Welcome to my shop. I’m Laura, an experienced teacher with an MA in education and 10+ years experience teaching in the U.K. and Internationally. Now I work with subject matter experts to develop high quality resources that make your life easier.
Welcome to my shop. I’m Laura, an experienced teacher with an MA in education and 10+ years experience teaching in the U.K. and Internationally. Now I work with subject matter experts to develop high quality resources that make your life easier.
**Get the full introduction to Business Studies lesson here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12567622 **
This is an icebreaker bingo activity for a Business Studies lesson.
Encourage students to get to know each other.
**Looking for a fun intro activity? Check out an introduction to business quiz here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/introduction-to-business-studies-quiz-12566121
*Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them.
Introduction to markets marketing lesson for AS Business. This is a free PDF lesson on marketing, market size, market growth etc.
*Please note this is a FREE PDF lesson that is not editable. For the editable version, go here:
This visually appealing approximately one-hour lesson presentation is designed to introduce students to the concept of markets (Lesson 1.1.1 Part One – Business Studies AS Level)
Theory covered over 24 slides:
Market size
Market growth
Market share
Dynamic markets
Online retailing
How markets change
Risk and uncertainty in marketing activities
Check out the other Business Resources in my shop, more are being added all the time.
You may also be interested in:
1.1.1. Part Two - The Market: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-1-1-the-market-edexcel-as-a-level-business-theme-1-12547563
1.1.2 Secondary Research: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-1-2-secondary-research-and-market-product-orientation-edexcel-business-as-a-level-theme-1-12548054
1.1.2 Data and Primary research: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-1-2-data-and-primary-research-as-a-level-business-studies-edexcel-theme-1-12548047
1.1.3 Market segmentation and positioning: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-1-3-market-segmentation-and-positioning-edexcel-as-a-level-business-theme-1-12549148
Free product lifecycle marketing lesson resource - try a segment of one of our marketing lessons before buying a full resource.
This is a FREE non-editable PDF segment of lesson 1.3.5. Marketing strategy, product lifecycle and Boston Matrix
Full 37 slide lesson available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-3-5-marketing-strategy-boston-matrix-product-lifecycle-edexcel-as-a-level-ial-12588027
Or as part of this bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1-3-marketing-mix-and-strategy-bundle-edexcel-business-as-a-level-ial-12588037
This lesson covers the product lifecycle and applies it to a number of real business examples.
This bunting display is designed to cover the AS and A2 command terms for the Edexcel exam board.
Best printed A3
Please check out my other resources, Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Praise postcards home, business studies theme. Postcards motivate business students. Positive reinforcement for business students.
Students love getting positive feedback and these business studies themed postcards are sure to catch their attention.
There are 12 bright postcards featuring different motivational messages - many related to the study of business.
The back of the postcard is a classic design with the message left blank for your own personalisation
Features a PDF document of 12 postcards to ensure great printing
Print double-sided onto card.
Each postcard is A6 sized
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
A-level business essay assessment feedback matrix. Give AS and A-level students assessment objective achievement feedback for longer-answer questions in a way in which they can easily track their progress.
This is an editable (word doc) ‘traffic light’ assessment matrix that allows you to give individualised feedback more quickly.
The A4 page contains a highlightable or tickable grid with detailed feedback relating to the individual assessment objectives of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation.
Students can be marked ‘developing’, ‘gaining confidence’ or expert against each assessment objective.
There is also a section for additional teacher feedback, student response and student target setting - this is a really detailed assessment tool promoting student-led improvement and metacognition.
This was developed for use teaching Cambridge international A-levels and Edexcel A-levels but should be useful for other exam boards too,
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Totally aligned to the course specification and learning objectives
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Please check out my other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Business Studies business sectors, sectors of the economy case study and discussion questions. Activity for GCSE and AS business lesson.
This is an original 2 page case study to support the teaching of business sectors/ sectors of the economy in Business Studies and/ or Economics.
The case study explores the operations of the company De Beers, and explains how the company operates in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy.
There are 3 discussion questions at the end - these could be turned into written tasks if desired.
This case study has been created specifically to teach the theory of sectors of the economy and would be appropriate to be used as a class activity for GCSE and AS study and international specifications (Cambridge, IB).
The resource includes word, PDF and sources of information documents.
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Suitable for a range of courses and specifications
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
10 business studies classroom display posters with entrepreneur quotes on them. Use these posters to brighten up your business classroom.
Set of 10 motivating entrepreneur quote posters for the Business Studies classroom. Would also make a good tutor room display to motivate students.
Posters have been designed to print off up to A3 size and comes in a PDF format.
