I provide resources ranging from full lessons to full unit bundles for BTEC Business Studies alongside GCSE Computing. I currently work as a Further Education Business Lecturer, Standards Verifier and Examiner for a large awarding body.
I provide resources ranging from full lessons to full unit bundles for BTEC Business Studies alongside GCSE Computing. I currently work as a Further Education Business Lecturer, Standards Verifier and Examiner for a large awarding body.
This resource is a case study which involves launching a brand new product. This case study can be used to cover Marketing, Teamwork and Economic Sectors. This case study was used when delivering Unit 11: Building Successful Business Teams but could be used for many other lesson topics. The case study involves using a rare superfruit grown in Africa. The group activity incorporates Marketing, Procurement and Stakeholder theory.
This resources gives the learners different market research scenarios. On an individual basis, learners will decide if each situation provides Primary or Secondary research and if the data will be Qualitative or Quantitative when collected. Learners then get into pairs and peer assess their results.
This full lesson covers A3 of Unit 1: Exploring Business.
Topics covered include;
Written Communication
Oral Communication
Importance of Communication
This lesson also contains two large tasks for learners to complete that allows them to demonstrate their understanding.
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This full lesson, with supporting handout, covers B2 of Learning Aim B for Unit 1: Exploring Business.
Topics covered include;
Public Sector Aims
Private Sector Aims
SMART objectives
Individual and group activities
This full lesson covers E1 of Learning AIm E for Unit 1: Exploring Business. Areas covered include;
Innovation (including; creative process, exploiting new ideas and increasing efficiency)
Enterprise (Lateral, Blue Sky thinking, intuition, serendipity, chance)
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This bundle of resources covers Learning Aim E of Unit 1: Exploring Business fully. Take the stress out of planning by downloading this bundle!
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This whole lesson covers E2 of Learning Aim E for Unit 1: Exploring Business.
Topics covered include;
Improvements to products, processes, services and customer experience
Business growth
Development of new and niche markets
Offering a USP
Improved reputation and recognition
Smarter working
Risks - Failing to meet operational and commercial requirements
Failing to achieve a return on investment
Cultural problems (resistance to change, unsupportive processes and systems, insufficient support from leadership and management)
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This bundle of resources covers the entirety of Learning AIm C for Unit 1: Exploring Business. For other Learning Aims and assignment briefs, please visit my shop.
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This lesson covers the following areas of Learning Aim D:
Perfect competition
Imperfect competition
Features of market structures (number of firms, freedom of entry and nature of product)
Group activity and links to external media.
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This lesson covers A.3 - Current Accounts for Learning Aim A of Unit 3, Personal and Business Finance. Topics covered includes;
Current Accounts
Basic Accounts
Premium/Packaged accounts
Student Accounts
A group activity that involves research, analysis and peer assessment.
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This 32 slide lesson covers A.4 of Learning Aim A of Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance. The lesson contains a variety of activities, exam questions and links to external media such as online calculators, comparison websites and more.
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This full lesson covers B2 of Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance and includes;
Online banking
Telephone banking
Mobile banking
Postal banking
A group task where learners must write exam questions based on the above topic areas and get their classmates to answer their questions to facilitate peer assessment.
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers B.3 of Learning Aim B of Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance. The lesson covers;
Financial Conduct Authority
Financial Ombudsmen Service
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Legislation – Consumer Credit
A group research task which includes Peer assessment and presentation skills.
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson includes a large role play task followed by an extensive individual appraisal of performance and skills relating to;
Performance as a candidate and an interviewer
Communication skills
Observation skills
Employability skills