I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year.
I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding.
Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources.
I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year.
I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding.
Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources.
Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of the Battle of Stalingrad.
Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC).
Pupils will recap the terms of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and discuss a piece of source evidence before leading a short inquiry into why Hitler wanted to invade the USSR.
Pupils' will then compete in teams in a literacy relay activity inquiring into The Battle of Stalingrad and identifying the various factors which saw the Nazis loose the battle. Pupils' will then collate their answers and arrange the factors into order of significance before forming personal judgement regarding which they believe to be the most important reason the Nazis lost.
Pupil's then consolidate their judgment through watching a short video clip (embedded) before answering a structured 8 mark exam style question.
Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation.
This lesson should lead on from recently studying the 'Declaration of the Rights of Man'.
Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue about the lesson.
Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC).
Starter: Pupils' receive crime cards to which then then decide individually upon the most fitting punishment this will link in later with the lesson when the guillotine and how it was used during the 'Terror' is explained. Pupils can compare justice and crimes fitting the appropriate punishments.
Pupils will consolidate with a video regarding how the Revolution became extreme though the September Massacre as a case study.
Pupils' then compete in groups to complete a literacy relay regarding the 'Terror' to increase their knowledge of the events which took place and the main forces involved. Peep sheet has been provided here for differentiation.
Pupils then watch a BBC Bitesize video to consolidate before answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI.
All videos links are provided along with instructions and advice in the description of the presentation.
Many thanks
Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes all linked to Edexcel new scheme assessment objectives (A01-A02)
Teacher introduces Harvey though an audo listening activity via an mbedded MP3. Students use thier listening skills to remember and then add information to create a profile about Harvey and his discoveries.
Pupils’ will then work in teams and study an evidence sheet to explain the different factors which allowed Harvey to discover his findings. (All explained within presentation - History Relay)
Pupils consolidate this task by watching a short video (embedded)
Pupils then study the impact Harvey had upon the progression of medicine. (Edexcel Text book will be required). Print off and use highlighters to complete the task.
Pupil’s then consolidate their judgment through answering a structured Edexcel new scheme exam style question. This comes with exam tips and a WAGOL. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI.
Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation.
3 lessons.
Lesson one focuses on re-creating the trial of Charles I and the consequences of his death at the hands of Cromwell.
Lesson 2 encourages pupils to study evidence to provided a balanced answer to then inform an overall judgment on Cromwell.
Lesson 3 focuses on the causes and consequences of the Great Fire of London.
An introduction lesson to 'Pirates'.
This is a lesson with a series of chunked tasks to introduce piracy to pupils or this could be used as a fun one off lesson.
You do not need exercise books for this lesson. All videos have link provided or are embedded.
Short introduction to life in 19th Century Britain.
All lesson outcomes are linked to A01 & A02.
Pupils will study Pasteur as a case study watching video clips / information and sources of evidence to judge his importance and the importance of the Germ Theory to the progression of medicine.
Pupils compete in small teams to answer a series of questions to build their knowledge up on Koch and his significance in the progression of Medicine.
Pupils then complete a silent coversation with prompts to debate the significance of each individual. To consolidate pupils watch a short video clip and summarise the impact of the Germ Theory in Britain.
Pupils should be prepared then to answer an exam style question as Homework.
I have included a success critera personalised and smimplified to allow pupils to answer this 16 mark 'how far do you agree question' from the Edxecel GCSE new scheme.
You will need the new Edexcel GCSE 'Medicine Through time' book for ths lesson.
All outcomes linked with GCSE Exexcel Assessment Objectives (A01/A02)
Pupils are introduced to smallpox and how it began to impact upon Britain. Pupils will then compete in teams in a literacy relay to explain Jenner’s discovery and the reactions to this. (Both positive and negative. Pupils then consolidate and explain Jenner’s significance (A02) with the use of a video (several links provided to use based upon ability of your class).
Pupils then use a card sort activity to help them explain the long term & short term impact of Jenner’s discovery.
Pupils finish the lesson with a short blurb on how Jenner’s discovery influenced Pasteur and Koch to further develop vaccinations and how these changes prevented diseased in the future.
You may wish to use the new Edexcel Medicine through time text book to help support this lesson, but is not necessarily required.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel New Scheme (1-9) All outcomes are linked with Paper One’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
This lesson comes complete with a work booklet so no folders / books will be required.
Pupils start by annotating ‘A Court for King Cholera’ to assess how unhygienic 19th Century London was. Pupils then watch a video (Link provided) to introduce the Choler outbreak.
Pupils will be introduced to John Snow and how he discovered Cholera, again a video is provided (embedded) here to assist with pupils learning.
Pupils then use an additional worksheet using highlighters to assess then impact of his discovery before consolidating their learning through answers a 16 mark exam style question from paper one (Medicine Through Time 1250-Present)
these lessons have been designed for the GCSE Edexcel New Scheme (1-9) All outcomes are linked with Paper One’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2. ( + A bonus Knowledge Organiser)
Including a variety of activities, videos and exam style questions these lessons will help pupils develop their knowledge of modern medicine.
You will need to new GCSE Edexcel Medicine Through Time Textbook for part of some lessons.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel New Scheme (1-9) All outcomes are linked with Paper One's Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
This lesson focuses upon how ideas of treatment and prevention of illness changed during the 20th Century. through focusing on the development of technology and the creation of the NHS in 1948, through to Government intervention and lifestyle campaigns.
The aim of this lesson is to judge the impact and significance of these changes over time.
Videos are embedded/ links provided with further advice in the description of the PowerPoint Presentation.
