Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson - If you are teaching grapheme alternatives in phonics, this will help make your life easier. This is all done for you. A powerpoint lesson that covers the graphemes; r, rr, rh and wr. 188 slides.
r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson includes;
learning intentions and success criteria
tune in
word level reading
sentence level reading
polysyllabic words (underlined for you)
phonic dictation
word building
word sorting
graphemes listed and sorted as an example
check for understanding
engaging slides
188 slides in total (includes cover page)
I use this lesson to introduce the concepts (alternative graphemes are representing the one sound) and then as a warm-up!
direct instruction format
tried and tested in my own class (Year Two)
Kind regards,
Christmas Themed Writing prompts - This product is appropriate for Kindergarten to Year 4. Includes 83 pages Printable PDF document. Colour Posters to decorate your room and use as teaching prompts for text types. Black and white worksheets to complete.
‘Christmas Themed Writing prompts’ includes:
Colour Posters to decorate your room or use as teaching prompts
Black and white writing templates
Text types: persuasive text, description, letters, recipes (2x), lists, acrostic poem, A-Z list,
7x pages of smaller task cards - writing prompts (use as a lucky dip)
Blank lined paper for your own choice
Cute clip art
Articulation-Posters - this product contains dyslexia-friendly font AND mouth articulation visuals to assist students learn the letter sounds.
‘Articulation-Posters’ Pack Includes:
3 different poster styles (colour and black and white)
Small cue cards with letters and mouth shapes (6 cards per page)
Useful to display in your room or use in small group work
Useful in speech therapy sessions where mouth shape reminders are required
Cute clipart
Please check your printer settings prior to printing to fit to page.
Kind regards.
This is a phonic power point for the phoneme /sh/. Phonological awareness concepts are included, such as; identifying the /sh/ sound in the beginning, middle and end of words and blending sounds to read words. For differentiation purposes, some extension slides are included that cover sounds not regularly taught prior to the /sh/ phoneme. Sound buttons under each word encourage students to sound out each word prior to reading. At the end of the slide there is an activity whereby teachers can allow students to brainstorm words that have the target phoneme in various places (beginning, middle and end).
Includes the graphemes:
ai, ay, a-e, ee, ea, e, y, oa, o-e, o, ar and initial code words
Differentiated into 4 different levels of ability
Includes: read, trace and write & read, fill in the missing sound and write
Includes a spelling test blank student sheet
Includes a teacher spelling checklist
includes a teacher reading checklist
includes grapheme tiles to use for sound swapping or testing activities
Teacher explanation is provided in this pack.
Christmas-activities-printable-worksheets - A 115 page printable pdf pack - print as a whole booklet for each child to work through over several weeks or print individually, as required. Appropriate for Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One students (can be used by slightly older students). Contains english, math, behaviour, art and social sciences activities.
Christmas-activities-printable-worksheets - includes the following;
math activities - differentiated and up to number 100 - patterns, skip counting, writing numbers, addition, subtraction, odd and even numbers
english activities - handwriting, list writing, persuasive writing prompts, sentence stems (but, so, because, and), read and draw sentences (decodable),
behaviour - good/bad choices to get on Santa’s ‘nice’ list, I am grateful for, ways I can help others,
social sciences - how my family celebrate Christmas, what I would rather do
art - draw this and that, decorate, design a sleigh
cute clip art to keep your students engaged
includes a cover page for your students to colour in
includes American and Australian spelling of ‘colour/color’
includes 3 editable pages to write your own topics for writing
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. I hope you enjoy this product. My students have been loving it.
eucalyptus-classroom - Be inspired by nature and use this pack to create a peaceful and harmonious environment. Massive value with 250 pages of printable pdf content. Includes editable pages.
eucalyptus-classroom - includes:
welcome banners
inspiration posters
class checklists
merit award templates
timetable template
A-Z posters
Numbers 1-20 posters
flashcards - a-z and numbers 1-100
workbook cover pages
classroom labels
student drawer labels
student name badge templates
who is in this classroom printables
and more!
valentine’s-day-printable-sheets Grab this easy print and go pack of 82 pages in pdf form. Covers English, Math and Art. Also includes some sneaky cute colour in pages just for fun. Very cute clip art and great learning activities.
valentine’s-day-printable-sheets pack includes:
list writing pages (e.g. ‘Things I love about myself’)
letter writing templates
card templates (colour and black and white options)
persuasive writing topics
sentence frameworks with and/because
phonics - initial sounds v/l and word sort for v/ve
addition worksheets (different levels)
number estimation (two different pages)
pattern worksheets (differentiated)
heart shape completion drawing (two options)
art - mix different shades of red and pink
art - collage heart shape
Please check your printer setting prior to printing.
