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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
OCR Biology Fight or flight ressponse

OCR Biology Fight or flight ressponse

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.5 j of the OCR Biology specification-he co-ordination of animal responses by the endocrine and nervous system. It covers the flight and flight response as well as the role played by hormones in cell signalling using adrenaline as an example. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology Muscles

OCR Biology Muscles

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.5 l of the OCR Biology specification-muscles. It covers the structure and function of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. It then goes into the ultra-structure of a skeletal muscle including myofibrils, actin and myosin and how they work together to bring about muscle movement through the sliding filament model. The lesson closes by looking at the neuromuscular junction and how action potentials are passed to the muscle to cause contraction. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology neuronal communication

OCR Biology neuronal communication

7 Resources
A bundle of lessons covering all the specification pints connected with neuronal communication in the OCR Specification. This is the entire of section 5.1.3 as well as points h,i, j and l of section 5.1.5 The lessons cover: structure and function of neurones Receptors The generation and propogation of action potentials Synapses Reflexes The brain and the CBS Muscles Fight or flight The lessons includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoints rather than as extra sheets.
AQA B2 revision digestive system, food tests and enzymes

AQA B2 revision digestive system, food tests and enzymes

A complete revision lesson covering the digestion section of AQA module B2- organisation. It also covers the two RPAs (enzymes and food tests) that occur in this topic. The lesson opens with the food tests RPA followed by looking at the components of a balanced diet along with the role of each nutrient in the body. The lesson then moves to look at the digestive system, its components and their individual role. It then looks at the stomach as an example of an organ with its tissues and their functions. The lesson the moves onto enzyme action and the enzymes of the human digestive system. It then covers the enzymes RPA before finishing with a series of exam questions. Includes retrieval type activities All answers are provided and no printing is required Update 11/05/22- sudan III test for fats added Update 08/05/23- changes to reflect return to normal exam arrangements
AQA Physics 6.4.2 radiation revision

AQA Physics 6.4.2 radiation revision

A complete lesson revising section 6.4.2 of the AQA Trilogy specification- radiation. It covers types and propeties of radiation, decay equations, half lives and contamination. The lesson includes a variety of activities including tables to complete, exam questions and a short multiple choice quiz. The PPT is designed to reduce copying so all activities are in the presentation.
OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.3 a-c of the OCR Chemistry specification- condensation polymerisation to form polyesters and polyamides. The lesson starts by recapping addition polymerisation for year 12. It then introduces condensation polymers. The lesson then goes through the formation of polyamides and polyesters using either one monomer or two. The lesson includes multiple opportunities for students to independently practice. The lesson then covers the hydrolysis of polymers to return to the original monomers. The final part of the lesson is practice at working out the original monomer using a digram of the original polymer. The lesson includes lots of independent tasks I aim to reduce photocopying so all activities and answers are in the PowerPoint- a total of 42 slides
OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.3 a- e of the OCR Chemistry specification - redox reactions and carrying out redox titrations. The lesson opens with a reminder of oxidation numbers from year 12. It then looks at reducing and oxidising agents using an example to reinforce the idea. The lesson then moves onto how half equations can be used to construct overall equations for reactions, again with students led practice. It then looks at using oxidation numbers to complete equations, including when some species are missing from the equation (such as water) . The final part of the lesson looks at redox titrations including both how to carry them out as well as various examples of calculation including calculating purity and using it to work out water of crystalisation. The lesson includes worked examples and student independent practice. I aim to reduce copying so all activities are within the PowerPoint- 36 slides in total
OCR A level Biology Translocation + sugar transport

OCR A level Biology Translocation + sugar transport

A full lesson covering section 3.1.3f of the OCR Biology specification- Translocation. It includes details of how assimilates are transported in the phloem including active loading, the role of hydrogen ions, how fluid is transfered by mass flow powered by hydrostatic pressure as well as the evidence for translocation and the difference between sinks and sources. It also encourages students to make comparisons between the mechanisms for translocation and transpiration The PowerPoint includes a starter, full notes with diagrams, a variety of student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included Updated 08/01/21
OCR A level Chemistry the Chemistry of Alkenes

OCR A level Chemistry the Chemistry of Alkenes

5 Resources
A bundle of 5 double lessons covering the content of section 4.1.3 of the OCR A level chemistry Specification- the chemistry of alkenes It covers: Structure and properties of alkenes Pi-bonds Sterioisomersism Cis trans and E/Z isomers The reactions of alkenes including all necessary conditions and the effect of unsymmetrical molecules The rules for working out which product is more likely to be produced (Markownikoff’s law) The reaction mechanisms for those reactions Addition polymers Disposal of polymers and their environmental implications All lessons include a starter, full notes, a variety of independent leaning tasks for students and a differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
OCR Biology Reflex reactions