You will need to new GCSE Edexcel Medicine Through Time Textbook for part of this lesson.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel New Scheme (1-9) All outcomes are linked with Paper One’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
This lesson focuses upon the significance of Fleming, Florey & Chain, allowing pupils to judge who provided the most significant contribution to its discovery.
The aim of this lesson is to judge the impact of penicillin upon British medicine overall.
This can be consolidated in an exam style question (WAGOL provided). Videos are embedded into the presentation with links provided.
You will need to new GCSE Edexcel Medicine Through Time Textbook for part of this lesson.
Included in this pack is a bundle of lessons linked with the Edexcel GCSE 'The American West', covering essential topics pupils will need to know to understand the foundation of settlement in the west.
-Migration (Oregon Trail, Donner Party, Mormons, Gold Rush)
- Push / Pull Factors
- Impact of the Railroad
- Early Settlements / Lawlessness / Mining Towns
- Homestead Act
All lesson outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1 &2.
All tasks and activities have been designed around developing pupil knowledge and understanding of the American West to then apply this to exam technique / exam style questions.
All videos are embedded (links provided) I have included Success criteria's /Homework to further pupils understanding of Paper 2 Section 1.
A fantastic opportunity to develop your own Scheme of work on this topic.
You will need the Edexcel American West Textbook for parts of these lessons.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge regarding the development of the cattle industry. Pupils will learn about:
-Joseph McCoy
- Goodnight-Loving
- John Iliff
Through visual / written and video resources pupils will build their knowledge regarding the significant of these individuals and their impact upon the long drives / ranching.
Pupils consolidate their learning with an exam style question lifted from Paper 2.
Videos links are provided and further advice can be found within the description of the presentation regarding the various forms tasks could take to suit your class.
Included in this pack is a bundle of lessons linked with the Edexcel GCSE 'The American West', covering essential topics pupils will need to know to understand the development of the Cattle Industry.
All lesson outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1 &2. All tasks and activities have been designed around developing pupil knowledge and understanding of the Cattle Industry to then apply this to exam technique .
Most videos are embedded ( or links provided) I have included Success criteria's model answers where appropriate to further pupils understanding of Paper 2 Section 1.
A fantastic opportunity to develop your own Scheme of work on this topic saving 35% on these topics combined. You will need the Edexcel American West Textbook for parts of these lessons.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge of the Johnson County War to then be applied to an exam style question (Paper 2, Question 2: Write a narrative account analysing…)
There are various structures this lesson could take and examples of these have been included in the description of the presentation to suite the needs of your class.
I have included a model answer to use as a guide for pupils in writing a narrative account of the Johnson County War.
his lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2. The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge regarding the life of a Cowboy and the problems they faced. Pupils will also learn about the rivalry between Ranchers and Homesteaders. the lesson begins with a re-cap of the reasons cattle ranching spread to the Great Plains before conducting an inquiry into the life of a Cowboy. I have included two possible tasks here to appeal to various learning styles. 1. Pupils can listen to a song about the life of a Cowboy identifying the problems they faced. OR 2. Pupils watch a short video clip explaining the life of a Cowboy on a Ranch. Pupils can then use this knowledge to complete a consolidation task linked to the different roles of Cowboys on the Long Drives / in Ranches. Pupils are then introduced to the problems encountered by Ranchers and Homesteaders (Video embedded here to introduce the problem of Barbed Wire). Pupils will then compete in groups in a relay style task to identify the other main rivalries between Ranchers and Homesteaders. OR If you have computer access I have also suggested an alternative cartoon strip style task. (Link Provided) this may work better for less able pupils. Videos links are provided and further advice can be found within the description of the presentation regarding the various forms tasks could take to suit your class. You will need the Pearson Edexcel American West Textbook for one of the activities.
Included in this pack is a bundle of lessons linked with the Edexcel GCSE 'The American West', covering essential topics pupils will need to know to understand the problems of Lawlessness in the American West.
All lesson outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1 &2. All tasks and activities have been designed around developing pupil knowledge and understanding of the Lawlessness to then apply this to exam technique .
Most videos are embedded ( or links provided) I have included Success criteria's model answers where appropriate to further pupils understanding of Paper 2 Section 1.
A fantastic opportunity to develop your own Scheme of work on this topic saving 35% on these lessons combined. You will need the Edexcel American West Textbook for parts of these lessons.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two's Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge of outlaws such as 'Billy the Kid' and the events of the OK Corral Shoot out.
Pupils begin by recapping the problems of lawlessness in the West - (Card Sort Activity) Pupils can rank these cards in various orders before applying their gain knowledge of these to a table of information.
The Teachers then introduce the problem of outlaws and gangs in the West using The Reno Gang and 'billy The Kid' as examples.
Pupils then work independently or in groups to construct a narrative account (As per question 2 of Paper 2) of the OK Corral shootout using a story board which can later be used as a revision tool.
Videos are either embedded or links provided. Further advice can be found within the description of the presentation regarding the various forms tasks could take to suit your class.
This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two's Assessment Objectives 1 & 2.
The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge regarding the continued developments of settlement in the West.
1. Exoduster Movement (1879)
2. Oklahoms Land Rush (1893)
Pupils begin with a re-cap of different impacts of migration by studying American Progress, an 1872 painting by John Gast.
Pupils then have a card sort activity to build their understanding of the causes and consequences of the Exoduster Movement 1879.
Pupils then condust an inquiry of the Oklahoma Land Rush 1893 by viewing a video (embedded) and using a worksheet to consider the different perspectives in relation to this (Plains Indians V Settlers).
Pupils then consolidate with an exam style question (Mark shceme Provided).
Videos are embedded and links and further advice can be found within the description of the presentation. you may need the Edexcel GCSE 1-9 American West Text Book to support part of this lesson if you wish.