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Planet Geography

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Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography




Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography
TNCs in Nigeria (Shell) - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

TNCs in Nigeria (Shell) - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on an what Transnational corporations (TNC’s) are and why they have chosen Nigeria to develop in. Students will be able to explain the positives and negatives of Nigeria and then answer the question on if TNCs are a positive force in Nigeria. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Recap on how ox-bow lakes are formed Task 2: Outline the positives and negatives of TNCs on the worksheet. Task 3: Geography Skills: Describe the distribution of oil fields in Nigeria (3 marks) Task 4: Students to watch a video explaining the positives and negatives of Shell in Nigeria. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “To what extent are TNCs a positive force for the host country?" (6 marks) High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words. Task 5: Plenary - Revision on exam question about ox-bow lakes. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Impacts of Industry on the Physical Environment - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Impacts of Industry on the Physical Environment - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on how economic industry affects the environment. Use of Torr Quarry for the case study. Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Using 5 steps, draw 5 diagrams that show the process of rotational cliff slumping. Task 2: Geography Skills: Image inference “What evidence is there of environmental damage?” Task 3: Watch the video on thepositives and negatives of quarrying in England. Task 4: Geography Skills: Describing location - Describe the location of Torr Quarry. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “To what extent do you think that the quarry is being managed in an environmentally sustainable way? (6 marks)” High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help. Task 5: Plenary - Revise for exam question on rotational cliff slumping. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Measuring Development - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Measuring Development - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how to measure development, introduction to economic and human development and what the HDI is. Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning Task 2: Define development then write the definition on their worksheet Task 3: Read through the different measures of development and students to pick one, and justify why they have. Then pass the sheet to the next student and they debate the point. Task 4: Main Task - Long form writing- students to define what development is, outline which development indicator they have chosen and why, the state other measures of development and which is the best one to use. Task 5: Plenary - On whiteboards, students to give ideas on how to help countries develop equally. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Mitigating Climate Change - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Mitigating Climate Change - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on what climate change mitigation is, the positives and negatives of using fossil fuels. Then mitigation is broken into four sections: Reduction of GHG, artificially alter global temperatures, GHG capture and storage and finally international agreements. Task 1: Starter - 3 exam questions OR describe the impact of each picture, then if it is a social, or economic impact. Task 2: Students to come up with a definition of mitigation then copy out the real definition. Task 3: Overview of the formation of coal, oil and gas. Then students identify the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels. Task 4: Using the PowerPoint attached (can be printed for a handout) students fill in each type of renewable energy on their sheets. Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- Complete two exam questions “Describe how GHG emissions from energy production could be reduced?" “explain how alternative energy production and planting trees may help to reduce the rate of climate change” **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Ice Age and the Effects on Earth - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Ice Age and the Effects on Earth - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to define what a glacial and interglacial period is along with the conditions of each. They will also interpret graphs to show the glacial/interglacial cycle on Earth and describe the extent of ice during the last Ice Age. Students will then investigate the causes of the Ice Age and how humans survived the conditions. Task 1: Starter:- Knowledge recall on previous lessons and topics Task 2: Students describe the Earth’s climate over the past 450,000 years by interpreting a graph. Task 3: Using the map of Earth students are to describe the extent of ice during the Ice Age. Task 4: Main Task: Students to describe the last Ice Age and its effects on Earth, using success criteria. Task 5: Plenary: Why is our planet not able to enter an Ice Age currently? Would we adapt now to an Ice Age? How would we adapt? The lesson contains PowerPoint and worksheet
Global Atmospheric Circulation Model - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Global Atmospheric Circulation Model - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on the global atmospheric model, its components and its function along with pressure belts and surface winds and how the Coriolis force affects trade winds and westerlies. Task 1: Starter - Answer true and false questions about previous learning Task 2: Definition of global atmospheric circulation Task 3: Complete two exam questions about pressure belts and conditions. Task 4: Complete GAC sheet. Task 5: Main Task -Exam question practice “Explain how the global atmospheric system affects the weather and climate at the equator” (4 marks) Task 6: Plenary - On whiteboards, students to give ideas on how to help countries develop equally. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Introduction to Sex & Relationship Education - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Introduction to Sex & Relationship Education - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

