I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
This is a bundle of three required practicals (or nine for £5 see below) that can be done at home (with adult permission/supervision) for this time during lockdown to help during this time (Chromatography, Reaction Time and Specific Heat Capacity). It includes all the necessary information, worksheets and powerpoints for students (all files are included in pdf format for easier home access).
For more information click on the resource.
If you want nine required practicals that can be done at home, click here:
For more resources (free and paid) click here:
Thank you
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1.50 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This is a compilation of booklets produced to help students studying for the Foundation level AQA Biology GCSE. They can be used in class or at home. They come with PowerPoints to show in class if needed.
They cover:
Infection and Response
Variation and Evolution
I used them in a behaviour unit as attendance affected learning/ I felt students could start where they left off and take the booklet home for revision at the end.
For more information click on the resources below or check out my shop for more free (and paid) resources:
Thank you.
This updated Biology resource now has individual 9-1 graded exam style questions to assess students levels. It is used with KS4 and is designed to ask questions on Working Scientifically and the Maths calculations that are involved. These exam style questions with model answers are adapted from AQA past papers. They are normally used post practical as assessment / revision / homework, but can be used during as well or a cover lesson.
This contains all the Required Practicals in Biology in one place: Osmosis, Decay, Enzymes, Field Investigations, Food Tests, Microbiology, Photosynthesis, Plant Response and Reaction Times.
It also includes the Required Practical Graphic Orgainser helpsheet (worth £1) that will help the students answer the questions in these resources.
Each required practical resource comes as a 5 Power Point slide to project in lessons and a PDF version for printing. It has two sheets of questions and two sheets of answers allowing for students to self or peer assess. On the top right hand corner of the sheet the students can identify areas where they need to improve so that teachers can easily see which section they are having trouble with.
Each sheet assesses students skills including interpreting the data, calculations, remembering the Health and Safety and suggesting ways of improving the experiment.
Key concepts covered are types of error and rarer ones such as validity, reproducibility and repeatability.
Each question slide has Blooms Style Learning Objectives for whole class focused learning.
If you wish to check out a free sample (Osmosis) to see if this resource is useful to you, before you buy, click here:
For a Bundle with the Physics and Chemistry versions. Click here:
Thank you for reading.
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This KS3 biology resource can be used as a homework, end of topic revision sheet or cover lesson that has questions related to animal and plant cells and reproduction, microscopes, fitness and diet. It has over 40 questions linked to Bloom’s taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences. Teacher’s can choose activities or homeworks for the class linked to ability and/or learning style, or let students choose themselves!
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1.50 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (Required Practical Graphic Organiser worth £1.50 from my shop) based on IV Characteristics
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a FREE sample similar to this before you buy, the I-V Characteristics one is free here:
If you want the FREE version of the questions only (my most downloaded resource) they are here:
If you want a bundle of ALL the Physics Practicals, click here:
If you ONLY want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including recognising hazards, safety, method, analysing results, recognising types of errors, and how to determine the concentration of the acid in mol/dm3 and g/dm3. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
25 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
Now added a 1 hour Atoms and Periodic Table Exam Paper (£3 separately)
This Chemistry contains all 6 Revision lessons on Atomic Structure and Periodic Table with all aspects of the specification covered with questions and model answers.
I have taken all the AQA “Students must be able to…” statements and designed exam style questions and revision activities around them.
If you would like a free sample to try before you buy click here:
It also includes a Graphic Organiser / Display / Booklet of all the keywords in this topic.
If you want the esam paper separately, click here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
This booklet covers the basics of the Inheritance topic for KS4, it can also be used with upper KS3 students. It contains 11 content pages where on each page is a keyword and definition, an image, example and some simple questions and an extension question and/or project activity.
It comes with an interactive Power Point to guide the students through the booklet.
There is a punnett square activity to help the students understand how they work including sex determination, small/tall plants and sweet/sour fruit.
All the information is there in the booklet so that at the end they have a complete booklet to take home and hopefully revise from.
To see if this resource is for you, I have produced a free Infection and response booklet for free here (with emphasis on corona Virus)
This includes links to a paid for ecology booklet and activities.
Please check out my shop for more free and paid resources:
Thank you. Please Comment if you found this resource useful.
This booklet covers the Ecology topic at KS4, but maybe suitable for some KS3. It contains 15 pages where on each page is a keyword and definition, an image, example and some simple questions and a simple extension question.
It also contains a Power Point which circles key points to show the students where to look in their booklets and help them understand the ideas and processes.
Also included are two interactive activities, one on population changes in an ecosystem and one on land use and effects on food production.
These activities are simple, but challenge the student to give reasons for their choices.
This booklet also has project activities on each page for students to work on home at.
All the information is there in the booklet so that at the end they have a complete booklet to take home and hopefully revise from.
To see if this resource is for you, i have produced a free booklet on infection and response (with a focus on the Corona Virus) here:
Other booklets are available in my shop (see link below)
Please check out my shop for more free and paid resources:
Thank you. Please Comment if you found this resource useful.
This Chemistry GCSE resource is aimed at KS4 AQA. It includes 9-1 exam style questions and lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes model answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Matching words, images and definitions
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid Understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
I hope you find this resource useful.
