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Teacher's Take-Out Shop

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I am a certified teacher in Phoenix, Arizona. I've been teaching for over 16 years. I've taught 1st-4th grades. I am now running my own tutoring business.




I am a certified teacher in Phoenix, Arizona. I've been teaching for over 16 years. I've taught 1st-4th grades. I am now running my own tutoring business.
Sequence Cut and Paste Worksheets

Sequence Cut and Paste Worksheets

Sequence Cut and Paste Worksheets include a total of 20 reading passages. Students read a small passage and then cut the 5 sentence strips below the passage and paste in the correct order. These are also great for going back to the passage to check answers and reinforcing the order of a story. Use the worksheets at a reading center, classwork, homework, or for your sequencing lesson. Passages are suited for 1st-2nd grade readers.
Story Writing Centers

Story Writing Centers

Story Writing Centers include 3 centers to help generate or spark some creativity in writing for students. The three centers include: Center 1: List Writing- Use all the words on the notebook to write a story. There are 16 Lists included. Center 2:Story Element Cards- Each card includes two characters, a setting, and the plot. There are 18 Lists included. Center 3: Mix and Match Stories- Pick 1 character, 1 setting, and 1 plot. Use the three story elements to write a story. This pack also includes graphic organizers to help students get started. Use these centers and ideas for your writing centers or for early finishers.
CVC Rhyming Strips

CVC Rhyming Strips

CVC Rhyming Strips will have your students reading and rhyming all year long! This pack includes 70 Rhyming Strips (14 for each vowel sounds) using CVC Short Vowel Words. These are great to use at your small group time for a quick assessment of who’s reading and rhyming. Place a set at a reading center for students to practice rhyming. A recording sheet is added for students to record their answers.
4 Kinds of Sentences Task Cards - Statement Question Command Exclamation

4 Kinds of Sentences Task Cards - Statement Question Command Exclamation

4 Kinds of Sentences Task Cards use the sentences: Statement, Question, Command, and Exclamation. 40 Task Cards, Recording Sheets, and an Answer Key are included. Students read the sentence on the task card and decide what kind of sentence it is. Students choose from a multiple choice answer. Use as part of your lesson, at a literacy center, during small group time, for homework, as a warm-up activity, or use with partners or teams.
Halloween Theme Centers and Activities

Halloween Theme Centers and Activities

Halloween Theme Centers and Activities are perfect for 2nd and 3rd Grade Classrooms. It has over 50 pages of reading, math, writing, and science activities and centers to use for the month of October. The ideas in this pack are intended to reinforce the skills you are already learning in the classroom. Here is what’s included in this pack: Math: Coordinate Grid and Ordered Pair Left, Right, Center with addition or multiplication Pumpkin Sticks -addition or multiplication Catch A Snack - addition or multiplication Odd/Even Game Combination Pumpkins M&M Activity using addition/multiplication Pumpkin Math-use a real pumpkin to estimate, weigh, and measure Freaky Frank Math Reading/Writing: Syllable Game or Center-Use Halloween words to find how many syllables are in the words ABC Order Race It used to be a pumpkin seed… Boggle Board Noun/Verb/Adjective Game Science: How many Candy Corns can you stack before it falls? Will the candy sink or float? What happens when you put a piece of candy in water? Other: Game Board for any subject. Use the game boards for other games using spelling words, math facts, and/or reading comprehension questions. A recipe for Roasting Pumpkin Seeds. Many activities to keep students busy all month long!
Long and Short Vowel Sound Games and Centers

Long and Short Vowel Sound Games and Centers

Long and Short Vowel Sound Games and Centers has students distinguishing long and short vowel sounds when reading words. Each Vowel (a, e, i, o, u) includes: A set of 36 task cards. (18 short vowel words and 18 long vowel words) A T-Chart to separate the words. Use the task cards to separate words, for playing games, and for the centers that are included in this pack. There are 2 different games to play with each vowel set of task cards. The centers and games also include recording sheets. Each vowel set also includes 3 worksheets. Use these worksheets for extra practice or as assessments. This entire pack comes in a black and white copy too! This pack is set up to practice distinguishing long from short vowel sounds.
Bone Chilling Stories_Creative Writing Center

Bone Chilling Stories_Creative Writing Center

Bone Chilling Stories has your students writing creative stories this season. It includes 3 Writing Centers. Bones- Use all the Halloween words on the bone to make a story. Candy Corn- 1 candy corn to write a character, setting, and plot. Make A Story- Pick from a can 1 character, 1 setting, and 1 plot.
CVC Worksheets to Identify, Read, and Write

