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All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom. All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.




All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom. All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Women (Edexcel A-Level Hsitory)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Women (Edexcel A-Level Hsitory)

This is the first lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic four: Social and Cultural Changes 1949 - 1976. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Evaluate prior knowledge about the situation in China across the time period. * Investigate the position of women in Chinese society before 1949. * Use quotations from Mao to try and identify he attitude towards women in society. * Investigate CPC propaganda about the changing position of women in China. * Identify and evaluate changes that were actually made for women after 1949 and begin to evaluate their effect. This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons. Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons. If you buy this resource, please leave a review.
*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Roman invasion of Britain

*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Roman invasion of Britain

This is the fourth lesson of a scheme of work covering the Roman Empire. The aim of the lesson is to investigate and evaluate the main reasons for the Roman Invasion of Britain. During the lesson pupils will: - Brainstom reasons why the British might want to invade Britain. - Complete a card sort to evaluate the main reasons why the Romans invaded Britain. - Write a PEA paragraph prioritising the reasons for the invasion of Britain. - Complete an empathy based task to suggest how the British might feel about the invasion. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed. if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think. Categories
*Full Lesson* Life in Medieval England

*Full Lesson* Life in Medieval England

This is the first lesson of a scheme of work investigating Life in Medieval Times, the Medieval Church and the Black Death. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed. During the lesson pupils will: - Identify what they already know about life in Medieval England. - Complete a true or false activity to test their knowledge about life during the period. - Complete an image analysis to understand the types of structures that might exist in a medieval village. - Complete an emotive task to try and understand what it might be like to live in a medieval village. - Complete a card sort to identify the key aspects of life during the period - Compare modern homes to medieval huts. There are quite a few activities in this lesson so it might be best to split it over two lessons. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed. if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
Ageing Population (KS3 Geography)

Ageing Population (KS3 Geography)

This is a full Geography lesson investigating ageing populations and their impacts. It was originally delivered to a year 8 class but could be adapted for other year levels and key stages. All print outs are included at the end of the PowerPoint presentation. This is a full lesson which is ready to teach. This lesson follows previous lessons on population which is also available During the lesson pupils: Use skills developed in previous lessons (available on TES) to analyse a population pyramid. Watch, interpret, analyse and discuss two videos about life expectancy and birth rate in Britain. Analyse a graph about the increasing age of parents in Britain. Analyse a British population pyramid in terms of life expectancy and age. Analyse and discuss the problems with an aging population. Compare and discuss the theories of Boserup and Malthus.
Population (KS3 Geography) - Five lessons

Population (KS3 Geography) - Five lessons

5 Resources
This is a bundle of five Geography lessons about population. These lessons were originally delivered to year 8 class in the UK but could easily be adapted to other curriculum or year levels. The titles of the lessons contained in the bundle include: Lesson One: Population Change Lesson Two: Population Density Lesson Three: Population Pyramids Lesson Four: Ageing Populations Lesson Five: Push and Pull Factors of Immigration These lessons are also available individually but you will receive a discount of nearly 50% if you purchase the bundle…
Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages (Edexcel 9:1)

Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages (Edexcel 9:1)

This is a full lesson covering change and continuity in crime and punishment between the Anglo-Saxon and Norman period and the Medieval period. This lesson is designed for the Edexcel GCSE History course Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present course. The PowerPoint is ready to teach and contains all the resources needed. During this lesson pupils will: Evaluate changes in society by the 13th and 14th centuries and the impact on crime and punishment. Recap some of the key features of crime and punishment in the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods. Complete a series of activities to evaluate the impact of the Black Death on crime and punishment during the medieval period. Investigate and evaluate the Statute of Labourers (1351) and its impact on society. Investigate and evaluate the Laws against Heresy (1382, 1401, 1414) and their impact on society. Analyse the change and continuity in crime and punishment between the early and late medieval ages. Complete an exam question to consolidate learning. Check out my shop to find more History, Geography and Science resources. Please leave a review.
*Full Lesson* Physics: Hooke's Law Practical

*Full Lesson* Physics: Hooke's Law Practical

This is the fourth lesson in a unit of work on forces which could be adapted for use at KS3 or GCSE. The lesson is a practical lesson to test Hooke’s law. There is also some work on elastic deformation which may be too high for KS3 but could be easily removed. During this lesson pupils will: Discuss the uses of springs. Get some basic contextual information about Robert Hooke Identify the IV and DV of the practical and write a hypothesis to test. Use the method to identify hazards and write rules to minimize them. Conduct the experiment to test Hooke’s law. Calculate spring extension and graph results. Compare results with expected results for Hooke’s law. Complete evaluation questions Learn about Hooke’s law. Learn about elastic deformation. Complete consolidation task. A bundle of all 8 lessons in this unit can be found here. Please visit my shop for more lessons from this unit and more science, history and geography resources.
*5 Full Lessons* Changing Nature of the Royal Navy (Edexcel A-Level History)

