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C.H PE Resources Shop

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Currently working in a school teaching Edexcel GCSE PE (New Spec) and BTEC Sport (Level 3). Resources will primarily be things I produce for my Y11 GCSE group as we work through the new syllabus. Along with resources made at my previous schools / during my PGCE year. Teaching since 2014. Previous background was in sports coaching and performance analysis at football academies.




Currently working in a school teaching Edexcel GCSE PE (New Spec) and BTEC Sport (Level 3). Resources will primarily be things I produce for my Y11 GCSE group as we work through the new syllabus. Along with resources made at my previous schools / during my PGCE year. Teaching since 2014. Previous background was in sports coaching and performance analysis at football academies.
Edexcel GCSE PE - Fitness testing lesson (powerpoint / activities)

Edexcel GCSE PE - Fitness testing lesson (powerpoint / activities)

Includes: Power point and learning outcomes. Starter activity similar to scrabble, to create a word relating to the topic using the letter tiles on the screen (good bit of numeracy!) Graffiti wall - students to write what they know about each question on fitness testing - can refer back at the end, really effective to demonstrate progress. Main activity is an information relay. Provide each group with a large, blank handout to complete. One student at a time goes to look at the completed handout at the front / outside the classroom to bring information back to their group. Final slide gives a plenary activity for students to answer some questions on fitness testing.
Edexcel GCSE PE - Skeletal system

Edexcel GCSE PE - Skeletal system

Activity to identify the bones in the skeletal system. Supported by a powerpoint. Main task - flash cards and printout of a skeleton to locate all of the main bones needed for GCSE.
KS3 Table tennis scheme of work (10 lessons)

KS3 Table tennis scheme of work (10 lessons)

10 lesson scheme of work suitable for KS3. Each lesson includes a starter / intro activity, learning outcomes, skill development practices, games & plenaries. The lessons provided are ones I have used with my KS3 groups & work for a range of abilities. Activities have challenge / progression activities as well as scaffolded ideas to support low ability groups. Lessons: Basic grip & rules Basic shot: Push Basic shot: Drive Serve Topspin Backspin / Slice Doubles Advanced shot: Loop Advanced shot: Smash Tournament Also included; Resource cards to support teaching of different shots - serve, push, drive, topspin. Table tennis skills station cards which can be used at any point for independent learning / recap lessons. GCSE table tennis assessment criteria which helps make good links to the GCSE spec (Edexcel) Table tennis tournament template - Easier to print / add names.
Muscular system revision lesson - BTEC National Sport Unit 1 - Anatomy & Physiology - Topic B

Muscular system revision lesson - BTEC National Sport Unit 1 - Anatomy & Physiology - Topic B

Muscular system revision lesson - BTEC National Sport Unit 1 - Anatomy & Physiology - Topic B Created as an end of unit revision lesson as preparation for an end of topic assessment. Lesson includes a starter activity on key areas based around the topic. Practice questions and answer slides to use as peer / self assessment. *Also provided - student booklet / graphic organiser to handout for students to compelte the work on. Print x2 slides per page. Students have found this really useful - Exam questions chosen were on topic areas students said they found particuarly challenging.
GCSE PE Revision - Journey of the blood practical lesson

GCSE PE Revision - Journey of the blood practical lesson

Created for Edexcel GCSE PE (New Spec 2016) I used this lesson as a practical way of teaching the theory of how deoxygenated blood becomes oxygenated. I had previously taught a lesson on this so the students had a prior understanding of the heart & blood vessles, and used this as a consolidation lesson / to address misconceptions. The starter recaps previous learning to label the features of the heart. The rest of the lesson students work in small groups following the journey that blood takes around the body. I did this in the sports hall as there was more space available! Worksheet included to give some writing tasks to support the lesson. Students really enjoyed the lesson!
GCSE PE Long answer question revision / practice Edexcel 2016 Spec - Component 1 - Muscle fibers

GCSE PE Long answer question revision / practice Edexcel 2016 Spec - Component 1 - Muscle fibers