CVC Worksheets to Identify, Read, and Write

This CVC Worksheets pack has a total of 35 worksheets that will have your students identifying, reading and writing CVC words all year long! This pack includes 35 Worksheets (7 pages for each vowel sound.) The 7 pages for each vowel sound includes: • 2 worksheets that students choose which of the 3 words match the picture. • 2 worksheets that has a word bank and students use the words in the word bank to match the pictures. • 1 worksheet that students read a row of 4 words and choose 2 words that are real words. • 1 worksheet that students put a list of words into 4 categories. • 1 worksheet for students to cut-out words and paste them on the picture that matches the word. These are great to use at your small group time for a quick assessment of who’s reading and/or sounding out words. Place a worksheet at a reading center or use as part of your lesson for students to practice.
CVC Sentences for Reading Comprehension

CVC Sentences for Reading Comprehension

CVC Sentences for Reading Comprehension includes 100 Task Cards. (20 task cards for each vowel sound, a, e, i, o, u) This pack will have your students excited to practice reading, sounding out CVC Words, and comprehending what they are reading. Each task card displays 2 sentences. Students choose the sentence that matches the picture. These task cards will help students read with fluency and practice comprehension. There are 20 Task Cards for each vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u). Different Recording Sheets have been included to fit your needs in the classroom. Only a few sight words are used for each set of card. Use the sight word list to see if the set of task cards are right for your students. If students know the sight words listed and how to sound out 3 letter words, than this pack is perfect for your beginning readers! An answer key is included to help distinguish pictures.
CVC Words vs Nonsense Words Task Cards

CVC Words vs Nonsense Words Task Cards

CVC Words vs Nonsense Words Task Cards will have your students identifying short vowel words all year long! This pack includes 100 task cards (20 for each vowel sounds) using CVC Short Vowel Words. Students read the two CVC words on each task card and they identify the "real’ word. These are great to use at your small group time for a quick assessment of who’s reading and able to identify the real word against a word that don’t make any sense, Place a set of task cards at a reading center for students to practice reading and identifying CVC words. A recording sheet is added for students to record their answers.
Silent e Games

Silent e Games

This pack has 10 silent e games to practice the vowel sounds of: a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e All you need to do is print and play. 1 die and some game tokens to cover words are needed too. The game boards can be played with 2-3 Players. They are perfect for small groups or reading centers. Game boards include each vowel sound (a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) and a review of them mixed. Students will have great practice reading silent e words. How to play the game: Players roll a dice two times to reveal a word. If a word can be made, the word is covered with a game token. The first player to cover 5 words is the winner.
Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

These Personal Narrative Worksheets are a great way to practice writing a short paragraph or narrative. These worksheets include a graphic organizer to help students organize their personal narrative into a quick paragraph. Students respond to the prompt on each page. They write a topic about their paragraph along with a topic sentence. They write 3 supporting details about the topic and close it with an end statement. Students can edit themselves or have someone edit them. Students can rewrite their rough draft in their writing journal or on another writing sheet. This pack includes 30 writing prompts for personal narratives.
Inference Writing Center

Inference Writing Center

Inference Writing Center is intended to do two things: Make Inferences and Write in Complete Sentences. The task cards will help students generate inferences by looking at a picture and then putting those thoughts down on paper. The Materials in this Pack include: • 24 Task Cards with Inference Writing prompts • 24 Recording Sheets (in thirds) Ideas on how to use the writing prompts: • Use the colored task cards along with the recording sheet at a writing center. Students write what they infer about each picture. Students can also use a writing journal or other writing paper instead of the recording sheets. • You can also copy the Recording Sheets and cut each sheet into thirds. Use the recording sheets for complete sentence writing and inference recognition. These would be great for morning work. • You can also send home for homework, use for a writing prompt for the week, as part of your inference lesson, as a warm-up activity, or for morning work.
Opinion Writing Worksheets

Opinion Writing Worksheets

Opinion Writing Worksheets will have your students expressing their opinions all year long. This little pack includes 34 opinion prompts or questions. These questions are meant to spark some interest in students to write some of their opinions on the subject matter. Also included is an anchor chart to help with opinion starters, transition words, and closings.
Book Talk

