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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

Sex Education modules linked to Statutory Guidance for KS3 and KS4

With the new RSHE guidance being implemented from this month, I believe that this resource provides an ideal starting point when focusing on positive loving relationships, the family and an introduction to Sex Education for Key Stage 4. The KS3 resource initially focuses on the importance of friends and family and a wider look at relationships, whilst the KS4 resource also focuses on relationships, but with a closer look at boy/girl relationships, sexual responsibilty and love. The resource contains all learning materials that allow for it to be implemented into any programme immediately.
Developing Effective Learning to Enhance Student Outcomes - a PowerPoint for staff training

Developing Effective Learning to Enhance Student Outcomes - a PowerPoint for staff training

How do we develop/enrich learning in our establishments to enhance student outcomes? I delivered this powerpoint as part of a refresher for my staff, to help enrich and develop wider thought on how they can deliver effective lessons that enhance the learning experience for students. This powerpoint is stand alone and can be delivered as part of whole school staff training - no further resources are required.
Developing Whole School Code of Conduct

Developing Whole School Code of Conduct

This is an extensive list of statements that were developed to support staff and students (Student Voice) in formulating a new whole school Code of Conduct. After the brainstorm of statements comes well written examples that may be an ideal fit for your schools. The statements are split into sections that include: Classroom Code of Conduct Corridor Behaviour Developing Positive Relationships Conduct during Break and Lunch Time Conduct in the Community
Effective Classroom Management - Using Levels of Behaviour

Effective Classroom Management - Using Levels of Behaviour

Using this resource will prove an excellent way to reinforce Behaviour Management expectations for staff. It aligned to our 'Behaviour Slip System of blue and red slips for poor behaviour and reminded staff of when follow up was required, or indeed if they needed to deal with the named ‘behaviour incident’. It stopped staff writing lots of behaviour sips and always passing on issues to pastoral staff or sending students out; it helps to make staff more accountable for what goes on in their classrooms. It can be adapted to suit your own BM protocols. There are two models added, with the coloured version an update on the first. It really does work with teachers, as well as proving a useful resource for staff training.
Draft application letter for NQT or New Teachers

Draft application letter for NQT or New Teachers

Are you an NQT or new teacher applying for a new Job? Following on from my popular Head Teacher draft letter, this one is suited to those at University applying for new jobs or indeed those teachers new to the profession. This one is aimed at a Primary School application because it is one I wrote for my Daughter in law: good luck with the job hunting!
Data Analysis - Collating and Presenting Key Student Data

Data Analysis - Collating and Presenting Key Student Data

Data analysis forms an integral role for almost every teacher. In particular, Senior Leaders will use student data of all kinds across the school to inform actions for whole school development planning. This resource consists of an in-depth whole school data collection sheet which identifies succinctly the kind of evidence school leaders should be collating. Alongside this is a very helpful template that outlines how your data could be presented; this can be used by HOY who needs to present an end of term/year analysis, an Assistant Head accountable for attendance and behaviour across the school or indeed a Head of Centre or Headteacher who needs to present a well structured analysis of whole school data for governors, for example.
Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Pastoral Leaders use Part time provision for exceptional circumstances often where there is a complete breakdown in school discipline or where the reduced provision will benefit the health and wellbeing of the student. Such provision needs tracking and auditing; this resource provides you with a visual week by week tracker that identifies student targets and incentives during the reduced provision, that can be used as ongoing evidence for the review process at the end of the agreed time. This exemplar tracker is set up for a 4 week Programme but it can be adapted to suit student needs - the document can be referred to when staff need to discuss behaviour and the targets with the student. I also include a recording sheet with this resource.
Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Do you have Peer mentors or Peer Mediators in your school…If not, then why not? Peer Mentors can offer another layer of support for your Pastoral System in any educational setting; You will find that if the Mentors/Mediators become embedded as part of your Pastoral System, then other students will generally respond very well to them. If students are trained correctly and they are given the responsibility and trust to work with younger students they can become an invaluable team in your school. This support pack offers guidance and advice for your Mentors/Mediators as they move forward in their role; it gives advice on how to run a meeting, it identifies key questions to ask and key words to use alongside tips on problem solving. I wrote this resource once I had trained up the Mentors in my Centre and they commented it gave them useful support in their role.
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

A range of Support/Worskheets for any KS3 and KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Modules that align with new Government guidance. Each of the resources are linked to the modules for RSE I have written, however I have removed some of the work/support sheets from them and added them to this bundle, as many schools will already have their schemes of work in place for this subject. Pick and choose from a helpful range of RSE resources to suit your needs in the classroom.
New Student Summary Information Sheet

New Student Summary Information Sheet

A very useful template for collating information on new students to your provision. This can be used by staff supporting the induction of new students or indeed by admin staff who support the collation of information on new students - Once completed this is a useful document to share with key staff who work with the student.
SEN - Behaviour Plan/Tracker

SEN - Behaviour Plan/Tracker

An excellent resource for all those staff needing to track, monitor and trigger support for student behaviour; a useful resource that works alongside other SEN documentation as part of any action planning processes - this documents forms an evidence base over time of actions taken and the appropriate support that has been implemented. I have added the Inclusion Support Plan as an additional resource with this package - both documents would work together.
Famous People with ADHD - A Fun Quiz

Famous People with ADHD - A Fun Quiz

A fun quiz I have recently written to show that having ADHD/ADD/ASD or similar disabilities need not stop you from being successful in life. The aim is to use this with students who feel that their disability is hindering their life chances.
A New Teacher in Alternative Provision - What you need to know?

A New Teacher in Alternative Provision - What you need to know?

If you are new to Alternative Provision or Special Education, this ‘hands on’ guidance will identify all you will need to know for establishing your daily routines and expectations. This resource can be adapted by SLT to be used as part of any induction programme for both teachers and support staff.
Assessment for Learning - Using Formative Marking Comments

Assessment for Learning - Using Formative Marking Comments

This resource identifies a range of Formative Marking Stems that can be adapted and used in any subject. Formative Marking plays a key role in identifying the next steps in a students work that enables them to make progress. Formative Marking plays an integral role, alongside other methods of proven feedback such as live marking and verbal feedback that helps students to improve. The key to student improvement is to develop a culture in your classroom that allows them to act upon the information and guidance you have given.
Writing a Personal Statement - Key Questions to ask

Writing a Personal Statement - Key Questions to ask

This question bank fits nicely with supporting the writing of a Career Personal Statement (See booklet as part of my resources). It allows for reflection and wider career management by asking key questions about a students aspirations and future.
Introducing Coaching for Support Staff

Introducing Coaching for Support Staff

Having introduced a Coaching Programme for teachers and support staff in my schools, I have seen the benefit of such a system at first hand. This resource identifies a method for introducing a Coaching Programme for support staff in your schools; the same resource can be adapted for introducing the same programme for your teachers, but it would require some careful additions regarding a focus on teaching and learning and, or other key foci for your team.
Work Scrutiny Monitoring Form

Work Scrutiny Monitoring Form

A Template that will help Senior Teams and Middle Leaders collate evidence on student work in a coherent and straight forward manner. It already contains a number of key areas of focus that will be required by your teams, however it can easily be adapted to suit your establishment.
Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers. I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.