Tes Live Lesson with Childnet

Led by online safety charity Childnet, this lesson explores the important topic of online bullying. Pupils are introduced to a series of scenarios and asked to think about what they would do in each one. Children from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School share their responses and Amy Lockwood, Education Manager at Childnet, shares some top tips and advice that we can all follow to help stop online bullying.

Childnet hero image

Watch the recorded lesson

This Live Lesson was originally streamed on Wednesday 16 November 2022. The recording is now available for you to watch with your class whenever you like.

Watch the trailer

Want to see if our Live Lesson with Childnet is right for your class? Get a preview by watching our trailer.

Download the teacher guidance

Who: KS2
What: PSHE lesson

Download the accompanying teacher guidance for:

  • Recommended learning space and resources
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Curriculum links
  • Lesson structure
  • Ways to develop learning
  • Coverage sheet to evidence participation

With special thanks to teacher consultant and contributor, Rose McDermott, KS2 Lead and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.

Tes Live Lesson with Childnet-Teacher Guidance image

Download the activity sheet

We recommend downloading the activity sheet for your pupils to use during the lesson.

They will create a visual representation of the trusted adults in their life and positive ways to respond in online situations.

Alternatively, you can provide your pupils with a piece of paper so they can write down their responses during the exercise.

Tes Live Lesson with Childnet-Activity Sheet image

Find more resources from Childnet

Childnet's mission is to make the internet a great and safe place for all children and young people. They create free resources tackling online issues to be used with 3-18 year olds.

Explore Childnet's resources