Get me as part of a bundle of 8 business display resources and save money and even more time: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12896722
Designed by a highly experienced, outstanding Business Studies teacher and graphic designer - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
This is a bright and eye-catching collection of posters of all 28 Edexcel IAL, AS and A2 Business formulae to use as a display to brighten up your classroom. This resource also features a PDF handout.
The PDF resource has been designed using a design programme so is not editable, but will print up to and including A3 size.
These formulae are ideally suited to the Edexcel AS/ A2 and IAL course but may also work for other AS/A2/ GCSE Business courses
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Totally aligned to the course specification and learning objectives for Edexcel AS/A2 Business Studies
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Marketing christmas activity. This is a fun Business Studies Marketing christmas lesson group activity for your class.
Suitable across the range of specifications. No prior knowledge required! Probably more suited to GCSE teaching.
Relates to the marketing unit so could be used during the teaching of this unit or as a revision activity.
The lesson is based around a brief - a snack company wants you to come up with a new special edition Christmas crisp flavour and a 30 second advert to win a bid to work with them.
The activity is detailed on a thorough task sheet with success criteria, and there is also a peer-evaluation form.
Would make a good cover lesson - just print out and go!
What’s included:
Task brief
Success criteria
Business theory questions related to the task
Teacher instructions sheet
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Suitable for a range of courses and specifications
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
This is a colourful collection of posters of 32 common Business Studies formulas - the resource contains 6 different designs to choose from or mix and match
The PDF resource has been designed using a design programme so is not editable, but will print up to and including A3 size.
These formulae posters are suitable for GCSE, AS and A2 study, depending on which ones you display
Get me as part of a bundle of 8 business display resources and save money and even more time: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12896722
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Totally aligned to the course specification and learning objectives for Edexcel AS/A2 Business Studies
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Business studies cover lesson to use in an emergency when preparation not possible. Business cover lesson worksheets are in an 8 page activity booklet for independent work. Answers included.
This is an 8 page lesson activity booklet designed to be ‘ready-to-go’ no matter where you are in the specification. Suitable across the range of specifications and age levels. No prior knowledge required!
For ease of printing use the PDF - the word document is fully editable
The lesson is based around a brief - a burger van based in the UK is expanding by opening a second burger van in a new location.
Activities incorporate theory from across the spec in an accessible way. This lesson touches on:
business ownership
business expansion
external issues
It includes key terms and clear tasks so students of all levels should be able to access the learning.
Perfect for emergencies or those times you’re not able to plan something, this activity booklet can be worked through independently and at the pace of the individual student.
This content may last longer than 1 hour so can be set to be finished for homework.
Lesson features:
LOs and key terms
Task brief
Case study and questions
Budgeting task
Promotional writing to inform and persuade task
Peer evaluation
External issues - interpreting the impact of headlines on the business task
Answers on a separate document
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Suitable for a range of courses and specifications
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Introduction to business studies. Quiz for introducing GCSE or AS business studies to your students. First business lesson. No prior knowledge needed.
This is a fully editable and visually appealing 44 question PowerPoint introduction to Business Studies quiz.
This fun and engaging quiz contains 44 questions that are accessible for students who haven’t studied business before.
This is a good introductory activity to give students confidence that they already have some awareness of the world of business - or to get them interested in the topic.
The sections of the quiz are:
Name the business
Guess the logo
Multiple choice - common business terms and theory
Picture round
True or false?
You can present the quiz in a variety of ways to teams or individual players. The answers are given at the end of the quiz.
An answer sheet is provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers.
The quiz is suitable for all ability levels due to the highly visual nature of the slides and the variety of rounds means there should be something for everyone - if you have a mix of student abilities a team quiz format is recommended.
Economics classroom display on the topic of careers for Economics students. Display posters show potential careers and pathway for Economics students.
This is a visually appealing collection of 10 careers for economists posters to use as a display to brighten up your classroom.
The posters can be displayed with the smaller snippets of information around them (see image) and would look great laminated.
The resource comes as a PDF due to the use of purchased fonts and will print up to and including A3 size. The resource may be able to be printed in larger sizes without losing print quality - please email me (see below) if you have any issues.
These business careers posters have been developed using information found on the National Careers Service website. All images have an appropriate license.
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding teacher and former head of careers - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Promote careers to your students that build on the skills and knowledge learnt in class
Please check out our other resources – new resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
This is a 7 page lesson activity booklet designed to be ‘ready-to-go’ no matter where you are in the marketing unit. Suitable across the range of specifications and age levels. No prior knowledge required!
The lesson is based around a brief - a chocolate company wants to develop a new chocolate bar to appeal to a younger market to combat declining sales.
It includes key terms and clear tasks so students don’t need to have existing knowledge of marketing to complete it.
