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Sunlight on the Grass Revision Booklet

Sunlight on the Grass Revision Booklet

I designed this for the old AQA specification. Now that the spec is obsolete, some of you might be thinking of turning those stacks and stacks of anthologies into resources for KS3 classes (we certainly are for year 9). As a result, you may find this booklet useful. The booklet is essentially a copy of the entire anthology where on the left hand side of a double page spread you have the text, and on the right hand side you have space for notes. Each story is ended with generic questions and has TWO exam questions for revision purposes. Perfect for planning lessons when you are taking an extended period of time off. Happy reading.
KS3: Escape from Kraznir creative writing pack (my version)

KS3: Escape from Kraznir creative writing pack (my version)

First things first, let me just say that the mind that created the Escape from Kraznir SoW was not mine - wish it was though… You are not buying the SoW (though I do include it as part of the pack so you have a frame of reference), that is available freely elsewhere. What you are buying is the 7 lessons that I created from this SoW and taught to my students. Let me say this - I have never had such a reaction creatively. My gast was well and truly flabbered as to their engagement and the effort they put in. I’ve created a single power point that contains all of the other lessons too - just for those who like continuity. NOTE: I used some of the sound effects from Warcraft 2, but I couldn’t put this up here (Blizzard may have something to say about that). However, you can use your own sound effects and music as and where you see fit (I liked using the Death of Optimus Prime Music from the Transformers Movie (not the Bay versions, the original cartoon version with Unicron) over the top of the farewell aspect in Lesson 2). This is a lot of fun. I promise. Seriously… PS: If you enjoyed this scheme of work, you might be interested in the follow up unit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks3-fantasy-creative-writing-the-return-to-kraznir-12373343
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature - Introduction to Poetry (Heaney)

AQA A-Level English Language and Literature - Introduction to Poetry (Heaney)

My introduction unit for A-Level Language and Literature. It assumes that the academic voices of the students needs sharpening somewhat. I source a lot of stuff from various corners of the net and use it in the power points - pay particular attention to the notes element of the power points by the way. I also include a “model essay” the purpose of which is to get the students to move away from their formulaic essay structures that they have used in their GCSEs. Think of this as a starting point that may need a little shaping to suit the needs of your class.
KS3: SPaG Understanding a Text Lessons (Using Michael Grant's "Gone" series as a stimulus)

KS3: SPaG Understanding a Text Lessons (Using Michael Grant's "Gone" series as a stimulus)

SPAG lessons can get a little flat at times. These are the worksheets I’ve designed to use with my own SPAG group. It is designed to be taught in tandem with a Dystopian Fiction SoW that ends with a reading assessment. Specifically, these lessons focus on an extract taken from Michael Grant’s “Gone” - all extracts taken from the first chapter. The aim is to develop an increased understanding of each text through the asking of more and more complex questions. The tasks can be sat as part of a lesson (I reckon they’ll take most groups between 10-30 minutes depending on the groups setting), or make ideal homework and/or extension tasks. At the moment, the resources are set up to be taught to lower set year 7 students. But, it won’t be too hard to change the tasks to more suitable ones for any set. UPDATE: I’ve included some versions that are more suited to be printed out. They have some basic RAG feedback grids on the back with some generic targets.
AQA English Language Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

AQA English Language Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

Attached is a spreadsheet that does an awful lot of work for you. To summarise, it does the following: Allows for easy collation of GCSE Language marks on a paper by paper basis AND as a whole examination Allows for easy identification of various student demagraphics - EAL, PP and so on Allows you to measure progress against students best, average and last marks across both papers Works out "how many marks" until you hit target grades for individual students Colour codes grades and marks to allow for at a glance progress checks Once you buy this spreadsheet, you will not need to get another LANGUAGE spreadsheet. The document contains instructions on the ARRAY tab as to how to update . Oh, and if you do get this, I suggest you LOCK the individual spreadsheets ASAP: the document is set up to allow you to do this and still enter the data, you just won't be able to accidentally delete any of the coding, thus removing any brain overloads that might ensue. I am using this at my current school and there are several other schools who are using this system with good reports. Happy spread-sheeting! PS - Yes, there is a page that reads exactly the same but for a version that caters for the AQA Literature course. The spreadsheets are different. Here's the link/address to the LITERATURE version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-english-literature-data-collation-spreadsheet-aka-the-machine-11405407
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 1

AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 1

A reintroduction lesson that should be taught with the understanding that the students have read the text beforehand. Designed as an entry point into year 13; ideal for new teachers looking to get the measure of a new class (as in my case). I found this lesson particularly useful when combined with FAR marking the material surrounding the quotations. You should view this as a starting point - future lessons will get much more specific.
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 2 (Soliloquies)

AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 2 (Soliloquies)

