What are sand dunes
UK sand dunes
How are sand dunes formed - formation and activities to assist this
Management of sand dunes
Video clips embedded in the lesson
You may need the Eduqas WJEC book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
The main characteristics of a hot semi - arid grassland ecosystem
Distribution map with tasks
Climate data - graph task
Adaptations to this climate - Baobab and Acacia
You will need the Educas WJEC text book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
How are we exploiting natural ecosystems
Key Services
Tropical rainforest - Key service example
water cycle in the tropical rainforest
Useful to have the Eduqas Geography text book to assist with this lesson
This lesson has so many resources about the issues of a Honeypot site in particular Castleton and how things have damaged the area. There are role play cards etc.
This lesson looks at footpath erosion and provides people with the opportunities to complete some local fieldwork- perhaps on the school grounds.
This lesson includes:
1. PPT
2. Worksheets
This lesson looks at how the High streets of Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich are fighting the decline of the retail in the town centre.
This lesson includes:
This lesson looks at the location of out of town retail sites and why they are located where they are.
This includes:
1. PPT
2. Worksheets and activities
This lesson looks at an introduction to Retail Catchments- looking at the different types of good and the shopping hierarchy.
This lesson includes:
1. PPT
2. Activities
3. Worksheet
This lesson includes: This lesson was created in SMART
Climate information for the tropical rainforests
Adaptations to the rainforest - examples
How the forest works - Video clip (20 mins )