Introducing Class Charts Wellbeing for Provision Map

There is no doubt that the modern world is having an impact on pupils’ wellbeing and it is a problem that schools should help address. Wellbeing is an additional module available in Class Charts that integrates with Provision Map, designed to help schools track the wellbeing of their pupils. With our intuitive approach, we empower schools with the tools they need to monitor the wellbeing of the pupils in their care and put early support in place.

Provision Map Wellbeing hero image

Use Class Charts Wellbeing and view the results within Provision Map

Class Charts Wellbeing provides teachers, pupils and parents with a simple and easy way to report and highlight concerns they may have around wellbeing and the analysis is available in Provision Map.

Provision Map Wellbeing module hero image

Customisable to suit your needs

Every school is different so we ensure our software is flexible to meet the needs of each school. A range of settings are available that will allow you to tweak the system and include the specific wellbeing concerns you wish to track.

Provision Map Customisable example

Powerful data analysis

The analytics within the wellbeing module gives pastoral staff and counsellors the data and analysis tools they need to identify pupils or groups of pupils in their care who may require additional support. The impact of the support can then be tracked and adjusted to meet the pupil’s needs.

Provision Map data analysis example

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