Created to support students with long answer (9 mark) questions in assessments. Question based on muscle fibers for a 5000m runner! I used a similar lesson to help them write developed statements on shorter responses which they found really useful (lesson resources available - writing developed statements). This lesson focuses on building those same writing skills to 9 mark questions to help them write extended answers with more success. Lots of my students either wrote lots of simple statements, which restricts them to only 3 marks. Or they wrote the explanation / analysis without the statements / definitions first. This lesson worked really well to support them in writing more concise, and successful answers. Format of the lesson is to give them the 9 mark question first, I then did some general revision / Q&A / discussion on different topics as a break between answers, and then got them to re-write their answers after discussing how to answer it with more success. Finishing off with a peer assessment task to compare answers. I then asked them to look back through other 9 mark questions we have done, choose one and have a go using the same structure!
GCSE PE - Joint Actions (FULL LESSON)

GCSE PE - Joint Actions (FULL LESSON)

Based on Edexcel, but content is easily transferable to other exam boards. Includes: Powerpoint and learning outcomes. Starter activity to recap bones from previous lesson (skeletal system). Presents new information on joints and types of movement to give an understanding before main task. Main task to work around the room completing a worksheet on the 8 sports people, identifying joint, joint action and articulating bones. Differentiated worksheet Final task students apply their knowledge to exam questions & self/peer assess with given mark scheme. *I did this lesson in the sportshall, with the powerpoint projected onto the wall, with the pictures printed and stuck around the hall. This gave space for the students to work & you could see them performing the actions on the pictures to try and figure out the joint / bones which are involved in the movement! The students really enjoyed the lesson & were really engaged throughout!
BTEC Tech Award Sport - Component 1 Tracking sheet

BTEC Tech Award Sport - Component 1 Tracking sheet

Tracking sheet created to monitor progress throughout delivery of Component 1. Save time calculating working at grades / progress of students. Formulas used to calculate scores, working at grades, class progress. Tracking sheet created to monitor progress throughout delivery of Component 1. (Google Sheets) Includes: Overview tab Student information (group / SEN / PP / EAL / attendance) Homework log Effort log - complete at the end of each month giving a score 1-4 (cells change colour based on values entered) Behaviour log Component 1 tab Space to link student work for each task. Separate cell to input students score for each task Total score calculated in (column K) to provide score /60 Grade for C1 (based on Jan 23 boundaries) calculated based on the number of column K Group progress outlined by a count formula added to identify how many students are working at each grade. Interventions tab: Space to include any additional information / support that has been provided to students. *The file downloaded contains a link to a Google Sheets document.
Edexcel GCSE PE table tennis practical assessment criteria

Edexcel GCSE PE table tennis practical assessment criteria

I created these slides to use in practical PE lessons with my GCSE group & displayed them in the sports hall where we do table tennis lessons. I found the criteria for practical sports assessment very wordy and difficult for the students to comprehend what level they are working at, or how to progress to the next level. It has been really useful to assist with peer assessment in lessons, as students can easily understand what is expected of a performer working at a specific level. The terminology used was based on the criteria for Edexcel (2016). Other exam boards are very similar, although the grading may differ.
Edexcel GCSE PE Socio-cultural influences assessment and feedback lesson

Edexcel GCSE PE Socio-cultural influences assessment and feedback lesson

I created a mock assessment to use after teaching the Socio-cultural influences in sport unit from the new Edexcel GCSE Spec. (Component 2, topic 3). Exam questions found from previous Edexcel assessments with the same / similar content. Assessment - Follows the structure to that of a real assessment, multiple choice questions, variety of short answer questions and a 9 mark question to finish. Mark scheme included. Asessment /35. Powerpoint - Goes through each question and reveals answers. Good to use as a feedback lesson.
Coaching for Performance - Scheme of work - BTEC Sport Level 3 Unit 8