Thank you for your support and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
list-of-consonant-digraphs A consonant digraph word card pack. 72 pages. Includes word lists, word cards, grapheme tiles for the consonants, spelling test template, teacher checklists and student awards.
list-of-consonant-digraphs includes the following;
consonant digraphs include; ph, wh, ng, th, ch, sh, ck (and also includes - qu, -n, -tch)
72 pages (includes cover pages)
consonant digraph word cards
grapheme tiles
spelling test template
editable word card page
word lists for teachers
student awards for each level
follows from my initial code pack
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page).
consonant-digraph-activities A 108 page activity pack for consonant digraphs. Includes read and draw and unjumble the sentence tasks.
consonant-digraph-activities includes;
consonant digraphs - sh, ch, wh, ph, th, ng and alternatives - -n, -tch and qu
108 pages (includes cover pages)
read and draw pages
read, write and unjumble pages
teacher checklists
a list of all sentences included (great to use in phonic dictation as well)
use in small group literacy rotations
matches the initial code read and draw pack
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print to printable area…).
Thank you.
the-potato-people-story A massive activity pack to go with the story ‘The Potato People’ by Pamela Allen. 109 pages printable.
suggested lesson sequence
hyperlinks in content page
visualise and predictions before reading
read and draw pages
story map (empty boxes to fill in)
cloze (2x)
description writing
label writing
sentence types (statement, exclamation, command and question)
sentence stems (but, and, because & so)
Vocabulary - 1x
Dialogue word pages 2x
true or false
direct questions
indirect questions
main story elements
draw what you see
creative writing
109 pages includes cover pages
printable story prompt pictures (colour and black and white)
story word cards
write a retell
write a summary
book reports
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area)
teacher/speech therapist checklists at end
Use this over several weeks or for as long as you choose. A great pack to leave if you are going on a holiday, taking leave and so forth.
phonics long oo graphemes - A 194 slide PowerPoint lesson using direct instruction methods to teach the grapheme alternatives for long oo. All the work is done for you.
learning intentions and success criteria
tune in
teacher notes slide (notes also found in the notes section of the powerpoint lesson itself)
grapheme alternatives covered include; oo, ew, ou, ui, ue and u-e
word level reading
sentence level reading
polysyllabic word reading (words underlined in syllables for you)
phonic dictation (sentence level)
editing a phonic sentence
word building
word sorting
checking for understanding
engaging clipart
clear and engaging content tried and tested in my own classroom
This lesson can be used alongside any phonic scope and sequence! Just adapt and use the slides you wish to cover (or use all of them!).
You may wish to go through the slideshow mode first. When you press the arrow, space or mouse button, some words will appear on some slides. Click out of slide show mode to engage the use of the word building drag and drop letters.
phonics words with v powerpoint lesson - A high quality 166 slides direct instruction lesson for the v grapheme alternatives. A great lesson if you are unsure how to teach the grapheme alternatives or just need an engaging lesson that is completely done for you!
phonics words with v powerpoint lesson includes -
166 slides (includes cover pages)
grapheme alternatives include v and ve
word reading
sentence level reading
polysyllabic word reading (words underlined in syllables for you)
phonic sentence level dictation
word building
check for understanding
January writing topics - Grab this January themed writing pack to cover your month! This monthly pack covers 18 different and differentiated text types (plus additional creative activities) and more prompts. A no prep printable pack of 164 pages. Use this yourself, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6 (though some pages could be used for Foundation).
Special January calendar events included: Back to school, New Year, Resolutions, Australia Day/Survival Day.
January creative writing prompts includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems - using conjunctions and, but, so & because, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - include editable text boxes to type your own topic)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist (what have you taught this month?)
164 pages (includes cover pages)
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
Please note: generic templates and checklists are the same in each monthly pack! Each monthly pack varies in the quantity of topics covered partly due to monthly calendar dates varying.