Book Talk

Book Talk is loaded with Activities, Book Reports, Graphic Organizers, and Reading Logs to motivate students to start talking about books. It includes ninety pages of ideas and activities to use with any book. This pack is for 2nd - 3rd Grade Classrooms. It includes: Book Talk Questions -Use to generate questions about their reading. Use for small group or partner reading. Send these questions home to help parents and students talk about the book they are reading at home. Reading Activity Sheets-Ideas and extension activities to use for partner reading or early finishers. Book Reports- 7 Book Reports to send home for a homework project or to use in class. Each book report comes with its own grading rubric. Graphic Organizers- There are over forty organizers to get students talking and analyzing books. Reading Logs- A few reading logs to help students keep track and record of their reading minutes. Students will have plenty to do during reading time all year long. These activities will go with any story you are reading in class. This pack is perfect for homework projects, classwork, reading centers, partner activities, and so much more. Just print and you are ready to go! Be amazed how much better your students start talking about books!
Word Choice Posters

Word Choice Posters

Word Choice Posters include these 24 overused words: bad, big, cold, easy, fast, fun, get, good, happy, hard, hot, little, mad, make, mean, nice, pretty, sad, said, see, slow, ugly, very, and went This resource includes 24 posters that display “overused” or “boring” words. On the top half of the poster lists 15 better words for the “overused” word. On the bottom half of the poster includes 7 sentences using the “overused” word. Students choose a better word from the list to replace in the sentences. You can leave the posters whole or you can cut them apart and glue onto black construction paper. The top half can be hung as posters and the bottom half can be used as task cards at a writing center or for small group time. Post the posters on your word wall or chalkboard. Students have a reference or visual to replace their “overused” words. This pack also includes a recording sheet for students to choose 8 words that they “overuse” and make a list of new words to replace them. They can keep this list in their writing folder. There are also 3 worksheets to practice replacing words. The words in the worksheets are the same as the words on the posters. This pack is a great way for students to learn some new vocabulary words and strengthen their writing skills. Students will be able to notice boring words and generate better words in their writing.
Spelling Task Cards

Spelling Task Cards

Spelling Task Cards includes 40 different ways to practice weekly spelling words. Spelling Task Cards are perfect for centers, homework, or class work. These ideas work for any spelling list. Students choose a task card and follow the directions on it using all their spelling words. This may include writing them 3 times each, or writing the synonyms or antonyms or each spelling word. This pack includes 40 different ways to practice spelling!
Sequencing Task Cards

Sequencing Task Cards

Sequencing Task Cards help build comprehension and sequencing. Students read the 4 sentences on the task card and decide how the order of events happened 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Students have to read all four sentences to comprehend and infer the events in order. This set comes with thirty task cards, recording sheets, an answer key, and writing paper to write the sentences in order.
Reading Strategies Posters

Reading Strategies Posters

Here are 18 posters that display what “Good Readers” do when reading or learning to read. Use the posters when focusing on a reading strategy or skill. The 18 reading posters included in this set are: Making Connections Using Prior Knowledge Predictions Reread to Understand Find a Purpose Know the Difference Between Fiction and Non-Fiction See What They read Summarize Sequence Read With Fluency Look at Word Bits Use Context Clues Use Phonics Self-Correct Reread Aloud Ask Questions Read Ahead Make Inferences
Base Words Worksheets

Base Words Worksheets

Base Words Worksheets will help teach students about base words. These worksheets will help students notice what happens when they add prefixes and suffixes (affixes) to base words. The spelling of some base words will change and so will its meaning. The prefixes used in this pack include: un, re, dis, non, mis, pre The suffixes used in this pack include: ness, less, ed, ly, ing, s, ful, able, er, and est The 30 worksheets include these 30 base words: agree, appear, believe, build, care, clean, color, comfort, connect, cover, forgive, happy, harm, help, hope, like, love, move, open, organize, pack, place, play, power, read, stop, test, turn, use, write, and view. Each worksheet displays a base word and the affixes that can be added to the base word to make new words. Students make as many new words as they can using the prefixes and suffixes listed. The worksheets extent to separating the new words they made according to the spelling rule or by segmenting the new words apart by prefix, base word, and suffix. The worksheets also have students writing the definition of the new word or they write a sentence that displays the meaning on the new word. For example: If using the base word, CARE, students can make new words like caring, careful, uncaring, and so on. They can also see how two suffixes can be added to the base word like, carelessness and carefully. Students need to be careful when adding affixes to base words. Some affixes will not make sense when added to the base word. For example; discare or carely. This is a good time to talk about nonsense words. Use these worksheets for continued practice at a reading center. As students become more proficient, they will be able to work independently. You can also send these worksheets home for homework or to check understanding as an assessment. This pack includes 30 worksheets and a poster listing the prefixes and suffixes used in this pack.