This lesson includes:
Case study - Mekong River
Benefits and constraints along the Mekong river - you tube video clips
How should the river be managed in the future?
Bingo Plenary
This lesson includes:
Where will the GGW be located?
Benefits - activity on the GGW
How successful is the GGW?
Project Eden
Student enquiry
You will need the Eduqas WJEC text book to assist this lesson
This lesson will look at:
The tragedy of the commons.
Give examples and describe the importance of laws and treaties aimed at preserving the global commons.
This lesson looks ...
To develop a greater understanding of an example of how a coastline has been managed.
To develop a greater knowledge of how successful coastal realignment at Medmerry has been.
This lesson will look at:
How people will be affected by sea level rise and to be able to think about management techniques.
To produce a graph of the predicted sea level rise at Jaywick.
This lesson includes:
A look at the key factors that work together to drive the process of Globalisation further into the twenty - first century
Links around the world]
Internet access
Government support
Management and information systems