First in a series of lessons about Sex Education, aimed primarily at students in year 9/10. Covers physical and emotional changes to our bodies that occur during puberty and identifying ways to manage the changes. Contains powerpoint and worksheet. Works best if all powerpoints are used with worksheets and the worksheets provide good evidence of progress in a PHSE topic.
Body Image and Social Media - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Body Image and Social Media - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on body image and body dysmorphia, an introduction into what body image is, what social media can do. Task 1: Starter - Knowledge recap on what students previously learnt about hygiene. Task 2: Create a spider diagram about what is body image using prompts on the board. Task 3: Using example of filters, students have to identify what has changed and why that person may have changed it. Task 4: What can be done to promote body positivity? Task 5: Plenary - On whiteboards, students to give ideas on how to reduce inequality. **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Identifying height on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Identifying height on a map - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how to identify height on a map, why we need to know height on a map and what it can be represented as. Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning from previous lessons Task 2: Students on worksheets to join up the high lines to show the height of the land. Task 3: Then they are to colour in each height to show the height of the land. Task 4: Main Task - Explain why contour lines are important. Task 5: Plenary **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Using a compass - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Using a compass - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how to use a compass, why we use compass directions and then how to apply compass directions to find places. This lesson also comes with an assessment at the end to test student’s knowledge of previous skills lessons. Task 1: Starter -Recap the previous lessons and answer questions about them. Task 2: Identity which students know the four-point compass directions and then the eight-point compass to stretch students. Task 3: Discussion on why we use north orientated maps instead of other orientations. Task 4: Complete a worksheet using compass directions and identifying what characters they end up at. Task 5: Main Task - Secondary Assessment- using an atlas to answer all the questions on the worksheet, this puts all the skills students have previously acquired and puts them to use identifying places in an atlas. Task 6: Plenary **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Resource Management - Water Supply, Insecurity, and Sustainability - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Resource Management - Water Supply, Insecurity, and Sustainability - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on how to increase water supplies through; dams/ reservoirs, desalination plants and diverting supplies. The South-North Transfer Scheme in China an example of a large scale water transfer scheme to show how its development has both advantages and disadvantages. Then the lesson focuses on moving towards a sustainable future with water conservation, groundwater management, recycling, ‘grey’ water an example of a local scheme in an LIC or NEE to increase sustainable supplies of water. The case study for this is WaterAid in Mali. Task 1: Starter - Knowledge retention of previous learning Task 2: Class discussion on how to increase water supplies. Task 3: Class to watch two videos about the South- North Water Transfer Scheme in China Task 4: Class Discussion on how to create a sustainable supply. Task 5: Watch the clip from water aid and identify three things WaterAid does in Mali to support people. Task 6: Main Task -Exam question practice “Assess the sustainability of the Water Aid Project in Mali. (6 marks)" Task 7: Plenary - Time to revise. In line with the AQA exam board **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Introduction to the EU - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Introduction to the EU - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe what the European Union is, when it formed and its purpose. INtroduction to the concepts of Freedom of Movement and Single Market. They will also be able to explain why it formed and its main countries that made up the EU. Starter: Knowledge retention from previous learning Task 1: Assessment for learning - Students to write down everything they know about the EU. Task 2: Explain the history of the EU and its formation through time. Task 3: Difference between the EU and Europe (geography misconception) Task 4: Main Task: Create a newspaper article for Newsround about what the EU is and what it does. Task 5: Plenary: Fill in the spider diagram from the start of the lesson with new learning about the EU. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Amazon Rainforest Characteristics - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Amazon Rainforest Characteristics - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe where tropical rainforests are located globally using lines of latitude and other descriptors of location that students have learned. Then students will describe the location of the Amazon Rainforest in South America using the same skills as before. Next students will investigate why rainforests are in that area and how convectional rainfall occurs. After that students will learn about the layers of the rainforest and then describe what they have learnt about the Amazon Rainforest in their books. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Describe where tropical rainforests are located globally Task 2: Describe where the Amazon Rainforest is located in South America Task 3: Create a comic about how convectional rainfall creates rainforests Task 4: Match the layers of the rainforest to its description. Task 5: Main Task: Describe your learning about tropical rainforests and their characteristics. Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Mapping South America  using GIS - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Mapping South America using GIS - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe the location of the continent of South America using longitude and latitude, then describe the physical features of South America that are present. Finally students will log into laptops and use the worksheet provided to produce a GIS map of the different physical features of South America along with annotations of their maps and what they see. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Description of South America using longitude and latitude. Task 2: Describing the physical features using compass points in South America Task 3: Main Task: Using GIS online students will create a map with different physical features present in South America Task 4: Plenary: Home Learning on the physical features of South America (On last slide of powerpoint) Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Russia - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

