All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
This is the sixth lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
This power point contains 14 slides and could potentially be divided into two lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Identify the groups regarded as threats by Mao and the communist party.
* Research one method of removal of opposition and develop a poster presentation to teach the rest of the class.
* Investigate the key points of the Hundred Flowers Campaign and subsequent Anti-Rightists campaign.
* Complete an essay assessment task.
The first lesson in this scheme of work is available for free and all 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £5 in my shop. (Click on my username above)
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This is the fifth lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
The lesson is quite long and could be easily split into two.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Identify the link between successful war and a leaders popularity. Make links with Mao in the Early 1950s.
* Identify and explain Mao's atttitude towards the west before and during the Korean War.
* Investigate the causes and main events of the Korean War and Chinese involvement.
* Complete a card sort activity to prioritise the positive and negative impact of the Korean War on China.
* Investigate and analyse communist propaganda linked to the Korean War.
* Homework task - Complete essay to decide if the Korean War was worth fighting for Mao.
The first lesson in this scheme of work is available for free and a bundle of all 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £6 in my shop. (Click on my username above)
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This is the Third lesson in a scheme of work about the First World War.
The lesson focuses on nationlistic feeling at the start of the war and the study of propaganda posters to begin to explain why young men joined the army at the start of the First World War.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all required resources in the PowerPoint.
During the lesson, Pupils will complete the following:
* Recap work from previous lessons and identify how far Gavrilo Princip was responsible for the start of the First World War.
* Source analysis of a picture of a line to get into an Army recruitment office. Pupils begin to suggest reasons why young men joined the army at the start of the First World War.
* Class and individual analysis of the effectiveness of propaganda posters. Pupils to report their findings to the rest of the class.
* Homework task: Pupils create their own propaganda poster.
Check out my shop (click on my user name above) to see more premium and free History lessons.
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This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second depth study: The Birth of British Australia 1788 - 1829.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Follow up on previous lesson by evaluating the successes and limitations of Phillips leadership
* Identify and evaluate the political instability caused by the Rum Rebellion and the conflict between William Bligh and the New South Wales Corp
* Investigate the measures taken by Governor Maquarie and evaluate his leadership.
* Compare and contrast the leadership of Phillips and Maquarie and decide which one was more significant to the development of the Australian colony.
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This is the fifth and final lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second depth study: The Birth of British Australia 1788 - 1829.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Make initial decisions about the success of the Australian Colony.
* Ask questions about the type of information we would need to make a judgement on success.
* Investigate the main reasons for the difficulty in attracting free settlement to Australia and offer potential solutions.
* Investigate the measures taken by Australian Governors to develop the colony (Territorial expansion, Establishing a penal colony in Tasmania/Van Dieman's Land, Economic Development and political development.
* Begin planning for essay/assessment on British Australia unit.
If you are looking for more resources, please go to my shop. (Click on my username above)
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This is the third lesson of a scheme of work covering Historical Skills and the Roman Empire.
The aim of the lesson is to introduce pupils to the concept of centuries and to investigate the Roman Army.
During the lesson pupils will:
- Complete a skills activity to work out which century different dates belong to
- Identify reasons why the Romans needed a powerful army.
- Evaluate the equipment, tactics and training of the Roman army through a number of different activities.
- Identify and explain reasons why people might have joined the Roman army.
- Complete a homework task to either i) create a recruitment poster to encourage people to join the Roman army or ii) write a letter of application to join the Roman army.
This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2.
This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed.
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This is the sixth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic four: Social and Cultural Changes 1949 - 1976.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources.
The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Pupils will investigate the changes in culture and the 8 allowed performances in China under the communists.
* Use the text to investigate the role of Jiang Qing in culture during this period.
* Discuss communist attitudes towards religion.
* Investigate the proposals towards religion in the Common Program for China and discuss in terms of communist attitudes towards religion.
* Use the information from the text to create short presentations about how different religions were treated by the communists during this period.
* Discuss if the CPC dealt "effectively" with religion in China.
This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons.
Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons.
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This is a full lesson investigating the properties of group one metals/Alkali metals. It was originally delivered to a year 8 class but could easily be adapted for other key stages and year levels. This is designed for a 100 minute lesson but could be broken up into smaller parts.
This is the second lesson in a series of lessons. The other lessons are also available here.
Please note - This lesson contains a demonstration of alkali metals reacting with water so preparation will be needed for that.
During the lesson, pupils will:
Complete a do now task testing their knowledge using the periodic table (from the previous lesson in the series)
Recap information from the previous lesson about the properties of metals and non-metals.
Identify the periods and groups on a periodic table and what we can tell about an element by its position on the periodic table.
Recap knowledge of structure of an atom and the importance of protons and neutrons.
Identify the group one/Alkali metals on the periodic table.
Make observations about the reaction between Lithium, Sodium and Potassium and water.
Make predictions about the reaction of rubidium and caesium with water. Watch a video to see the reaction and compare it with predictions.
Identify the relationship between the position in the group and the reactivity of a group one metal.
Compare the properties of group one metals with other metals.
This is a bundle of five Geography lessons about population. These lessons were originally delivered to year 8 class in the UK but could easily be adapted to other curriculum or year levels.
The titles of the lessons contained in the bundle include:
Lesson One: Population Change
Lesson Two: Population Density
Lesson Three: Population Pyramids
Lesson Four: Ageing Populations
Lesson Five: Push and Pull Factors of Immigration
These lessons are also available individually but you will receive a discount of nearly 50% if you purchase the bundle…
This is a full Geography lesson looking at how and why populations change over time. It was originally delivered to a year 8 class but could be adapted for other year levels and key stages.
This lesson follows up a previous lesson on population change which is also available
During the lesson pupils:
Use an ISM to look at the difference between a densely and a sparsely populated area.
Use own knowledge to try and identify the most densely populated countries in the world.
Use a wold population density map to analyse areas that are densely and sparsely populated.
Work out the population density of a number of different countries.
Investigate what is meant by population distribution and explain the population distribution of a number of areas based on aerial photos taken at night.
Investigate and evaluate human and physical factors which influence population distribution.
Complete an extended writing task to explain why an area is densely populated and why a different area is sparsely populated.
This is the second lesson in a scheme of work about the Atlantic Slave Trade. In this lesson, pupils attempt to prove that "civilisation" existed in Africa before the start of the slave trade. In particular, pupils use evidence and sources to respond to a quote from David Hume.
This lesson includes -
*Attitudes of Europeans towards Africa during the slave trade.
* Examples of civilisation and technology in Africa before the slave trade.
* Investigation of the Mali Empire as an example of civilisation in Africa before the slave trade
* Homework task to get students to respond to European attitudes towards Africa based on the evidence they have considered during the lesson.
The whole scheme of work (7 lessons) is available to buy for £5.
If you buy this lesson, please leave a review.
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This bundle contains six full lessons of a scheme of work about the Roman Empire.
The lessons are aimed towards key stage 3 (year 7) but could easily be adapted for Key stages 1 and 2.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson one - Introduction and Chronology of the Roman Empire
Lesson Two - The Story of Romulus and Remus
Lesson Three - The Roman Amry
Lesson Four - The Roman invasion of Britain
Lesson Five - Boudica's Rebellion
Lesson Six - Legacy of the Romans
All lessons are ready to teach and include all necessary resources.
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This bundle contains four full lessons covering Key Topic Three: Canada and the Durham Report of the new edexcel A-Level History course, Britain loosing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson 1 - Canada and the Revolutions of 1837
Lesson 2 - Revolts against British Rule
Lesson 3 - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts
Lesson 4 - The impact of the Durham Report
The lessons are ready to teach and include worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
Check out my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including breadth and key topics for this unit.
