tus vacaciones ideales? What would your ideal holiday be like?
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 3 Topic 4  Jobs career choices and ambitions Revision Mat

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 3 Topic 4 Jobs career choices and ambitions Revision Mat

A complete revision mat for Theme 2 Topic 4 Jobs career choices and ambitions from the AQA specification. High frequency vocabulary has been used. A mix of speaking, writing, reading and listening tasks from past papers. Includes QR codes for students to access listening tasks. Designed for independant revision at home but could be used for cover or in class in preparation for upcoming exams.
GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 1 Speaking  General Conversation Answer Booklet

GCSE Spanish (AQA 2018) Theme 1 Speaking General Conversation Answer Booklet

A booklet with theme 1 possible answers for both foundation and higher speaking questions for GCSE Spanish AQA Specification. Answers included in response to the following questions: Topic 1: Me, My Family and Friends ¿Te llevas bien con tu familia? ¿Por qué (no)? Do you get on well with your family? Why (not)? ¿Saliste recientemente con tu familia? Have you been out with your family recently? Describe a tu mejor amigo/amiga. Describe your best friend. ¿Saliste recientemente con tus amigos? Have you been out with your friends recently? ¿Te gustaría casarte en el futuro? ¿Por qué (no)? Would you like to get married in the future? Describe a tu novio/novia ideal. Describe your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. Topic 2: Technology in Everyday Life ¿Qué haces cuando estás en linea? What do you do online? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas de la red? What are the pros and cons of using the internet? ¿Qué tecnología utilizaste anoche? What did you do online last night? ¿Podría vivir sin tecnología? Por qué (no)? Could you live without technology? Topic 3: Free Time Activity ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta? What type of music do you like? ¿Qué tipo de películas te gusta ver? What type of movies do you like? Describe la última película que viste. Describe the last film you watched. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? What do you like doing in your free time? ¿Qué hiciste en tu tiempo libre el fin de semana pasado? What did you do last week in your free time? ¿Qué son tus planes para el fin de semana? What are your plans for this weekend?
GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Food & Drink Sentence Builder SAMPLE

GCSE Spanish (Edexcel 2024) Food & Drink Sentence Builder SAMPLE

Sentence builder to give information on what you normally eat and drink in all persons of the present tense. Also includes some frequency phrases. Based on the vocabulary from the 2024 Edexcel GCSE Spanish specification ready for teaching the topic of family in Thematic Context 2: Lifestyle & Wellbeing Available in Word (editable) and PDF.