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Tuition by Teachers' Shop

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We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.




We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.
Year 3 - Roman Numerals on Clocks

Year 3 - Roman Numerals on Clocks

This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers revising Roman Numerals to 12. The second page encompasses telling the time to the hour and half hour using clocks with Roman Numerals. The final page requires learners to draw the hour and minute hand on the Roman Numeral clock to represent the times listed.
Year 3 - Subtracting Fractions

Year 3 - Subtracting Fractions

This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers subtracting fractions with the same denominator in bar models, part whole models and abstractly with numbers. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 3 - Adding Fractions

Year 3 - Adding Fractions

This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers adding fractions with the same denominator in bar models, part whole models and abstractly with numbers. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 3 - Telling the Time- Analogue to Digital

Year 3 - Telling the Time- Analogue to Digital

This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks with conversion between the two. This resound includes pictorial representations of clock with an opportunity to both read them and draw hands on the clock to represent specific times. The final page includes problem solving questions to challenge learners.
Year 4 - Decimals- Making a Whole with Tenths and Hundredths

Year 4 - Decimals- Making a Whole with Tenths and Hundredths

This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers making a whole with tenths and hundredths and converting between decimals and fractions. This worksheet includes representations in tens frames, part-whole models and hundredths squares to support learners. Abstract calculations are also included. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 3  Adding Money

Year 3 Adding Money

This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers adding money in part whole models with concrete representations of each coin and note. The second page has a range of pictorial representations for adding two amounts together including exchanges. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 4 - Decimals- Hundredth as Fractions and Decimals

Year 4 - Decimals- Hundredth as Fractions and Decimals

This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers recognising hundredths and converting between decimals and fractions. This worksheet includes representations on hundred squares to support learners understand of decimals as parts of a whole. Also included are bar models and abstract calculations. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 6 Maths SAT's Testing Bundle

Year 6 Maths SAT's Testing Bundle

5 Resources
This bundle contains 5 booklets (4 pages each) of Year 6 SATs Maths work following the English National Curriculum. Each booklet contains 2 pages of arithmetic style questions and 2 pages of reasoning and problem solving style questions. All resources are designed by a fully-qualified teacher.
Year 6- SATs SET 5- Practice Questions

Year 6- SATs SET 5- Practice Questions

This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers a variety of questions on SATs. This resource is designed by an experienced teacher. It includes two pages of arthimetic style questions and two pages of reasoning style questions based on previous papers.
Year 6 - SATs SET 4-  Practice Questions

Year 6 - SATs SET 4- Practice Questions

This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers a variety of questions on SATs. This resource is designed by an experienced teacher. It includes two pages of arthimetic style questions and two pages of reasoning style questions based on previous papers.
Year 4 - Money Word Problems

Year 4 - Money Word Problems

This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers a variety of different money problem solving questions including finding how much money there is altogether, how much money is left and change.
Year 5 - Angles - Classifying, Measuring and Estimating

Year 5 - Angles - Classifying, Measuring and Estimating

This resource is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers classifying and measuring angles such as acute, right angle, obtuse, straight angle, obtuse and reflex. On the second page, learners are required to estimate angle measurement in degrees. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
Year 5 - 3D Shapes - Faces, Edges and Vertices

Year 5 - 3D Shapes - Faces, Edges and Vertices

This resource is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers classifying and identifying a variety of 3D shapes based on their properties such as faces, edges and vertices. This resource also includes a problem solving page with isometric paper to challenge learners.
Year 5 - Subtracting Decimals

Year 5 - Subtracting Decimals

This resource is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers subtracting decimals on place value charts and abstractly in column method. This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.