I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
This includes both Thiosulfate and Magnesium and Acid Required Practicals for KS4 AQA. It covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. Each lesson lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including recognising hazards, hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30 slide ppt to guide the students through the each practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
Update, I have now included modified instructions for home use.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through the practical including safety, method, errors and analysing results. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
15 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This is a complete Chemistry GCSE lesson of revision with 9-1 exam style questions and model answers (for peer or self-assessment) adapted from AQA past papers. It lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Article with mistakes (adapted form Specification)
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet and graded
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the students minds
Provide visual stimuli
I hope you find this resource useful.
For other free and paid for resources please visit my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This resources consists of photographs and exam style questions with a completed graphic organiser helpsheet. This is aimed at AQA students to encourage them to practice exam style questions on required practicals anytime during the lesson.
The questions are specifically generic so they can be asked about almost any of the practicals and consequently they do not need to go next to any particular one, producing over 400 combinations of questions with images.
The questions are colour coded for different levels with Red-Hard, Orange-Medium and Green-Easier (one could say differentiated, but one would be stretching the truth).
Also included is the required practical placemat (worth a whole £1!) to help your students answer the questions on the display.
Suggestions for Activities:
I generally sit my students round the display and then ask them to chose a question and I (or another student) choose a practical or vice versa. Then we discuss the answer as a class or nominate another student or practical or question, (or stick them round my board and let the display soak into their minds through osmosis / diffusion or ask a question as a plenary)
The set of images and questions can be printed smaller and students and given to groups of students who turn them face down and turn two over, an image and a question, which they then answer. This game works well and makes the question and required practical more random (like the exam).
Font size is set at 80 pt so that it can be seen at about 10 feet away (Approx 72 pt per 10 ft of distance is the rule)
I hope you find this resource useful
Thank you for reading this far.
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My shop with free and paid resources is at:
This a Chemistry resource aimed at KS4 (and upper KS3) with 6 different concept maps for students to complete. It includes 1. Atoms, Elements, 2.Development of the Atom, 3. Development of Periodic Table and 4. Groups 7 and 0, 5. Group 1 and Transition Metals and 6. Mass, size and Electronic Structure.
Check out a free one (Development of the Atom) to try before you consider buying the full resource at:
It gives students incomplete concept maps for them to complete and complete ones to check against. The complete ones have images to aid memory.
It is based on AQA but can be used by other boards. It can be used in 1 lesson, but is better over a series of revision lessons, given as a graphic organiser, homework or as a plenary.
The resource contains sheets for more or less able and answer sheets for students to peer or self assess.
Please check out my shop for more free and paid for resources at:
Please comment.
I hope you find this resource useful.
This is a fun but educational Firework / Bonfire night resource aimed at KS3 and KS4, which teaches safety, flame tests, flame emission spectroscopy, energy stores, data handling and wavelength drawing. The lesson lasts approx 1 hour, longer if you do all the activities. It’s fun but educational.
It contains:
Technicians Notes/Ordering/Links to Hazcards
Lesson Plan
Answers to questions for self/peer marking.
Student method and results table sheet
Learning Objectives-related to the specification (just in case management suspect you are having fun for no good reason). (KS3/4)
Safety Activity-Students are asked to suggest the precautions that need to be taken when carrying out this practical. (KS3)
Practical-Simple flame test of 6 metal solutions (KS3/4) with method sheet and questions
Energy Stores-Students have a fill in the gaps and a list of the energy stores to help them (KS4)
Flame Emission Spectroscopy-This is a lining up activity, where students need to recognise which line is which metal. Asking the students to label each line with a letter to prove it (KS3/4)
Waves-This simple activity asks them to judge the wavelength of waves to show the colour (KS3/4)
Data-This activity is to test their evaluation skills using data on the metal salts they have just used and their inclusion in a firework.(KS3/4)
Please check out my shop with free and paid resources at:
Thank you and enjoy.
Please comment if you find this resource useful.
Updated to include a Chemistry version on Thiosulfate and a Physics based on IV Characteristics
This organiser is designed to help students before, during or after the required practical activites. It is designed to be used with KS4, but may be used with higher ability KS3. It covers all of AQA’s glossary of key terms and working scientifically that links with the required practcials. It cover approx 40 of the keywords associated with the Required Practical part of the course.
Terms covered: Accuracy, calibration, data, error, measurement error, anomalies, random error, systematic error, zero error, evidence, fair test, hypothesis, interval, precision, prediction, range, repeatable, reproducible, resolution, resolution, sketch graph, true value, uncertainty, validity, valid conclusion, variables, categoric, continuous, control, dependent, independent, risk, hazard and control.
Included are an Animated Power Point where each box appears in order. A colour coded Power Point (for editing) and PDF version and black and white versions.
There are three versions, one based around Osmosis to be used during Biology required practicals and one based around Thiosulfate to be used during Chemistry Required Practicals and one based around IV Characteristsics.
To see a basic version of this (but with no examples) click here:
To see how they are used check out the free Osmosis Required Practical (but with this resource taken out):
Please also check out the free IV Characteristics Required Practical (but with this resource taken out):
Designed to help students understanding of key words and as a help sheet to answer questions on the Required Practicals/How Science Works part of the exam.
It can be given to students as a helpsheet/placemat when planning/analysing required practicals or as a homework aid/help sheet or placed on the wall as a large Poster(s).
It is also numbered so that students follow the correct order when planning the practicals.