Perfect for emergencies or those times you’re not able to plan something, this activity booklet can be worked through independently and at the pace of the individual student.
This content may last longer than 1 hour so can be set to be completed for homework.
Lesson features:
LOs and key terms
Task brief
Case study and questions
Interpreting market research results
Designing a new product (chocolate bar) and packaging based on market research results
Peer evaluation
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Suitable for a range of courses and specifications
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Business christmas 2023 quiz developed by an expert business teacher. 50 unique business and christmas themed questions - subject specific not general knowledge.
This is a fully editable, fun and visually appealing, 50 question PowerPoint Christmas quiz with Business Studies theme.
Please note this quiz is a slightly updated version of my 2022 business christmas quiz - if you have previously bought the Christmas quiz just login and download it again. No need to purchase again. If you have any issues, please email me: stresslessresources@gmail.com
The theory covered is basic - should be relevant no matter where you are in the spec or what spec you’re teaching from.
This fun and engaging quiz contains 50 questions of varying challenge related to the study of business.
The sections of the quiz are:
Entrepreneurs at Christmas - identify the entrepreneur hidden in the Christmas scene
The business of Christmas
Santa’s little helper - give Santa business advice - covers basic business theory
Christmas crackers - multi-choice round - facts about businesses
Unwrapped questions - open box to reveal a gift - question related to the product inside.
You can present the quiz in a variety of ways to teams or individual players but I would suggest playing as a team for even more fun!
Answers come at the end of the quiz.
An answer sheet is provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers.
It’s a light-hearted quiz so it’s suitable for all ability levels and the variety of rounds means there should be something for everyone - if you have a mix of student abilities a team quiz format is recommended.
26 A-Z Business Studies keywords posters for business class display. Includes commonly used business key terms in alphabetical order in poster format to brighten up the business classroom.
The PDF resource has been designed using a design programme so is not editable, but will print up to and including A3 size. Could print bigger without losing quality but I haven’t been able to test this.
These commonly referenced key terms are found across different specifications and curricula.
Get me as part of a bundle of 8 business display resources and save money and even more time: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12896722
I’m also available as part of a smaller package of 5 business display resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12896713
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Christmas countdown activities for 12 business lessons. PPT includes 12 christmas business activities to get ready for the xmas break.
This is a fully editable PPT ‘countdown the lessons to Christmas’ advent calendar with 12 different fun Business activities that can be used as is (covers intro to business and marketing) or easily adapted to wherever your learners are in the spec.
Use the activities as starters, plenaries or during the lessons. They make good revision activities for the introduction to business and marketing units.
Click on the door to be taken to the corresponding activity for that day.
Activities include:
pass the parcel
self-evaluation Christmas cards
And much more…
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Suitable for a range of courses and specifications
Looking for a Business-themed Christmas quiz too? Check this out: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/business-christmas-quiz-2021-50-fun-questions-12595462
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
This is a visually appealing collection of 12 Careers in Business posters to use as a display to brighten up your classroom.
There are two different formats to download - informational posters and more visual posters with select information.
The resource comes as a PDF
The PDF resource includes special fonts so is not editable, but will print up to and including A3 size.
Get me as part of a bundle of 8 business display resources and save money and even more time: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12896722**
These business careers posters have been developed using information found on the National Careers Service website. All images have an appropriate license.
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Promote careers to your students that build on the skills and knowledge learnt in class
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.
Advertising above-the-line promotion lesson - marketing mix. AS Business Lesson on advertising and promotional methods.
This visually appealing lesson presentation (PPT) with activities is designed to introduce students to the concept of above-the-line promotion/ advertising (Lesson 1.3.2 Part One – Edexcel Business Studies AS IAL Level)
Theory covered over 30 slides:
What is promotion?
Aims of promotion
The difference between above-the-line and below-the-line promotion
Advertising media
Suitability of different advertising media in different contexts
Lesson features:
Starter activity
Key terms from textbook clearly highlighted
‘Challenge yourself’ extension activities throughout
2 x multichoice knowledge check ‘mini-plenaries’ for continuous assessment
Case study with discussion question
Designed by a highly experienced outstanding Business Studies teacher - the work has been done, so put your feet up!
Totally aligned to the course specification and learning objectives
Stimulating visual design that should appeal to all learners and help support SEN/ EAL learners
Easy to edit off-the-shelf resource
Please check out our other resources – new Business Studies resources are being added all the time.
Making resources is my passion and I would be so grateful if you could leave a review so that I can keep making them. As a thanks, if you leave a review, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as the resource you purchased. Just email stresslessresources@gmail.com with your user name, the resource you reviewed and the resource you would like for free and I will share it with you.