Brexit SOW - new for 2016-17 - 5 lessons focusing on Brexit
Lesson 2: What impact has EU membership had on the UK?
Learning Outcomes
To explain the cost of the UK’s membership of the EU
To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of EU membership for the UK
To construct an argument as to whether membership of the EU is beneficial to the UK
Enquiry Question: How were Jews treated throughout history?
Learning Objectives
To identify the origins and history of anti-Semitism
To describe the ways that antisemitism has changed over time
To reflect on the dangers of prejudice and hate speech
Lesson Objectives
To give a range of reasons why people commit acts of terrorism
To explore alternative non-violent and legitimate means of bringing about change
Learning Objectives
To identify the services provided by local councils
To identify the services provided by voluntary organisations
To take part in a Mock Cabinet exercise to make cuts to local services
Learning Objectives
To understand the component parts and structure of the UK economy
To investigate the economic consequences illustrated in newspaper headlines
Follow on lesson from lesson where students researched political parties and presented to class - this lesson focuses on students making a decision as to which party best represents them and creating a learning mat that is assessed. Marking criteria is post-NC levels and may not suit all schools but can be easily adapted.
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 1 - How has terrorism influenced the global community?
Learning Objectives
To establish your prior knowledge of terrorism
To be able to define and exemplify terrorism
Y9 SOW - Unit 5; How financially responsible is the UK?
Lesson 3 & 4 - Who provides what you need in the local community?
Learning Objectives
To identify the services provided by local councils
To identify the services provided by voluntary organisations
To take part in a Mock Cabinet exercise to make cuts to local services
Learning Objectives
To research 3 terror attacks.
To explain about each terror attack
The motivations of the attackers
The methods of the attackers
The impact of the attack
To identify similarities and differences between the attacks.
*Marking criteria will need to be amended to reflect individual school's assessment framework*
Lesson examining regional and local political representation (specifically tailored to my school's local constituency - but can be easily adapted). Independent work sheets and tasks - good for potential cover lesson. Homework leads on to debate on Scottish independence in following lesson.
Y9 SOW - Unit 5; How financially responsible is the UK?
Lesson 1 - What is the economy?
Learning Objectives
To understand the component parts and structure of the UK economy
To investigate the economic consequences of newspaper headlines
Lesson planned to be whole class debate on issue, with students being supplied with Debate Matters Topic Guide either before lesson to prepare or to allow time to prepare arguments before debating in the lesson. Marking criteria included for oral assessment (post-NC levels so may not match all schools assessment framework but can be easily adapted).
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 2 - Why do people commit acts of terrorism?
Learning Objectives
To give a range of reasons why people commit acts of terrorism
To explore alternative non-violent and legitimate means of bringing about change
Y9 SOW - Unit 3; How can I be financially responsible?
Lesson 5 - How can identity theft be prevented?
Learning Objectives
To explore what forms identity theft can take.
To assess ways in which to keep my identity safe and if there is enough help available for victims of identity theft.
ICT based lesson exploring how much aid UK gives to other countries - lesson focused around India - although UK has now stopped sending aid to India, students can debate this decision at the end of the lesson, or lesson can be adapted to focus on another aid recipient. Makes use of infographics created by Guardian newspaper.