Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
This is an engaging practice on finding the distance and midpoint between two points. It consists of two parts:
Part 1 contains 9 various problems on finding the midpoint (determining the coordinates of the midpoint given coordinates of the endpoints of a segment, given coordinates of the midpoint and one of the endpoints and finding the other endpoint, parametric problems on midpoint, finding the midpoint given a graph)
Part 2 contains 7 various problems on finding the distance between two points (finding the slope and length of segment given coordinates of the endpoints and given a graph, determining whether two segments are congruent, determining whether a given triangle is right and isosceles, finding the perimeter of a triangle)
The practice sheets give enough room for student to show work.
The product can be used as independent/extra practice, enrichment or/and homework assignment.
Answer keys are included.
These are 50 practice problems of various difficulty on converting polar and rectangular equations. Problems A1- A25 require students convert rectangular equations to polar equations (Practice A). Problems B1-B25 require students convert polar equations to rectangular equations (Practice B).
I hope that the practice worksheets give your students enough room to show their work.
This resource can be possibly used as an independent /extra practice, as an enrichment and homework assignment.
Typed detailed answer keys/solutions are provided.
These are two practice forms A and B containing similar multiple-choice questions on trigonometric functions on the interval from 0 to 180 degrees. Students will need to use cofunction and reduction identities to handle the problems.
Each form consists of 9 problems.
1,2 and 7 problems are evaluating an expression, problem 3 is finding the measure of the angle teta given an equation. Problem 4 is finding the value of sin/cos (teta) given the value of the cofunction of teta, it is given to which quadrant belongs teta. Problem 5 is evaluating an expression as students are given the value of one trig function. Problem 6 is finding the value of a product. Problem 8 is evaluating an expression as students are given the value of the angle teta. Problem 9 - students have to determine when a trig function will not be defined. Please view the preview for more details.
This resource can be used as a review on the topic, as partner activity or one of the forms can be completed individually in class and the other can be used for homework. Each form can be used as an assessment as well.
Answer key is included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
These are two practice forms A and B containing similar problems on quadratic functions.
Each form has eight problems. Problem 1 is finding the leading coefficient of a quadratic function f(x)=ax^2 passing through a given point. Problem 2 is finding the vertex of a given quadratic function. Problem 3 is finding the extrema of a quadratic function on a given closed interval. Problem 4 is determining how many points of intersection have the graphs of two quadratic functions. Problem 5 is finding the range of quadratic function. Problem 6 is finding the interval of increasing, problem 7 is finding the interval of decreasing of a quadratic function and problem 8 is determining the equation of a quadratic function given its graph.
Students are provided with empty boxes where to record their answers.
The resource can be used as a review, partner activity or one of the forms can be completed independently in class and the other can be given for homework.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a fun and engaging activity on solving radical equations with one and two radicals, equations with extraneous solutions included. There are two problem pages/ slides. On the first page/slide students are given 12 problems as each problem is “accompanied” by a riddle. On the second page/slide there are given the answers of the problems as each answer of a problem is “accompanied” by the answer of the riddle. 12 “false” answers are included to mislead the students if they try to guess the riddles without solving the equations. Students can draw numbered ovals (from 1 to 12) in the fields of the answers they have chosen to be correct.
I would make my students show work on this activity.
Answer key is included on page/slide 3.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a Solar System planets themed maze on solving logarithmic equations (equations with extraneous solutions included). Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 15 problems properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. It would be nice if students show work on this activity.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here.
This is a vegetables themed maze on solving rational equations (equations with extraneous solutions included). Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 15 problems properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. It would be nice if students show work on this activity.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here.
This is a Thanksgiving themed maze on evaluating algebraic expressions. The problems included are algebraic expressions with two variables a and b as the value of each variable for each problem is given in the maze box. Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 15 problems properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. It would be nice if students show work on this activity.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here.
Students will simplify 26 expressions using the distributive property and combining like terms with these pumpkin alphabet themed task cards. On each slide/card students are given two similar problems to solve therefore these cards are especially suitable for two partners (working in pairs).
The problems have 3 levels of difficulty:
Level 1: Distribute once only (3 slides/cards)
Level 2: Distribute and combine like terms (7 slides/cards)
Level 3: Distribute twice and combine like terms (3 slides/cards)
I have included problems where the factor in front of the brackets is a fraction and/or a decimal (the last 4 slides, more challenging problems).
This resource also works well as independent practice, extra credit/practice.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has four slides/cards on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a fun multiple-choice activity on applying exponent laws (only positive exponents included). On each slide/page there are two similar problems (expressions with two or three variables). Students have to simplify each expression and choose the correct answer between four optional answers. The problem is “labeled” with a large Latin letter written on a picture of a hen. The answer choices are “labeled” with small Latin letters written on pictures of chicks. Students write the letter of the chosen chick to the hen so to match the problem to its answer. The problem pages/slides are 10 (so students are provided with 20 problems). The problems increase in difficulty.
This activity can be completed individually or in pairs.
The answer key is included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is parrots themed maze on solving nonlinear systems. Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 13 problems correctly to complete the maze. The maze has two optional ends, one is the true end. This is made with the purpose students to puzzle what is the true way when they solve even the last problem. Students can draw a line to display their answer path. Systems included have two or four solutions. There is included one system with no solution, but it is not on the true way.