My second lesson. Here, I focus almost entirely on ACT 2 SCENE 1 and Iago's soliloquies therein. The notes element of the power point pulls a lot of thinking together from across a lot of sources - you'll need these notes to flesh out the tasks. I tie it up with an exam style question at the end focusing on what we can infer about attitudes to women. Quite pleased with how this looks and how it goes.
AQA Power and Conflict  Poetry Scheme of Work

AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Scheme of Work

One power point per poem and some associated skills. I teach the poems in the order in which they appear in the anthology (except Tissue; I put that one at the end). I follow a pattern with the lessons and source the contextual information from the BBC Bitesize website (and a couple of other places when I get bored of them) - it makes sense as any student that misses out on something can go and find what they need relatively quickly. The material is readily available elsewhere, hence the relatively low price for so many lessons. NOTE: I have upgraded these lessons now. I’ve moved away from endorsing the PEEL style responses - the exam reports indicate clearly this is the thing to do. Additionally, I have included much more of a focus on the POWER themes. Lastly, I have used these poems as a springboard to discuss gender issues - part of this is my attempt to narrow the gender gap at the top end of GCSE English achievement by trying to get the lads to be more engaged with the material. These lessons are designed to work in tandem with my own version of the poetry anthology. At the moment, I have yet to upload the edited version but I shall do so soon. That being said, the power points wouldn’t take much editing to use them with the traditional AQA version. All of the original lessons are included just in case you are still using the PEEL method of building a response.
AQA English Literature Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

AQA English Literature Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

Attached is a spreadsheet that does an awful lot of work for you. To summarise, it does the following: Allows for easy collation of GCSE Literature marks on a paper by paper basis AND as a whole examination Allows for easy identification of various student demagraphics - EAL, PP and so on Allows you to measure progress against students best, average and last marks across both papers Works out "how many marks" until you hit target grades for individual students Colour codes grades and marks to allow for at a glance progress checks Once you buy this spreadsheet, you will not need to get another LITERATURE spreadsheet. The document contains instructions as to how to update the spreadsheet. Oh, and if you do get this, I suggest you LOCK the individual spreadsheets ASAP: the document is set up to allow you to do this and still enter the data, you just won't be able to accidentally delete any of the coding, thus removing any brain overloads that might ensue. Happy spread-sheeting!
KS4: Room 202 Speaking and Listening Presentations, Debates and Discussions

KS4: Room 202 Speaking and Listening Presentations, Debates and Discussions

3 Lessons taken from the old(er) version of the AQA English Language specification (the one where S&L counted towards the grades). I know it counts for nothing now, but it still needs to be done. These three lessons prepare a class to give a presentation OR take part in a discussion about a selected item they would save from the imaginatively named Room 202. Enjoy.
KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

A useful little unit that we put together to fill a 2/3 week gap. It has the students explore pre-1914 material - poetry and prose - and ends with a controlled assessment in the vein of the old AQA English style questions for the Literature paper. Might fill some other gaps out there in shorter half terms.
Gothic Creative Writing KS3 Resource Pack

Gothic Creative Writing KS3 Resource Pack

MASSIVE success with this scheme. Trouble is, what I can’t get on here is the music files I downloaded and threaded into the lessons. If you want to do this, use a site like keepvid.com to download some sinister music - I used the little girls song from ‘The Ring’ and a series of songs from the original QUAKE video game soundtrack (one is literally just a whisper getting louder and louder). I played these sounds over the top of the creative writing assessment and got a decent response (true, one or two of the kids MAY have nightmares…). Best of luck!
D6 Dungeons and Dragons: Creative Writing tool kit - let your students' imagination run wild!

D6 Dungeons and Dragons: Creative Writing tool kit - let your students' imagination run wild!

I am vexed (greatly vexed) at the generally poor quality of creative writing with students these days - they do tend to have a lot of their thinking done for them. Sadly, it seems to be something that is leeched out of them by a combination of an aggressive curriculum and teenage priorities. So, this is my answer - DUNGEONS and DRAGONS (Or D6 Dungeons and Dragons as I am now calling it). Simply put, it's a very simplified version of the original Dungeon's and Dragons - you need only a D6 (One dice), pens, paper and this power point to play. Try it out - I had some huge success with year 8, 9 and 11 classes instead of playing DVDs in the build up to the Christmas Break - it would work just as well for Easter, Summer and stand alone lessons where you have an awkward space to fill. Use this lesson when you are trying to answer this question - how can I teach kids to be more creative? There is some initial effort required on your part though - you will have to be the Dungeon Master in the example - but once you've got past this part, I am willing to bet you could leave the room and the kids won't have noticed. Additionally, I will be creating a series of themed "mission packs" for Christmas, Easter and Summer - you'll have to buy these (they take a while to make), but the start point is yours for free!!! LINK to Christmas Mission Pack - THE CASTLE OF TERROR! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/d6-dungeons-and-dragons-christmas-mission-pack-the-castle-of-terror-11462671