A sequence a 7 fully resourced lessons on the campaign for female suffrage. Each lesson includes a powerpoint with a step by step guide (this can be easily adapted to suit your classes needs) and supporting resources, such as card sorts, worksheets, source based tasks and activities designed to encourage creative thinkers and independent learners.
A 37 page revision guide and workbook for Unit 1 (c.1000-c.1500) from the Crime and punishment through time GCSE course. This booklet links to the Edexcel specification. The booklet is split into three sections; Crime and punishment in Anglo-Saxon England, Norman England and the Later Middle Ages.
Each section covers the required knowledge and skills needed to succeed at GCSE level. There are a range of worksheets, student-led activities, exam style questions and tips, quizzes, key word tests, self assessment activities and information sheets.
This booklet can be used to teach the entire unit. It can also be used to teach the entire unit. The resource includes a range of resources/ worksheets/ activities that can be used to teach individual lessons or a sequence of lessons. If you have purchased any of our other GCSE revision guides (Cold War, Germany or Elizabeth) then you will know that these resources are easy to follow, student-led and teacher friendly
The last lesson in our English Civil War Unit of Work. The lesson looks at different interpretations of King Charles II which students weigh up against a Horrible Histories sketch. Having done this the students write a letter to the creators of Horrible Histories to explain how the sketch could be developed. Literacy support and differentiated resources included. As always there are clear step by step instructions. PLEASE NOTE, DUE TO COPYRIGHT, I CANNOT UPLOAD THE BLING LYRICS. THESE CAN BE FOUND HERE .
A very useful resource to demonstrate literacy progress to SLT. I get the students to fix these document to the inside cover of their book and complete each term. They are useful when completing any written piece of work as students can check off each target when writing up.
A booklet containing a range of activities about life in the trenches during World War One. The activities look at the kit a soldier had to carry, the problems faced on the Western Front (source analysis and creative thinking task), daily routine activity and a No Man's Land task. The final activity requires the students to use their knowledge to create a trench survival guide for new recruits. This can be used for a sequence of lessons or as an independent project/ homework task. I teach this over 3 lessons (2 weeks). The lessons run themselves.
An outline and description of the module for the new GCSE specification 9-1 with assessment and progress trackers for students and teachers to track student's work over the 2 year course. Ideal for new teachers who are new to assessment and pupil tracking who want to be able to quickly demonstrate progress to SLT, OFSTED and parents.
The second lesson for Unit 1.1 (The situation on Elizabeth’s accession). This lesson looks at what was England like when Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558. Students organise features of England into given categories before completing analysis of the country and using the knowledge to complete a describe tow features of question. They finish by producing a comparison between England in 1558 and today.
Edexcel GCSE Early Elizabethan England. A comprehensive analysis of Elizabeth’s 1559 religious settlement. This lessons includes a range of activities which enables students to fully understand the key concepts of the settlement, how it was enforced and its impacts on people and churches. A range of hight quality worksheets and information sheets are included as well as an exam style question with useful student friendly tips and literacy support. A homework task is also incorporated into the lesson. As always there are easy to follow instructions and differentiated activities. One of the tasks makes reference to the Pearson textbook however the lesson can easily be taught without this task.
This lesson teaches the skills required for the Narrative Question, paper 2. Students begin by looking at the mark scheme. In pairs they create a list of 3 top exam tips. They are then introduced to two Question 2 style exam questions. They work their way through a series of differentiated steps before writing up a response to one of the questions (the other can be set as a homework or as a starter for the next lesson). There are some sample responses that the students can mark and comment on (editable so that you can change depending on your groups ability range). Once they have done this there is opportunity for them to develop their answer before a bit of peer assessment. The lesson concludes with the students refining their exam tips set out in the starter activity. A structure strip and worksheet included. for the structure strip, I make the double-sided (cut out the literacy support and stick it to the back of the strip). I hope people find this lesson useful.
