Our Area Dashboard has been designed for senior staff in Multi Academy Trusts, Local Authorities and School Federations. It provides a centralised approach to real time SEND information in all of your schools.
Strategic Overview
Having a strategic overview of provision in each of your schools empowers you to make data driven decisions and assess the cost effectiveness of budget spend.
Easy Reports
Reports are available from a group wide level right down to groups of pupils at individual schools defined by specific characteristics (eg. Year group, SEN, Pupil Premium). These are a huge timesavers and can be generated at the click of a button.
Group Discounts
We can offer group discounts, just contact us for a bespoke quotation.
Used and Trusted by
MATS, Federations & thousands of schools.
Contact us
Complete our short form to request a call from our experts and find out more about how Provision Map can help senior staff in your Multi Academy Trust, Local Authority and School Federation.