Tes is where the teachers are!

Tes delivers the greatest quantity of quality candidates in the UK today.

Did you know:

  • 94% of UK teachers looking for jobs online use Tes.
  • Over half of secondary school teachers look at jobs on Tes at least once a month.
  • Around two-thirds of candidates provided by other online channels, or recruitment agencies, are already applying for jobs on Tes.
  • Over 90% of teachers who got their jobs through other providers were also applying for jobs on Tes.

Quality candidates - value for money

  • Our research has shown that schools are spending in the region of £6,000 per year on agency fees hiring teachers who are already looking for roles on tes.com.
  • School leaders told us they thought Tes delivers better value for money than other online providers, and far better than agencies because Tes delivers high candidate quality and volume at a sensible price.

Talk to our team today to find out how our unlimited subscription can help you recruit the talent you need - and how our tools can reduce your agency spend on recruitment.

Tes is where the teachers are. Teachers gathered around, engaged in a discussion and sharing knowledge with one another.

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  • Tes’ online recruitment platform is quite clearly the market leader, with a wide reach. It works brilliantly for us. It’s incredibly easy to use and ensures that we remain compliant in the way our search and shortlisting works. It’s also cost-effective, and when bundled with safeguarding training and staff surveys, offers outstanding value.

    Simon Larter-Evans, Headteacher
    St Paul’s Cathedral School