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Learning First Resources

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Sharing Resources to develop understanding of the new AQA Language and Literature Spec. Some differentiated resources to assist Lower Ability Pupils. Homework booklets to consolidate understanding of exam papers. Self and Peer Assessment strategies to engage students in their own learning.




Sharing Resources to develop understanding of the new AQA Language and Literature Spec. Some differentiated resources to assist Lower Ability Pupils. Homework booklets to consolidate understanding of exam papers. Self and Peer Assessment strategies to engage students in their own learning.
AQA Lit - The Charge of the Light Brigade

AQA Lit - The Charge of the Light Brigade

Lesson plan which follows a similar format to others in the cluster; activities are based around the annotation of a differentiated copy of the poem. There are opportunities throughout the lesson to link to context (AO3) with regards the war and the emotion/pride of the brigade.
AQA Lit - Exposure - Wilfred Owen

AQA Lit - Exposure - Wilfred Owen

A lesson which focuses on the Power and Conflict cluster poem 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen as part of AQA Lit - Paper 2 - Section B Includes; - activities to engage with the theme and tone of the poem - differentiated copy of the poem to annotate - writing frame - opportunity to self/peer assess - reference to AO's as part of a skill based curriculum - model paragraph linked to a second poem to introduce comparison
AQA English Language Paper 1 - Structure - The Road

AQA English Language Paper 1 - Structure - The Road

A full lesson plan for AQA English Language Paper 1: Question 3 (Structure) including: - Differentiated resource - Extract from 'The Road' - Built in tasks - Success Criteria Differentiated starter to increase engagement
AQA Lit - Unseen Poetry Self/Peer Assessment

AQA Lit - Unseen Poetry Self/Peer Assessment

The clear Success Criteria and visual learning stimulus of the activity mean students can identify strengths and create targets before up leveling responses to the difficult task of Unseen Poetry. These visual successes allow students to build confidence whilst taking part in student led activities and relieving the pressures of marking
AQA Structure - Question 3

AQA Structure - Question 3

Lesson plan focuses on analysing the structure of an extract from 'The Road' - Extract is differentiated and assists in the writing of an effective response to Question 3 of the AQA new spec Language Paper 1 (8 marks) Included in the resource is the Self/Peer Assessment progress counter and Lesson Starter sticker
AQA Paper 1 - Structure Self/Peer Assessment

AQA Paper 1 - Structure Self/Peer Assessment

The Progress Counter allows for measuring explicit progress within Question 3 The use of tangible Success Criteria along with clear instruction lends itself to student led learning which builds confidence and success with exam based skills
Unseen Poetry - Section C - Comparison - Bayonet Charge & Exposure

Unseen Poetry - Section C - Comparison - Bayonet Charge & Exposure

A lesson which focuses on students creating an independent response to a mock Lit Paper 2 - Section C - Unseen Poetry - Comparison question worth 8 marks It uses Bayonet Charge as an unseen poem and compares it with Exposure, a poem studied in a previous lesson There is opportunity to annotate the poem as a group, differentiated starter activity, reference to the mark scheme a success criteria for answering the question, which can easily be adapted to fit your class
Structure - AQA Paper 1 Q3

Structure - AQA Paper 1 Q3

Lesson which looks at the Structure Question of AQA Language Paper 1 (Question 3) Focuses on students annotating and explaining their understanding of how the text 'answers the question' Includes Success Criteria for answering the Structure question and opportunity to Peer Assess (highlighting the importance of reading other peoples work), and up leveling their response.
Self/Peer Assessment tick list

Self/Peer Assessment tick list

Structured activity to highlight strengths and weaknesses in a piece of written work. Success criteria can be adapted, built or given to students along with levels being updated to new spec accordingly
Descriptive writing - varying sentence structure for effect

Descriptive writing - varying sentence structure for effect

The lesson focuses on describing an image to create mood - involves varying sentence structures and including a range of appropriate adjectives Peer Assessment task works brilliantly with students once they are coached - always make students write their name along with strength and target so they can be held accountable for good and bad feedback
Unseen poetry - Success Criteria

Unseen poetry - Success Criteria

A simple, student speak Success Criteria which can be used to self/peer assess a response to AQA Lit - New Spec - Section C - Unseen Poetry Gives students tangible things to include which can be measured to monitor progress
Comparison - Hunger Games

Comparison - Hunger Games

This worksheet develops student's ability to compare; a skill which is at the forefront of the new AQA Literature Spec The she can be used as a class or homework task and focuses on prompting the use of: - Relevant Quotes and Textual Detail - Appropriate structure - Connectives
Writing to Describe - AQA Paper 1 Section B

Writing to Describe - AQA Paper 1 Section B

This is an activity for students to create an extended piece of writing based on an image. The focus is to write to describe, in line with AQA Language Paper 1 - Section B There are visual prompts as to what to describe, along with a guided steps to success Can be used in conjunction with Self/Peer Assessment tasks and as a home learning activity
Poetry - Simon Armitage - Those Bastards in Their Mansions - AQA Literature

Poetry - Simon Armitage - Those Bastards in Their Mansions - AQA Literature

This is a resource consisting of Lesson Plan, Differentiated/Annotated poem and sentence stems to scaffold, along with a planning worksheet focusing on the Language Features within the poem Although AQA specification warns away from feature spotting, the focus allows students to develop an understanding, and explain the effectiveness, of language devices . Sentence stems prompt students to develop a sense of how to structure a response to poetry
Analysing Structure - AQA Paper 1

Analysing Structure - AQA Paper 1

A resource which analyses an extract from Sherlock Holmes a Sign of Four with a focus on structure (AQA Lang Paper 1 - Question 3) Source is differentiated and task is appraised with a Peer Assessment task
Creative Writing Re-draft Place-mat

Creative Writing Re-draft Place-mat

A re-drafting place-mat which can be adapted to suit all classes - add up your points to up level your work and earm your 'exit pass' - Different skills are worth different points
AQA Lit - Paper 2 - Section B - Self-Assessment

AQA Lit - Paper 2 - Section B - Self-Assessment

An activity for self-assessing a response to Section B of Paper 2 on the new AQA lit spec. Allows students to relate to a tangible success criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in a response and up level to meet targets. Demonstrates explicit progress in the classroom and homework if appropriate
Descriptive Writing task/scaffold

Descriptive Writing task/scaffold

A simple activity which prompts students to look at the whole picture, focusing on different aspects for their descriptive writing piece. The lesson prompts students to include learned skills within each paragraphs. Useful for HW or cover work.
GCSE Language - Lexical Fields

GCSE Language - Lexical Fields

Lesson plan with activities, sentence stems and Success Criteria to answering AQA Language paper 1 - Question 2 - Language Analysis Focuses on the use of Lexical Fields to answer the first bullet point of the question: Comment on words and phrases