*5 Full Lessons* Changing Nature of the Royal Navy (Edexcel A-Level History)

5 Resources
This is a series of lessons covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy. The Bundle contains the following lessons: Lesson 1: Introduction to the Royal Navy and the Age of Sail. Lesson 2: Development of Technology Lesson 3: Changing Role of the Navy (Suppression of the Slave Trade) Lesson 4: Royal Navy and the Suppression of Piracy Lesson 5: Royal Navy Voyages of Discovery Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
*Full Lesson* Physics: The Ear and Detecting Sound

*Full Lesson* Physics: The Ear and Detecting Sound

This is the fourth lesson in a unit of work on sound. The lessons are aimed towards KS3 but could be adapted for other levels. The main focus of this lesson is the structure and functions of the different parts of the ear. For all five lessons in this bundle, click here. During this lesson pupils will: Use images to compare the ears of different animals. Share prior knowledge about the ear. Use a video to identify different parts of the outer and inner ear and label a diagram. Complete a matching activity to learn the functions of the different parts of the ear. Complete a card sort to describe how sound waves are detected by the ear and transmitted as an electrical impulse to the brain. Consider different situations that may result in ear damage and discuss how to prevent it. Complete a matching activity to compare a microphone to an ear. Go to my shop for other lessons in this unit and more science, history and geography resources.
*Full Lesson* Lesson 5 - Attacking a Castle

*Full Lesson* Lesson 5 - Attacking a Castle

This is the fifth lesson of a scheme of work in about Medieval Castles. The focus of the lesson is to have pupils evaluate the different methods used to attack castles. During the lesson pupils will: - Use an ISM to develop an initial list of the ways that castles could be attacked. - Use information to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different methods to attack castles. - Use the information from the lesson to plan an attack on a castle. - Complete peer assessment to evaluate plans of attack from other pupils. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
The British Empire: An Empire to be proud of?

The British Empire: An Empire to be proud of?

This is a lesson evaluating the positive and negative points of the British Empire. Pupils will evaluate evidence and reach their own conclusion about whether we should be proud of the British Empire or not. The lesson was designed for a year 8/Key Stage Three class but could be adapted for Ks1 or Ks2. During this lesson pupils will: *Complete a true or false activity to evaluate their prior knowledge about the British Empire * Evaluate two contrasting sources about the British Empire to make an initial decision about the empire. * Complete a card sort to identify the positive and negative aspects of the British Empire. * Use information from the card sort to complete a mini writing frame to evaluate knowledge. * Complete a case study about the impact of the British Empire in India using images and written sources during a gallery activities. * Complete a writing task to evaluate the British impact on India. (Could also be debated in class) Please check out my shop for more free and premium History lessons and bundles. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review and let me know what you think.
*Full Lesson* Conditions in the Trenches during the First World War

*Full Lesson* Conditions in the Trenches during the First World War

This is a lesson from a scheme of work covering the First World War. During this lesson, pupils will use a variety of different sources to investigate and make judgements about the conditions in the trenches. This lesson was designed for a year 9/KS3 class but could be easily adapted for other classes or levels. The lesson is ready to teach and the power point contains all the resources required. During the lesson pupils will complete the following activities: * Complete a true or false activity about some of the myths about the First World War - Watch video to reinforce learning. * Briefly look at the Von Schlieffen plan plan and how it led to the development of trenches - Watch video to reinforce learning. * Pupils are presented with an opinion stating that conditions in the trenches were good. They will then consider a number of slides covering aspects of the trenches such as rats, lice, trench foot, food, equipment and they must find evidence to support or contradict the opinion. (This could be completed as a gallery task) *Complete a written task (writing frame provided) using evidence to respond to the opinion. If you buy this lesson, please leave a review and let me know what you think. Check out my shop (click on my user name above) to see more premium and free History lessons.
*Full Lesson* The Tudors: Henry VIII and the Break from Rome