For other free and paid resources, please check out my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This Chemistry resource is used with KS4 students, it is designed to ask 9-1 exam style questions on differences between Halogens and Noble gases. It lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other revision lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Classifying Spoof Elements into group 7 and 0
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
I hope you find this resource useful.
Please check out other free and paid for resources at my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This Chemistry resource is aimed at KS3 (or lower ability KS4). It last an hour approximately and has 4 group challenges and a whole class challenge at the end. It includes audio instructions from the Periodic Table Master who challenges the students to solve his fiendish clues and try to escape where none have done before.
Please use this resource responsibly as it’s a bit scary.
If you want a less scary version try:
It includes:
Lesson Plan with ideas for how to increase the atmosphere in the room (it doesn’t need a lab)
Clues for students to find elements, their symbols and their position on the Periodic Table in terms of periods and groups.
It also uses their knowledge of reactivity of groups 1 and 7 for solving some of the clues.
Sound of the voice of the Periodic Table master to increase the realism.
An evaluation at the end to judge which parts of the escape room (curriculum) they found easy/hard.
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This is a 90 mark (90 mins) KS4 mock exam paper with indvidually graded GCSE style questions with mark scheme or ppt answer walkthrough (for in class self assessment). It covers the topics: Development of the Atom/Periodic table, Group 1, 7, 0 and Transition Metals, Atomic Masses and Size of Atoms and Mixtures. It was designed with AQA in mind but can be used by other boards.
Exam paper
Mark Scheme with Grade boundaries
Animated ppt answer walk through
Student self-evaluation Sheet with graded question grid.
Spreadsheet analysis of scores
It is fully editable if you wish to make the exam out of 60 or 45 for shorter revision lessons.
If you wish to look at shop for other free and paid for resources click here:
Thank you.
This resource contains keywords, images and definitions (see below for all 60 keywords covered). It is aimed at KS4, but can be used with upper KS3. The resource can be used as a matching activity, a booklet for revision or display (more uses described below).
It can be used in several ways:
As a whole class activity: The Power Point version is animated so that it puts the image on first, followed by the keyword, then the definition. In this way, students can be shown the image and asked what the keyword is, then are asked what the definition is.
The Interactive Power Point has all the keywords linked to the slide with that definition. It also contains a back to the previous slide button so that you can back to the word you were discussing.
The Interactive Keyword Power Point at beginning has all the keywords on the second slide. Click to link to that slide, then click the Home button to go back-Use when referring to certain words that students have difficulty with.
As a display around the room.
Printed smaller and given to the students as a keyword booklet or Graphic Organiser to revise from.
Memory game: Printed smaller and cut out, turned over and the students turn a card over and ask the other students in their group to give the definition when given the word, or vice versa.
Cut the titles off and the image, place them all around the room, give the student one piece and ask them to find the other two parts tjhat go with it.
The presentation has all the keywords in order of when they are mentioned in the AQA Specification.
The Keywords are:
Atom, Element, Chemical Symbol, Periodic Table, Compound, Chemical Reaction, Energy Change, Chemically combine, Proportion, Formula, Word Equations, Symbol Equations, Balanced, Ion, Half Equation, Ionic Equation, Separation, Filtration, Crystallisation, Distillation, Fractional Distillation, Chromatography, Purification, Chemical Properties, Model, Electron, Plum Pudding Model, Alpha Particle Scattering Experiment, Nucleus, Nuclear Model, Orbit, Protons, Neutrons, Charge, Relative, Isotopes, Atomic Mass, Nanometres, Percentage Abundance, Energy Levels/Shells, Electronic Structure, Groups, periods, Atomic Weight, Metals, Mendeleev’s Periodic table, Non-metals, Noble gases/Group 0, Trend/Pattern, Alkali Metals/Group 1, Halogens/Group 7, Molecule, Displacement, Aqueous, Salt, Solution, Transition Metals, Density, Hardness and Reactivity.
*New Keywords added: Atomic Number, Mixtures, Physical properties, Scattering and Shielding
Please comment with any suggestions for improvements or other ideas for resources.
I hope you find this resource useful.
This is a lesson that explains to KS4 students the importance of Avogadro’s number and Moles. It gives definitions of the mole and Avogadro’s constant, that are important for exams. It is based around the OCR scheme of work, but will work on other syllabus for explaining what a mole is and how to use it in calculations.
15 page ppt slide inc lesson objectives, starter and plenary questions
3 pages of questions on Mole, Mass or Avogadro’s number
Answers to worksheet for peer/self assessment.
I hope you find this useful
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This is a reward questionnaire to ask students the best way to reward them in the classroom. The second sheet can be used generically so that students delete from their sheet the rewards that they don’t need or like.
These are the new energy stores which have been developed by institute of physics. They are to be used as information sheets to help students understand how stores fill up and empty.
Please take a look at my shop where there are other resources both free and paid
This is an activity and questions which explain how to use the spring equation (Hooke’s Law), and some questions based around how it is useful when bungee jumping.
If you want to look at the Force and Extension Practical with Graded Questions, click here:
I have other free and paid for resources at my shop:
Please comment if you have found this resource useful.