This simple placemat has various activities to complete regarding the topic of human lungs and gas exchange. Pupils can fill in the placemat whilst working to show their knowledge of the subject matter.
A simple power-point to show the various methods of learning that we use every day in our lives. This includes details on how we use the different learning styles. Could be used as a short demonstration.
This document contains forty-five questions of various thinking levels. In total the exam has 167 marks allocated across the questions. The geometry ranges from graphical questions to the analysis of shapes. From quite basic considering tangents on shapes to more difficult working out of coordinates.
This worksheet covers the topics of an acid reacting with bases and the process of electrolysis of an acid. The questions cover a total of twelve marks and the answer sheet is included. Various questioning styles are used.
This worksheet concentrates on the processes of breaking down an acid. With questions on electrolysis and testing the products of the reaction. Extra questions include the use of acids and balancing equations. An answer sheet is provided.
A worksheet covering the pH change in an investigation. Students will consider the reasons behind change in pH. The worksheet is aimed at lower grades in High school or as a revision task for upper age students. An answer sheet is provided.
This worksheet is designed to cover some simple chemical reactions of magnesium compounds. Including magnesium oxide with sulfuric acid and measuring the hardness of water in an investigation. Their are twelve marks available in the worksheet and an answer sheet is provided.
This power-point lesson covers the topic of waves. From the basic construction of waves to the varying types of wave. With learning objectives including calculating wave frequency, naming waves by their movement and describing the parts and structure of waves. Various activities and critical thinking questions are also included in the lesson.
This power-point lesson covers the topic of calculating the frequency, the wavelength and the speed of waves. The lesson covers as well as calculations a review of frequency and wavelength concepts. Exam style questions are used to reinforce the use of the correct equation.
This power-point lesson covers the topic of acceleration. With sections of the lesson relating to the correct terms to use when discussing acceleration, to the calculation of acceleration and the correct units to use to show acceleration.
This lesson covers the topic of speed and velocity. With various activities for students and having lesson objectives that include the following, calculating average speed and velocity and using the correct terms when describing speed and velocity.
The lesson introduces the concept of how motion in a straight line can be analyzed. With learning objectives covering the following, using the correct terms to describe motion, calculating simple displacement and creating diagrams to show simple straight line motion.
The lesson has various activities and questions ranging in ability.
This lesson covers the topic of diet and its associated diseases. With learning objectives covering the following ideas, naming several problems associated with human diet, reviewing uses of the food groups in the human body and identifying differences between deficiencies and over consumption of foods.
The lesson has several different activities and question sets all at various ability levels.
This lesson covers the topic of digestive enzymes. With learning objectives such as:
Describing the enzyme ‘lock and key’ action.
Naming enzyme production sites.
Identifying the main types of enzymes.
The lesson is in power-point and has various activities during its running time of one hour.
This lesson covers the topic of Gravitational potential energy. With learning objectives such as creating diagrams showing GPE in action and calculating the GPE of an object at different heights.
This lesson comes in a power-point format with many different learning styles.
This lesson covers the topic of carbohydrates.
With objectives such as, describing the basic structure of a carbohydrate molecule, distinguishing between protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate molecules and the functions of Carbohydrates in Human bodies.
This is a Power-point lesson.
This test covers the topics of light and electricity for ages 11-14. The test has questions related to static electricity, circuits and light wavelengths. The test has sixty marks allocated to it spread over six questions.
A full mark scheme is also included.
This test covers the topic of astronomy, with sections on the correct terminology, definitions and locations of objects in the galaxy. The test has sixty marks allocated to it over four separate questions. A full answer scheme is included.
This PowerPoint lesson covers the topic of Alkanes. It introduces the structure and basic facts regarding the chemicals. With objectives to complete such as:
This is a general science test aimed for ages 11-14.
The test has fifty marks allocated to it over five questions.
The test has the following topics covered, ACIDS / BASES / FORCES / STATIC ELECTRICITY.