*Full Lesson* The Tudors: Henry VIII and the Break from Rome

This is the third lesson in a scheme of work about the Tudors. The scheme of work is directed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for KS1, KS2 or other year levels. The focus of this lesson is on evaluating the reasons why Henry VIII changed religion. During the lesson pupils will: - Recap Henry's problems from previous lesson. - Investigate the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. - Investigate the Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon as a reason for his change in religion. - Prioritise the main reasons for his change in religion. - Complete a writing frame to evaluate learning during the lesson. This lesson is ready to teach and the power point includes all necessary resources. If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources.
*Full Lesson* Lesson 4: Canada- The impact of the Durham Report (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Lesson 4: Canada- The impact of the Durham Report (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the fourth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second depth study: Learning from past mistakes:Canada and the Durham Report, 1837 - 40 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate the character of the Earl of Durham and his early work in parliamentary reform. * Use source analysis to identify the reasons why Durham was chosen to deal with the Canadian situation * Investigate the actions taken by Durham in Canada and evaluate his reputation as a reformer and the reasons for the failure of the Canada mission. * Investigate and evaluate the impact of Durhams advisers Wakefield and Buller. * Decide if Durham deserves to be remembered as a reformer. * Evaluate British actions and decide if the way they dealt with Canada shows that they had learnt from their mistakes. Go to my shop for more free and premium history resources. (Click on my username above) If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* Lesson 3: Canada - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts, 1837 (Edexcel History)

*Full Lesson* Lesson 3: Canada - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts, 1837 (Edexcel History)

This is the third lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the second depth study: Learning from past mistakes:Canada and the Durham Report, 1837 - 40 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate declarations of independance from Upper and Lower Canada and identify any similarities and differences to the American declaration of Indedence. * Investigate and identidy the key events of the revolts in Upper and Lower Canada and decide which revolt the British might reguard as the most serious. * Investigate the results of the each revolt and the impact they had on the provicences. Prioritise the results to identify the most serious issues to be dealt with. * Decide and discuss if the Canadian revolts represented a serious threat to British control of the colonies. * Decide if the situation in Canada leading to revolt and the impact showed that the British had learnt from their mistakes after the loss of the American colonies. Go to my shop for more free and premium history resources. (Click on my username above) If you buy this resource, please leave a review. Thanks
*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Legacy of the Romans

*Full Lesson* The Roman Empire: Legacy of the Romans

This is the fifth lesson of a scheme of work covering the Roman Empire. The aim of the lesson is to investigate and evaluate the legacy of the Romans through History During the lesson pupils will: - Watch a video identifying the key aspects of life for a Roman child and compare it with their own life. - Use an information sheet to develop a poster identifying what they think are the most significant legacy of the Romans through History. - Share and compare their ideas with other pupils in the class through a gallery task. - Complete a short writing activity to evaluate the most significant legacy of the Romans. This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2. This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed. if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

*Full Lesson* Mao's China: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution (Edexcel A-Level History)

This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic Three: The Cultural Revolution and its Aftermath, 1966 - 76 The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Identify and evaluate Mao's reasons for launching the Cultural Revolution * Complete a writing task to evaluate these reasons. * Investigate the split in the CPC between ideologues and pragmatists as a reason for the Cultural Revolution. * Complete a source analysis task to create a profile of an average Red Guard member. * Use the text to outline information about the Red Guard and their role in the Cultural Revolution. * Consolidate knowledge about the Red Guard by creating a Dazibao (big character poster) * Complete writing task to evaluate reasons for the Cultural Revolution This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons. Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons. If you buy this resource, please leave a review.
*Full Lesson* Physics: Forces Introduction

*Full Lesson* Physics: Forces Introduction

This is the first lesson in a KS3 Physics unit on Forces. The resource is a full lesson introducing pupils to forces. This is the first lesson of a forces unit taught to year 7 pupils but could be adapted for other year groups. During this lesson, pupils will: Discuss why objects move and how planes fly Consider the reasons why objects fall and forces acting on it. Learn that forces can be pushes, pulls or twists and link these ideas to different actions. Consider Newton’s three laws of motion Define a force and identify different contact and non-contact forces Complete consolidation activities. A bundle of all 8 lessons can be found here. Check out my shop for other lessons in this unit and to find more science, history and geography resources. Please leave a review.
*Full Lesson* British Empire: India and the East India Company

*Full Lesson* British Empire: India and the East India Company

This is the First lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914. This series of lessons covers the fourth depth study: Nearly Losing and Empire: The British in India 1829 - 58. The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons. During the lesson pupils will: * Investigate the punishment of "Blowing from a gun" inflicted on Sepoys involved in the 1857 uprising. * Analyse a map showing initial European settlement of India. * Use the text to begin to investigate the East India Company and its role in India. * Watch a video outlining the History of the East India company. Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit. If you buy this resource, please leave a review.
Russian Rulers fact files

Russian Rulers fact files

This power point contains fact files about the different Russian leaders between 1862 and 1964. This was used with the old OCR A-Level unit Russia and its Rulers as an information gathering gallery task. Check out my shop for more free and premium History resources.