Authentic replica of SNCF rail tickets with all details included such as departure times, platform, class and price. Can be used to support role plays on buying train tickets/at the station. Use to adapt conversations and live action role play scenarios, students love the authenticity of tickets and creates engagement.
Resource includes 14 ready made and editable tickets, between many cities around France. Used with support of model conversation and practising adaption of the dialogues to other information.
Includes PDF file for printing and Word for editing and adding more tickets.
Sentence builder about saying what you ideal house would be like, what it would have and where it would be for GCSE Spanish on home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Available in Word (editable) and PDF.
Sentence builder to give information about going on holiday including destination, how often and how long for.
Based on the vocabulary from the 2024 Edexcel GCSE Spanish specification ready for teaching the topic of family in Thematic Context 6: Travel & Tourism.
Does include a wider variety of destinations to account for student interests.
Available in Word (editable) and PDF.
Sentence builder to give information about your transport preferences regarding going on holiday and reasons why.
Based on the vocabulary from the 2024 Edexcel GCSE Spanish specification ready for teaching the topic of family in Thematic Context 6: Travel & Tourism.
Does include a wider variety of destinations to account for student interests.