OCR Biology Reflex reactions

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.5 i of the OCR Biology specification-reflex reactions. The lesson starts by introducing the reflex arc and what the events in one are. It also covers the knee jerk reflex and the blink reflex as examples of the survival importance of reflexes. It also offers an opportunity of planning a practical investigating reaction times The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

This is a complete lesson covering sections 6.3.3 c and d of the OCR A level Physics specification- electromagnetism. It opens by considering Faraday’s law both mathematically and verbally including examples. It also discussed how e.m.f. and flux linkage can be calculated graphically. It discusses how magnetic flux can be investigated experimentally. The lesson then moves on to Lenz’s law and how using that, and Flemings left hand rule, you can work out the direction of the e.m.f. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts

OCR Biology Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.2.1 a, b and c of the OCR Biology specification- chloroplasts and chlorophyll. It starts by looking at the compensation point and offering students the chance to analyse some data. It then looks at chloroplasts and how they are adapted to their role before discussing the structure of chlorophyll. The lesson then looks at light absorption spectra and provides data for students to draw a graph of the absorption spectra for chlorophyll a and b. The lesson closes by looking at photosystems and introducing their role in the light dependent reaction. The lesson does not cover chemiosmosis. I cover this during respiration. Please my other free resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12629704 The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
AQA science Hydrocarbons revision

AQA science Hydrocarbons revision

A complete lesson revising section 5.7.1 of the AQA trilogy science course- hydrocarbons and fuels and feedstock. It covers: Hydrocarbons Formation of fossil fuels Alkanes Properties of hydrocarbons Fractional distillation Cracking Combustion All activities within the PPT. Includes lots of retrieval activities and exam questions All answers provided
OCR A level Biology What is homeostasis

OCR A level Biology What is homeostasis

A full lesson covering section 5.1.1 a-c of the OCR Biology specification- Homeostasis. The lesson covers the need for communication systems as well as the methods by which cells can communicate with other cells including the example of the dogs vomit fungus. It also introduces the principles of homeostasis including negative and positive feedback as well as the internal conditions that need to maintained. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of student activities, and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included
OCR Physics introduction to capacitors

OCR Physics introduction to capacitors

A full lesson covering section 6.1.1 A and B of the OCR A level Physics specification- introduction to capacitors. It covers what capacitors are, what capacitance is and how it can be calculated. It also describes how capacitors are charged and discharged. The lesson includes a starter revising content from AS, full notes, a variety of student led activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR Biology Heart Structure and dissection

OCR Biology Heart Structure and dissection

This is the fourth lesson in OCR A Level Biology module 3 section 3.1.2 Heart structure and function. It is a full lesson including starter, student activities, full notes and a differentiated summary activity at the end. It also includes instructions for the heart dissection PAG2 and a video as an alternative should practical work not be possible due to Covid-19. All answers are included
OCR A  level Biology module 3 Insect ventilation

OCR A level Biology module 3 Insect ventilation

This is the fifth lesson in OCR module 3 Exchange surfaces. It is a complete lesson covering section 3.1.1 f and g- Insect ventilation. This is a complete lesson including a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary. It also includes a worksheet and link to a you tube video covering insect dissection so you can still cover this topic even in Covid-secure times. All answers are included. The answers to the worksheet are in the PowerPoint. Some slides have additional guidance to support lesson delivery / delivery of the content covered.
OCR Biology Evolution and natural selection

OCR Biology Evolution and natural selection

A double lesson covering module 4 sections 4.2. 2 e, h and i of the OCR A level BIology specification- the evidence for and process of natural selection. The lesson covers Darwin’s journey on the Beagle and the evidence that he collected as well as the observations that he made. It also discusses the conclusions he was able to draw from those observations. It then looks at natural selection as a means for evolution as well as modern issues with evolution including pesticide resistance and MRSA. It closes by introducing the red queen hypothesis and its meaning for evolution. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR Chemistry pH scale and Ka

OCR Chemistry pH scale and Ka

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.2 c, d and e of the OCR chemistry specification- Ka the acid constant and pH. It goes through how to how to calculate Ka and the relationship between Ka and pKa. It also covers the calculation of pH for strong monobasic acids as well as the relationship between pH and the concentration of Hydrogen ions. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end All answers are included I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets