25 years of experience as Assistnt Head; Head of Humanities and AST for history.
Resources generally for KS3-KS5 history, some that can be used as English resources, and some politics/citizenship resources
25 years of experience as Assistnt Head; Head of Humanities and AST for history.
Resources generally for KS3-KS5 history, some that can be used as English resources, and some politics/citizenship resources
This is the first lesson for the new ‘Migrants in Britain’ EDEXCEL depth study. It outlines the course; explains the assessment objectives; and starts to look at the causes of migration to in the Medieval Period (the first of the 4 eras to be studied). This lesson focuses on Viking migration and traces them from raiders to invaders.
Students have a number of tasks to do, mainly focused on CAUSATION, and there are two clips for the students to watch to enable them to get an overall picture of the Viking invasion of England.
Duration: 1 hour
A work booklet containing sample questions; sample answers and examination technique tips and advice for this course is also available.
This resource is a 79 page workbook (space for answers included) which is aimed at helping students understand the assessment requirements for the new EDEXCEL Migrants in Britain breadth study.
It contains:
A course outline
The EDEXCEL generic mark scheme for reference
Instructions on how to answer each question type with explanations of the AOs and how to gain the marks for each
A sample answer for each question-type with commentary on where the marks are gained
Practice questions for each question type (8 for questions 1 and 3, and 4 for questions 2; 4 and 5/6)
A glossary area where students can record key terminology with definitions to help maximise SPaG marks
This can be used as a single document to keep all assessments together and it addresses the lack of sample questions available for the new option. It can also be used as evidence for predicted grades (or TAGs if that becomes necessary).
Printing costs can be reduced by either sharing with students online, or by removing the pages for writing and asking students to write the answers in their books.
This bundle contains 14 A level lessons (approximately 22 hours duration) covering the whole of the Mid Tudor Crisis. They have been planned to meet the requirements of either AQA Unit C; OCR Unit 1: The Late Tudors; or EDEXCEL Unit 1B - use the appropriate questions and tasks. This unit can be taught with any supporting A Level officially approved text book, and is a fully resourced; detailed set of lessons which gradually build up to answering the question: ‘Was there a Mid-Tudor Crisis.’
Tasks include individual; paired; group and whole-class tasks, and are varied thus developing the students ability to evaluate both interpretations of history and contemporary source material, both vital for success at A Level. There are regular opportunities for examination-style practice, and the flexibility for individual teachers to add or delete activities/content as appropriate. There are also a number of links to key documentaries to either watch in class (would extend 22 hour duration of unit) or for students to watch at home, to extend learning.
his bundle is suitable for teaching A Level History - the Mid-Tudor Crisis. It contains 7 lessons covering the whole section on Mary Tudor. Each lesson is carefully prepared to ensure that they equip students with the ability to interrogate interpretations of history and contemporary source material thus making them suitable for any examination board. They are fully resourced and can be used with any examination board approved text books.
Most of the lessons contain 1 hour of teaching and one hour of home study plus optional video links, however 3 of the lessons will take 2 hours to teach.
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn to:
Evaluate evidence to suggest whether or not there was a Mid-Tudor Crisis from the unit of work
Answer an interpretation-style question
This is the concluding lesson in the unit where students will draw on evidence from throughout the unit to reach their own judgment
Duration: 2 hours and 45 minutes homework.
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn to:
Look at evidence to enable them to decide whether or not Mary Tudor deserves to be remembered as ‘Bloody Mary.’
Duration: 1 hour
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn to:
Evaluate Mary’s governance in relation to religion; foreign policy; the economy and social unrest.
The legacy of Mary Tudor.
This lesson involves group work and cooperation.
Duration: 1 hour plus a considerable amount of home learning.
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn about:
The about Mary I’s religious aims, and the problems associated with achieving them.
The process of religious change including the key developments.
The impact of her advisors.An evaluation of whether persecution or persuasion was the most effective method.
This is a double lesson plus homework - it will take at least 2 hours plus work at home to complete all activities.
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn about:
The causes of Wyatt’s Rebellion
The events of Wyatt’s Rebellion
To evaluate the danger of Wyatt’s Rebellion using contemporary source material
The consequences of Wyatt’s Rebellion
This is a double lesson plus homework - it will take at least 2 hours plus work at home to complete all activities.
This lesson is suitable for any A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn about:
The issues faced by Mary Tudor on her coronation as queen of England.
Examine source material explaining 16th century attitudes towards gender
Evaluate her marriage options and treaties, evaluating the issues she faced and the complexities of choosing between an English nobleman and a foreign prince
1 hour teaching plus a 50 minute documentary for homework.