May writing pack - Grab this May themed writing pack to cover your month! This monthly pack covers 18 different and differentiated text types (plus additional creative activities) and more prompts. A no prep printable pack of 170 pages. Use this yourself, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6 (though some pages could be used for Foundation).
Special May calendar events included: National Reconciliation Week, Cinco de Mayo, World Bee Day, International Nurses Day, Mother’s Day and Mindful in May.
May writing pack includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - include editable text boxes to type your own topic)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist (what have you taught this month?)
170 pages (includes cover pages)
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
Please note: generic templates and checklists are the same in each monthly pack! Each monthly pack varies in the quantity of topics covered partly due to monthly calendar dates varying.
I hope you find this useful. Kind regards, Jennifer @teachnchatter
Creative writing for June - Grab this June themed writing pack to cover your month! New to teaching, need more focus or to hand over a writing pack? This monthly pack covers 18 different and differentiated text types (plus additional creative activities) and more prompts. A no prep printable pack of 175 pages. Use this yourself, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6 (though some pages could be used for Foundation).
Special June calendar events included: World Ocean Day & National Vegemite Day.
Creative writing for June includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems - using conjunctions and, but, so & because, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - include editable text boxes to type your own topic)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist (what have you taught this month?)
175 pages (includes cover pages)
One answer page only - whale label parts included!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
Please note: generic templates and checklists are the same in each monthly pack! Each monthly pack varies in the quantity of topics covered partly due to monthly calendar dates varying.
July writing pack - Are you worn out by July and ready for a holiday? Grab this pack to make your life a little easier. This monthly pack covers 18 different and differentiated text types (plus additional creative activities) and more prompts. A no prep printable pack of 173 pages. Use this yourself, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6 (though some pages could be used for Foundation).
Special July calendar events included: Bastille Day, 4th of July and NAIDOC Week.
June writing includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
July cover pages
text type cover pages
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems - using conjunctions and, but, so & because, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - include editable text boxes to type your own topic)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist (what have you taught this month?)
173 pages (includes cover pages)
One answer page only - whale label parts included!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
Please note: generic templates and checklists are the same in each monthly pack! Each monthly pack varies in the quantity of topics covered partly due to monthly calendar dates varying.
I hope you find this really useful.
Creative writing for April - Keep on track with your writing plans and cover so many text types (or hand over to a relief teacher!). This monthly pack covers 18 different and differentiated text types and more prompts. A no prep printable pack of 169 pages. Use this yourself, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6.
Creative writing for April includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - have editable boxes to type your own question)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist
169 pages (includes cover pages)
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
I hope you find this so useful!
March writing - Want a pack of seasonal writing topics that covers 18 different text types? No prep, print and go pack full of engaging activities. 174 pages.
March writing activities includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist
174 pages (includes cover pages)
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
August writing - Need help with thinking of writing topics throughout the year? Grab this pack that is a print and go pack covering 18 different text types. Differentiated options are provided. Use this yourself, busy teachers, beginning teachers, hand over to a relief teacher, use for homeschooling or short leave. Seasonal topics and calendar date topics are included. For grades 1 - 6 (though some pages could be used for Foundation). 166 page pdf product.
Special August calendar events included: Book Week, Science Week, World Lizards Day, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day and Back to School (for northern hemisphere schools).
August writing includes;
teacher planning page for the month (includes an editable type in option)
student monthly goals
August cover pages
text type cover pages
goal review
sentence work (nouns, verbs, adjectives, sentence stems - using conjunctions and, but, so & because, sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation) and simple, compound and complex
narrative retells
narrative innovations
narrative planning page
narrative generation (with picture cues - black and white and colour option)
description writing
opinion writing
persuasive text
report writing
research planning pages
paragraph planner page
letter writing
journal writing
response writing
procedural writing
dotted thirds writing paper
generic templates (some - not all - include editable text boxes to type your own topic)
student checklists and rubrics (writing I have done this month, rubrics = editing, recounts, narratives, persuasive texts, procedurals)
teacher text type checklist (what have you taught this month?)
166 pages (includes cover pages)
One answer page only - whale label parts included!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. This product is set to letter size so please check (fit to page or print in printable area). Mostly a black and white product but some colour options are included. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere seasonal differences are included.
Please note: generic templates and checklists are the same in each monthly pack! Each monthly pack varies in the quantity of topics covered partly due to monthly calendar dates varying.