Russia - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

11 Resources
An introductory topic for KS3 & 4 in geography about Russia and its features. This bundle contains 11 lessons that are fully resourced. Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately locate Russia and it’s surrounding countries, the distribution of its population due to human and physical factors and how plant and animal life has adapted to its climactic conditions. Along with a case study investigation into Chernobyl and how it affected Russia. Lesson 1: Where is Russia Lesson 2: Population Distribution in Russia Lesson 3: Biomes of Russia Lesson 4: Plants and Animals in Russia Lesson 5: Taiga Forest Threats Lesson 6: Chernobyl, What Happened? Lesson 7: Russia’s Importance in Europe Lesson 8: What is happening with the Russia Ukraine conflict 2022 Lesson 9: River Volga’s Waterfalls Lesson 10: River Volga’s Meanders Lesson 11: River Volga’s Levees Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, creation of climate graphs and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Resources in the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Resources in the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students recap the physical features of the Middle East from the previous topic and lesson. Students will then recap what resources are and be told about energy as a resource. Students are then asked to categorise energy into renewable and non-renewable. Using a map of the middle east students are then to describe the resource present in each country and then also describe the distribution of each oil producer. Then students demonstrate their learning through describing the distribution of oil in the Middle East and its effects on the Middle East Task 1: Knowledge retention of previous learning Task 2: Recap renewable and non-renewable energy Task 3: Using the table and map, describe where the world’s oil reserves are Task 4: Describe the distribution of non-renewable resources in the Middle East. Task 5: Using the pie chart describe the distribution of the world’s biggest oil producers. (4 marks) Task 6: Describe the distribution of oil in the Middle East and its effects on the Middle East This download contains a fully completed powerpopint and worksheet.
Grid Referencing in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Grid Referencing in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students to start by recapping their learning of core knowledge of the physical features of South America with 5 quick questions. Students are then introduced what OS maps are and why we need them, they will then begin to identify symbols that are commonly used in OS maps. The students get shown how to do 4 figure grid references using different places in Brazil, with increasing difficulty. Then students are shown how to do this in 6 figure grid reference. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Identify OS map symbols Task 3: Identify four figure grid references Task 4: Identify six figure grid references Task 5: Independent Practice with a mix of four and 6 figure grid references to test learning. This lesson contains a fully resourced powerpoint and worksheet with high resolution maps for printing.
Brazil - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

Brazil - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

8 Resources
An introductory topic for KS3 & 4 in geography about Brazil and its features. This bundle contains 8 lessons that are fully resourced. Throughout the series of lessons, students will be able to accurately locate Brazil and its surrounding countries, the distribution of its population due to human and physical factors and how urbanisation has impacted Rio with favelas and squatter settlements. Finally, students will investigate the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 1: Location, Climate and Importance of Brazil Lesson 2: Inequalities in Brazil Lesson 3: Impacts of Urbanisation in Brazil Lesson 4: Life in a favela Lesson 5: Positives of urbanisation in Brazil Lesson 6: Importance of the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 7: Exploitation of the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 8: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, creation of climate graphs and case study analysis. This bundle contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.