This bundle is suitable for teaching A Level History - the Mid-Tudor Crisis. It contains 8 lessons covering the whole section on Edward VI. Each lesson is carefully prepared to ensure that they equip students with the ability to interrogate interpretations of history and contemporary source material thus making them suitable for any examination board. They are fully resourced and can be used with any examination board approved text books.
Most of the lessons contain 1 hour of teaching and one hour of home study plus optional video links, however 3 of the lessons will take 2 hours to teach.
This lesson is suitable for an A Level Tudor unit of work. It uses both contemporary sources and interpretations, and is therefore suitable for all boards and all units. It fully resourced, and can be used with any examination board approved text book. It contains a range of varied activities and clips all designed to maximise performance at A Level.
In this lesson students will learn about:
The complexities of the succession after Edward VI, with reference to the claim of Lady Jane Grey
Edward’s role in naming a successor
The activities of Northumberland
The causal factors of Mary’s succession and the execution of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey
The extent to which Jane Grey was a threat.
1 hour teaching plus 1 hour of activities (also optional documentary)
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis. It focuses on the analysis of the Kett and Western Rebellions, comparing them and evaluating how dangerous the year 1549 was for Edward VI. It contains a range of investigative material and considers both contemporary source material and interpretations of the rebellions. Students will be looking for more evidence to suggest whether or not there was a mid-Tudor crisis.
Students will learn about:
The causes of the Kett and Western Rebellions
The extent to which they posed a danger to Edward VI
This is a long lesson and will probably require 2 hours to teach it, plus an hour of home learning to complete all of the activities. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis. It focuses on Northumberland’s coup and the replacement of Somerset as Lord Protector. It contains a range of investigative material and considers both contemporary source material and interpretation of the coup to help establish the motives for the coup and the events of the coup. This lesson can be used to take lesson 3 ‘good duke’ and ‘bad duke’ further.
Students will learn about:
The coup to overthrow Somerset
The causes of the coup
The role of Northumberland in the coup
This is a long lesson and will probably require 2 hours to teach it, plus an hour of home learning to complete all of the activities. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis focusing on the development of the church under Edward VI. It contains a range of investigative material and links to useful documentaries. There is a range of source material to analyse:
Students will learn about:
Doctrinal changes under Edward VI
A comparison of the process of doctrinal change under Somerset and Northumberland
This is a long lesson and will probably require 2 hours to teach it, plus an hour of home learning to complete all of the activities. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis. It focuses on comparing the protectorates of Somerset and Northumberland. It considers a variety of interpretations and sources and contains a range of investigative material and links to useful documenies. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
Students will learn:
About the actions and outcomes of Protectors Somerset and Northumberland
To look at and categorise evidence to support a hypothesis
To interrogate an interpretation of history and structure an examination answer
1 hour teaching and one hour home learning
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis. It focuses on the challenged faced by Somerset as Edward VI’s Lord Protector and investigates why Somerset became increasingly unpopular. It contains a range of investigative material and links to useful documentaries. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
Students will learn about:
The challenges faced by Somerset when he became Lord Protector
How to categorise them
How to deal with them
Why Somerset became so unpopular
1 hour and a documentary to watch at home
This lesson continues the investigation into whether or not there was a Mid Tudor Crisis. It focuses on the issues surrounding Edward VI’s age and minority rule. It contains a range of investigative material and links to useful documentaries. It can be used for all examination boards and is designed so that any examination board approved text book can be used to complete the activities.
Students will learn about:
The issues surrounding the role of Edward as a minority monarch
The role of Somerset in manipulating Henry VIII’s will
How to analyse contemporary material to the standard necessary for success at A Level
1 hour teaching plus an hour’s activities, plus links to clips.
This is the introduction A level lesson to a unit of work which investigates whether or not there was a Mid-Tudor Crisis. It outlines the concept of a crisis and investigates the legacy of Henry VIII. This lesson outlines what will be studied in the unit and sets the scene for investigating this hypothesis. The hypothesis will be studied through a series of 14 lessons which look closely at the reign of Edward VI and Mary I, and will results in reaching a conclusion to the question through investigating sources and interpretations.
This unit has been created to support all examination boards as it is devised for use with any examination board approved text book. It also uses both sources an interpretations in investigation thus being suitable for any Tudor unit.
Duration: 1 hour plus additional time to complete activities
This is the sixteenth lesson on the A level democracy and dictatorships in Germany A Level Unit, and focuses on evaluating the the creation of the Nazi Party; the 25 point programme and nazi ideology. It contains research activities; historians’ interpretations and clips to support learning.
This lesson takes an hour to teach, but students will have to complete significant home learning to finish all of the activities.