This lesson looks at the regeneration of Riverside Norwich.
Students will need ICT to complete this lesson.
It includes:
1. PPT
2. Research activities
3. Worksheets
What are sand dunes
UK sand dunes
How are sand dunes formed - formation and activities to assist this
Management of sand dunes
Video clips embedded in the lesson
You may need the Eduqas WJEC book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
what is desertification?
What are the Savannah's like?
Brain pop video
What are deserts like?
Distributions of areas at risk of desertification.
In this lesson you will look at:
The different threats to Antarctica
Look at NASA satellite images to highlight the recent changes in Antarctica such as ice break ups.
You may wish to purchase Arctic DVD to look at the similar threats to compare similarities. It is called Arctic with Bruce Parry
In this lesson you will :
Critically appraise the governance of Antarctica including the UN, UNEP, International Whaling Commission, Antarctica Treaty and IWC Whaling Moratorium
This lesson continues with our Cardiff city study- looking at how wealth is distributed within the city.
This lesson includes:
1. PPT
2. Handouts
3. Worksheets
This lesson includes:
Trading Relationships and Patterns
Looking at the contrasts in the structure, direction and impact of trade in LICs, NICs and HICs.
Looking at how International trade is influenced by trade negotiations and agreements.
This lesson will look at:
The role of NGOs in monitoring the threats and enhancing protection of Antarctica
Look at different NGOs protecting Antarctica
Look at the successes of their management