Coaching for Performance - Scheme of work - BTEC Sport Level 3 Unit 8

Full scheme of work to deliver Unit 8 - Coaching for Performance as part of the BTEC Sport Level 3 qualification (2016 Spec). Includes: 28 lessons to cover the entire Unit 8 content & learning aims. *Lessons planned according to the recommended scheme of work provided by the Pearson website. Individual PowerPoint to deliver Learning Aim A, Learning Aim B & Learning Aim C & D. Lots of practical sessions requiring learners to both deliver and observe coaching sessions in practice. Tutor led practical session plans & coaching observation sheets included. Each learning aim finishes with assessment practice tasks to support assignments. *(Assignment briefs not included - these can be downloaded from the Pearson website).
Edexcel GCSE PE tracking sheet 2024 grade boundaries (Excel)

Edexcel GCSE PE tracking sheet 2024 grade boundaries (Excel)

Improve your accuracy and reliability of student progress data using this GCSE PE tracking sheet (Edexcel GCSE PE 2016 Spec). Created to reduce workload when calculating students working at grades & to provide students / parents with clear picture of how to reach different grades (against 2024 grade boundaries) Calculates WAG’s using data inputted from exam marks, practical scores & PEP - using raw marks & scaling factors for each component to provide a points total (/350). WAG’s calculated against Summer 2024 exam series. Instructions provided. Input data from mock exams, practical assessments & PEP to generate live and accurate working at grades - calculated using grade boundaries from 2024 exam series. Progress cards - New feature with live data which can be printed / shared with parents / students. Useful for parents evenings to show current WAG’s & how to progress to the next grade.
GCSE PE (Edexcel 2016 Spec)  Loop cards revision activity bundle - All topics

GCSE PE (Edexcel 2016 Spec) Loop cards revision activity bundle - All topics

GCSE PE (Edexcel 2016 Spec) Loop cards revision activity bundle - All topics Contains loop cards for all 6 topics across the Edexcel GCSE PE (2016 Spec). Each set are a different color. Includes questions and answers to help with revision lessons. Really good response from students who find them an enjoyable and engaging starter activity to revision lessons. Each topic also sold individually (£3)
Edexcel GCSE PE - Components of fitness revision activities & LOOP CARDS

Edexcel GCSE PE - Components of fitness revision activities & LOOP CARDS

Includes: Revision questions on components of fitness (Differentiated). I did this by giving pairs one of the 3 cards (high ability / middle / low ability) and getting them to choose a question to answer. They needed to create a mark scheme of what they thought should go into a good answer for their question. The questions can then be answered by another pair who give their answer back, and have it marked by the students. Components of fitness loop card game - Print and cut the cards from the power point and hand out to the students. The first one stands up and reads out the question on their card, and the person who has the answer stands up and carries it on. (The cards are printed in the correct order so will need shuffling before handing out!!) The students really enjoyed the loop card game! Creating mark schemes can be difficult, but once they get the hang of it their exam answers will massively improve!
Applying principles of training SOW - Cambridge National Level 2 Sport Science (R042)

Applying principles of training SOW - Cambridge National Level 2 Sport Science (R042)

Full scheme of work for ‘Applying principles of training’ (R042) unit. From Cambridge National Level 2 Sport Science. Scheme of work includes: 121 slide PowerPoint covering all 4 learning outcomes. All lessons centered around a big ‘learning question’ which they work on throughout the unit. (How can training programmes be designed to develop sporting performance?) Each learning outcome contains lessons to develop content & understanding of the topic, with application to tasks / scenarios to prepare them for the assessed work at the end. At the end of each learning outcome is an ‘assessment preparation’ task which provides information on the assessed piece of work, mark scheme and what needs to be included. LO3 includes interactive PPT slides where students can navigate themselves to the fitness test information they want to find out - by clicking on hyperlinked buttons within the PPT (view on slide show to access). Also included: Fitness testing record sheets Fitness testing protocols & normative data PAR-Q 6 week training programme template This scheme of work has been developed alongside a series of practical based fitness lessons to secure understanding of the theory covered in the SOW. I have provided students access to this PowerPoint using MS Teams so they have the information they need to write their assignments.