The Narrative question exam preparation lesson. This product includes all of the material required to teach the two narrative exam style questions. Students read about two key events (the Hungarian Uprising and the Berlin crisis, 1958-61), complete a card sort activity, sequence key events before writing up their responses to the questions. A student-friendly mark scheme is included as well as structure tips for this question type. There is also literacy support and exam tips for how to approach this type of question.
In the examination students should aim to spend 10 minutes writing up this question, so this could be a timed activity. It's important that the students start to get into the habit of arranging and sequencing the events and using the linking language.
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Students develop the knowledge and the skills to tackle an importance style question. This lesson includes a range of student-led activities. Your class will need to determine which factor was key in establishing a successful Mormon settlement in the Great Salt Lake Valley. The lesson concludes with an exam style question (tips and structure strips included).
A lesson that looks that the main reasons why the Ku Klux Klan were able to get away with serious crimes, such as murder. Various activities are included in this complete lesson. Students have to assess information to make links between evidence, categorise information before completing a thought cloud on the lesson's title, which aims to develop GCSE literacy skills and the level of detail needed in developed explanations. A never heard the word grid and an activity linked to the 1939 song 'Strange Fruit' by Billie Holliday area included. As always there are clear step by step instructions.
This lesson looks at the problems faced by the Nazi Party in 1933 and how they addressed these problems. In the lesson the class will need to work in groups (4 per group). They are presented with some memos linked to propaganda and they have to identify the problems (for the Nazi party) included in these memos. They will need to decide which issues are the most important (and justify this - a good opportunity to encourage deeper level thinking through teacher questioning). When they have done this they can begin to construct some possible solutions that teh nazi Party could have implemented. each group will present their ideas to the class (I use sugar paper and coloured pens so that they can makes spider diagrams or mindmaps). I also ensure that they use the sentence stems provided when speaking to the class to encourage literacy development. Each student will need to complete their own matrix. There is a homework task included in the presentation which compares the students solutions to the actual solutions implemented by Goebbels. This lesson teachers itself.
A one hour lesson. Students reach a judgement based on a card sort and diamond 9 activity before writing up a response in a post card activity. There are a range of differentiated activities and tasks and worksheets. As always there are clear step by step instructions and high-quality differentiated resources with literacy support.
A lesson on victorian women and the first lesson in the Votes for Women unit of work. Students spot differences between victorian women and 21st century women before extracting information from sources and finally creating an lonely hearts advert for a man seeking the perfect victorian woman. As always there are clear step by step instructions.
A lesson which looks at the changes that took place in the years after the Civil War. Students sort cards in to two categories 'things got better' and 'things got worse'. They then need to categorise these cards (e.g. laws, social changes etc). The cards then need to be ranked so plenty of opportunity for discussion and deeper level thinking. The main task is to respond to the lesson's title. Literacy support (sentence stems, key words are included). Students will have the chance to practice GCSE skills in the write up and there is a slide of additional sources that higher ability students can use to further develop their arguments.
A complete unit of study designed to challenge, engage and encourage independent learners. Each lesson includes a PowerPoint with step by step instructions, high quality differentiated resources, literacy support, engaging activities and GCSE skills incorporated.
This lesson looks at the impacts of Tudor exploration on Britain and on her colonies. Students need to categories information, find links and form an opinion about how far Tudor exploration had a positive impact. The main task is creating a stamp that sums up their view on Tudor exploration. Literacy support and differentiated materials are provided as well as clear step by step instructions
18 fully resourced lessons on Nazi Germany and The Holocaust. All lessons include a PowerPoint presentation with a step by step guide, detailed differentiated resources, literacy support materials, activities designed to encourage independent learners and thinkers with a clear focus of developing GCSE skills throughout.These lessons took many hours to plan and prepare and they are constantly being developed, so please leave feedback. Once purchased you will have access to these resources indefinitely, so please check for updates. I do post updates on my TES feed so if you follow me you will receive these notes. Finally, I hope you find and your students find these resources helpful.