More required free and paid required practical resources can be downloaded from my shop at:
Please comment.
I hope you find it useful.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including recognising hazards, safety, method and analysing results. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
15 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including recognising hazards, safety, method, and analysing results. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
20 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This is a bundle of nine required practicals (or three for £2 see below) that can be done at home (with adult permission/supervision) for this time during whilst students are working from home (Chromatography, Density, Force and Extension, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Insulation, Waves, Field Investigations, Osmosis, Plant Response and Reaction Time).
This is all the required practicals that can safely be done at home with household equipment.
It includes all the necessary information, worksheets and powerpoints for students (all files are included in pdf format for easier home access).
If you just want three that can be done at home, click here:
For more information click on the resource.
For more resources (free and paid) click here:
Thank you
This is a sheet with the stages of a Time of Flight (TOF) Mass Spectrometer, including the main stages Vapourisation, Acceleration, Ion Drift, Electric Field, Detector and Mass Spectrum.
It is available as a pdf. For the full resource on Mass Spectrometry and the Calculations click here:
For a range of free and paid resources (mainly GCSE at the moment) please take a look at my shop.
Please comment if you find it useful.
Thank you.
This is a 90 mark (90 mins) KS4 mock exam paper with indvidually graded GCSE style questions with mark scheme or ppt answer walkthrough (for in class self assessment). It covers the topics: Development of the Atom/Periodic table, Group 1, 7, 0 and Transition Metals, Atomic Masses and Size of Atoms and Mixtures. It was designed with AQA in mind but can be used by other boards.
Exam paper
Mark Scheme with Grade boundaries
Animated ppt answer walk through
Student self-evaluation Sheet with graded question grid.
Spreadsheet analysis of scores
It is fully editable if you wish to make the exam out of 60 or 45 for shorter revision lessons.
If you wish to look at shop for other free and paid for resources click here:
Thank you.
This Chemistry resource is aimed at KS3 (or lower ability KS4). It last an hour approximately and has 4 group challenges and a whole class challenge at the end. It includes audio instructions from the Periodic Table Master who challenges the students to solve his fiendish clues and try to escape where none have done before.
Please use this resource responsibly as it’s a bit scary.
If you want a less scary version try:
It includes:
Lesson Plan with ideas for how to increase the atmosphere in the room (it doesn’t need a lab)
Clues for students to find elements, their symbols and their position on the Periodic Table in terms of periods and groups.
It also uses their knowledge of reactivity of groups 1 and 7 for solving some of the clues.
Sound of the voice of the Periodic Table master to increase the realism.
An evaluation at the end to judge which parts of the escape room (curriculum) they found easy/hard.
Please comment.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Thank You.
This Chemistry resource is used with KS4 students, it is designed to ask 9-1 exam style questions on differences between Transition Metals and Group 1. It lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes answers for peer or self assessment.
If you would like to try a free sample of a similar lesson to this before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Comparing and Contrasting using Venn Diagram
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 7 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid Understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
I hope you find this resource useful, for more Periodic table resources, please check out my shop with FREE and paid resources at:
Please comment if you have found this resource useful
Thank you
This resource is a graded (levelled) collection of all the questions from the recent AQA paper (F and H 2019) divided into Foundation and Higher and all 10 AQA topics: Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes, Energy changes, The rate and extent of chemical change, Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere and Using resources.
Each question has been summarised, graded, coded (from the specification) and colour coded for AO1, 2 or 3.
This can be used when planning/revising with students so they have an idea what grade they are working at.
A sample (free) is here to check out, before you decide whether to buy or not:
For a list of grades and how I decided on the grading (free), click here:
For more resources free and paid for, please check out:
Thank you.
Please comment if you have found this useful.
This lesson is educational (but fun) that can be used as a normal lesson, but also as an end of term revision lesson. It is aimed at KS3 or lower ability KS4. It lasts approximately 1 hour and has 4 group challenges and a whole class challenge at the end. No knowledge of the Periodic table needed, but if they have, it can be used as a revision lesson.
It is a science lesson version of my Escape Room Periodic Table lesson (for the same price) that can be found here (be careful it’s a bit scary):
It includes:
Lesson Plan (it doesn’t need a lab)
Clues for students to find elements, their symbols and their position on the Periodic Table in terms of periods and groups.
Problem solving challenges
Fun Game of Splat at the end.
It also uses their knowledge of reactivity of groups 1 and 7 for solving some of the clues.
Please comment.
I hope you find this resource useful.
Thank You.
This Chemistry GCSE resource is aimed at KS4 AQA. It includes 9-1 exam style questions and lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes model answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Matching words, images and definitions
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid Understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
I hope you find this resource useful.
For other free and paid resources, please check out my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This Chemistry resource is used with KS4 students, it is designed to ask 9-1 exam style questions on differences between Halogens and Noble gases. It lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other revision lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Classifying Spoof Elements into group 7 and 0
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
I hope you find this resource useful.
Please check out other free and paid for resources at my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This is a reward questionnaire to ask students the best way to reward them in the classroom. The second sheet can be used generically so that students delete from their sheet the rewards that they don’t need or like.
This is a simple list of 10 questions on ionisation energy with answers and It is part of a much larger resource which can be found here:
It asks students to:
Write full equations for the first or subsequent ionisations of an atom
Work out which ionisation is shown in an equation
Useful as a quick recap or starter when doing ionisation energy over two lessons.
For more free (and paid) resources, please check out my shop here:
Hope you find it useful.
Thank you.