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Vickie009's Shop

Average Rating4.37
(based on 26 reviews)

A shop dedicated to all things OCR Psychology. Having taught OCR for the overwhelming majority of my 8 years of teaching, I have been gradually building up lots of resources! Please review any resources that you like, and contact me if there is another resource in particular that you are looking for!




A shop dedicated to all things OCR Psychology. Having taught OCR for the overwhelming majority of my 8 years of teaching, I have been gradually building up lots of resources! Please review any resources that you like, and contact me if there is another resource in particular that you are looking for!
Blakemore & Cooper (1970)

Blakemore & Cooper (1970)

A powerpoint outlining the background theory, method, results and evaluation of Blakemore & Cooper's study for the OCR specification. Includes exam questions and a number of other activities
Milgram PowerPoint

Milgram PowerPoint

Full PowerPoint covering Milgram's study, with differentiated questions and interactive tasks, to cover approx. 8 hours of learning time
Criminal Psychology (OCR)

Criminal Psychology (OCR)

Powerpoint with a variety of learning activities, including practice questions with guidance, covering the whole of the criminal psychology optional topic in the OCR Unit 3 Applied Psychology section.
Maths for Psychologists Workbook

Maths for Psychologists Workbook

Updated July 2018 Additional question types added to reflect the style of questions from OCR 2018 AS and A level papers, as well as a wider variety of multiple choice questions, and turned in to write in booklet for ease of marking. Free mark scheme for all questions also available. A booklet including practice questions and explanations for how to address the mathematical components for the new A level specifications. This could be set for students as homework or independent study totaling approximately 8-10 hours worth of work. Answers included in a separate document. • Rounding (Decimal places and Significant figures), Standard Form and Estimation • Ratio, Fractions & Percentages • Substitution into equations • Presenting data (bar graphs, histograms, line graphs, pie charts, scattergraphs) • Averages (measures of central tendency) • Range, variance & standard deviation (measures of dispersion) • Normal and Skewed distribution • Levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval) • Criteria for using a parametric test • Criteria for selecting specific non-parametric tests (Mann Whitney U, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks, Chi-square, Binomial Sign test, Spearman’s Rho) • Probability and Significance • Type I and Type II errors.
Chaney et al.

Chaney et al.

A powerpoint outlining background theory, method, results and evaluation of Chaney et al's study for the OCR Psychology specification. Includes practice exam questions and links to videos etc.


A powerpoint outlining background theory, method, results and evaluation of Sperry's study for the OCR Psychology specification. Includes practice exam questions and links to videos etc.
Lee et al.

Lee et al.

A powerpoint outlining the background theory, method, results and evaluation of Lee et al's study for the OCR specification. Includes exam questions and a number of other activities


A powerpoint outlining background theory, method, results and evaluation of Piliavin's study for the OCR Psychology specification. Includes practice exam questions and links to videos etc.


A powerpoint outlining the background theory, method, results and evaluation of Moray's study for the OCR specification. Includes exam questions and a number of other activities
Levine et al

Levine et al

A powerpoint outlining background theory, method, results and evaluation of Levine et al's study for the OCR Psychology specification. Includes practice exam questions and links to videos etc.
Baron-Cohen et al.

Baron-Cohen et al.

A powerpoint outlining background theory, method, results and evaluation of Baron-Cohen et al's study for the OCR Psychology specification. Includes practice exam questions and links to videos etc.
Kohlberg (1968)

Kohlberg (1968)

A powerpoint outlining the background theory, method, results and evaluation of Kohlberg's study for the OCR specification. Includes exam questions and a number of other activities
Milgram Questions

Milgram Questions

Section A, B and C questions on Milgram's study in preparation for the OCR Core Studies exam. Check out my full AS and Year 2 question packs on my author dashboard.
OCR Core Studies AS Revision Cards

OCR Core Studies AS Revision Cards

This document prints back to back so that the name of the study is on one side, and details of the study are on the other side. The first version for each study is a summary of the method & results, with a second detailing the numerical data associated with the study. The A level studies are listed in a separate document.