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This bundle contains four full lessons covering Key Topic Five: The Nile Valley 1882 - 98 new Edexcel A-Level History course, Britain loosing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson 1 - Reasons for British Occupation
Lesson 2 - British Invasion of Egypt
Lesson 3 - British involvement in Sudan
Lesson 4 - Gordon, Kitchener and Sudan
The lessons are ready to teach and include worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
Check out my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including breadth and key topics for this unit.
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This is the sixth lesson in a unit of work on forces which could be adapted for use at KS3 or GCSE. The lesson introduces pupils to non-contact forces and using two short practicals to explore different aspects of magnetic fields.
During this lesson pupils will:
Discuss how magnets attract and repel and the Earth attracts things.
Identify non-contact forces and attempt to explain how they work.
Write a definition of non-contact forces.
Complete a matching activity about force fields.
Use iron filings and a bar magnet to observe a magnetic field.
Use a plotting compass and bar magnet to draw field lines around the magnet.
Complete some short consolidation tasks to review learning.
A bundle of all 8 lessons can be found here.
Visit my shop for other lessons in this unit and other science, history and geography resources.
This is the Fourth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Complete a starter focusing on world capitals and linking Freetown, Sierra Leone with the suppression of the Slave trade from the previous lesson.
* Investigate a letter of Marque (issued by the US congress in 1776) to identify the creation of privateers and discuss what it suggests about the nature of Navies in the 18th and 19th centuries.
* Discuss how the expansion of the British Empire and the Royal Navy may have contributed to the rise of the "Golden age" of Piracy.
* Investigate some prominent pirates and the Pirate laws created by Captain Bart Roberts to identify and infer features of piracy during this period.
* What two videos covering pirate tactics and the development of Piracy.
* Use the text to investigate methods used by the English and Dutch to suppress the piracy and why this was a priority for them.
* Complete an investigation of the Barbary Pirates looking at depictions of them in Europe, their raids on European towns (such as the Sack of Baltimore) their growing power and subsequent suppression by the Royal Navy and others.
* Discuss the statement - The suppression of Piracy and the attack on Algiers in 1816 proves that the Royal Navy’s role had developed to a force for global peace.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy…
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook “Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914” (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Use images of different ship designs between the 16th century and 1906 to make inferences about the development of the Navy over time.
* Identify and discuss the key roles and importance of the Royal Navy to Britain
* Investigate naval tactics during the age of sail through a brief study of the Battle of Trafalgar.
* Evaluate the different ships in the Royal Navy from ships of the line to sixth-rate ships and the roles they undertook.
* Evaluate the effectiveness of the Royal navy during the age of sail.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
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This is the third lesson in a unit of work on motion and pressure. The lesson is aimed towards KS3 but could be adapted for other levels.
The aim of the lesson is to introduce pupils to the concept of gas pressure using a can crushing practical and a though experiment about blowing up a balloon until it pops.
This lesson includes the can crush/imploding practical which could also be done as a demonstration to save time and resources.
During this lesson pupils will:
Recap the particle model of a gas and explain how the particles move in relation to each other and their container.
Conduct/observe can imploding due to air pressure.
Complete a card sort activity to explain why the can imploded.
Generally define pressure.
Use their own knowledge to answer questions about blowing up a balloon until it bursts to infer gas pressure and what causes it.
Define the idea of gas pressure and its causes.
Complete/watch a simulation to identify factors which can increase gas pressure.
Complete some short consolidation tasks.
Go to my shop for more lessons in this unit and other science, history and geography resources.
KS3 lesson to introduce evidence and how Historians use evidence to learn about the past. Could be used as part of a unit of Historical skills and before work on primary and secondary sources.
You will need to bring a bag of "stuff" to use as evidence.
This is the fifth lesson in a scheme of work about the Battle of Hastings. The lessons are aimed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for other year levels.
This lesson is ready to go and includes all resources.
During this lesson, pupils will:
- Use information and learning from previous lessons to create a newspaper acticle to outline the key events of the Battle of Hastings and suggest why William won.
This lesson is also avaliable in a bundle with all of the lessons in the Battle of Hastings scheme for £6 (or £1 a lesson).
Make sure to click on my username above to look at the rest of my resources.
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