I would make students show their work on this activity.
Answer key is included.
This is an engaging rainy girls themed group activity (groups of three) or independent practice on solving systems of linear equations (2 equations and 2 variables). Problems pages/slides are four as each slide contains 9 systems/problems. On each page/slide "the girl asks"the systems to be solved and else one specific question. On page/slide 1 “the girl asks” which of the systems given have the same solution. On page/slide 2 “the girl asks” which of the systems have no solution and whether students can determine this without solving the systems. On page/slide 3 “the girl asks” which of the systems have infinite many solutions and whether it can be determined without solving the systems. And on page/slide 4 “the girl asks” which of the systems have the only one solution and again if this can be determined without solving the systems. There are empty boxes provided where students can record their answers.
This product can be used as engaging group activity if the students will solve all the systems given on the pages/slides or as independent practice if student will solve only the systems on page/slide 1 and will use another methods to answer the questions on the next 2nd, 3th and 4th pages/slides.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two and four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
These are two pages/slides with problems on the properties of square roots. The first page/slide is partner activity (problems for partners, 11 problems for each as the problems of the partners are very similar). Students have to evaluate expressions and determine which of given statements are true. The second page/slide is independent practice with 12 challenging problems, students will simplify expressions. There are provided two pages/slides with empty boxes where students can record their answers.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging activity on approximating square roots. It consists of two parts/slides. On the first page/slide (Part 1 of this activity) students are given 16 double inequalities like a< empty<b where a and b are decimals (positive and negative). Students are also given 18 square roots (numbers) in a table. They are asked to fill in the gaps in the double inequalities so the inequalities to become true statements. On the second page/slide (Part 2 of this activity) students are given 20 radical expressions in a table to estimate rounding to nearest tenth. They are asked to record their approximations in the empty cells of the given table. The expressions are of the types a√b, a±b√c and (a±b√c)/d where a,b,c and d are integers.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a guiding practice on dividing radicals applying rationalizing the denominator. On each page/slide students are given an worked out example and similar problem(s) to solve by their own. Students are provided with empty boxes where to write so to show their answers. The worked out examples increase in difficulty and are six. The problems that students have to solve are nine.
This resource can be used as a lesson on rationalizing the denominator or after a lesson on rationalizing.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a princesses themed matching activity on operations with radical expressions. There are 5 pages/slides providing students with a total of 20 challenging problems. On each page/slide there are given 4 expressions and 5 answer choices. Students have to perform the indicated operations, simplify each expression and record the letter of the expression in the empty box beside the answer of the problem. The first two pages/slides have similar problems, so as the third and fourth pages/slides. The fifth page/slide has different type of problems than the other pages/slides.
Students can complete this activity independently or they can work in pairs like partner activity (partner A will solve slides 1 and 3 and partner B will solve slides 2 and 4 and because slides 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 have similar problems partners can collaborate and help each other with methods. Partners can solve slide 5 together or partner A can solve problems 1 and 2 from this slide and partner B can solve problems 3 and 4).
Answer keys are contained at the end of this document.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging teacher themed practice on evaluating trigonometric expressions of an acute angle. It consists of three problem pages/slides as each page/slide contains four problems. On page/slide 1 and 2 students have to evaluate eight trig expressions for the given value of the angle theta. One of the purposes of these problems is for students to learn the values of trig functions for 30, 45 and 60 degrees. Students will handle these 8 problems if they have good skills in simplifying radical expressions. On page/slide 3 students have to evaluate four expressions using the information given for each of them. Here students are expected to apply algebraic manipulations like squaring the both sides of the given equation and using the fundamental Pythagorean identity and dividing by sin(theta) or cos(theta) the numerator and denominator of the given fractional expression, etc.
Students can record their answers on the pages/slides in the empty boxes provided.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a matching activity on radical operations with higher indexes (3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th root). The problems are 26 grouped in 3 pages/slides and labeled with celebrate alphabet letters. On the first page/slide students are given 9 problems, students have to find the sum or difference of two radical terms having the same indexes. On the next page/slide (another 9 problems) students have to find the product or quotient of two radical terms with different indexes. And on the last third page/slide students have to simplify 8 radical expressions. Students have to perform more than one operations with the radicals (using distributive property, formulas for square of a sum and square of a difference, product of a sum and difference of the same radical terms). After solving the problems students search for their answers in a table given. They record the letter of each problem in the empty box where is the answer of the problem (matching each problem with its answer).
This activity can be completed individually or students can work in groups of 2 or 3.
The answer keys are contained at the end of this document.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a fun multiple-choice game on simplifying nth root expressions with variables. On each page/slide students are given an expression to simplify, four answer choices, a picture of a prehistoric animal and there is a name of a prehistoric animal corresponding to each answer choice. Students solve the problem and use their answer to find out what is the name of the prehistoric animal on the picture. The pages/slides are 10 as there are included problems with 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th root. Students have to use absolute value when necessary.
Answer key is included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a fun multiple-choice activity on rationalizing the denominator involving the Greek mythology. There are 10 problem pages/slides as each page/slide contains one problem. Students rationalize the denominator and use their answer to find out which Greek God is on the given picture of the slide. The answer choices are four as a name of a Greek God or Hero corresponds to each answer choice.
Answer keys include short information for the Greek Gods which are corresponding to the correct answers.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!