Provision Map knowledge base

How to add targets to the target library

This guide will explain how to add targets to the target library.


To add new targets to the target library, mouse over the Plans section of the top menu and select Target Library from the list of available options.

Provision Map target library in plans tab

You will be taken to a list of the available targets. To create your own target, click on the Add new target button above the list. To edit an existing target, click on the three dots next to a target in the list and select the pencil icon.

Provision Map add_new_plan_target

You will then see the create target / edit target screen as shown below, where you can enter the information that describes the target.

Provision Map edit_new_target

For each text area within the target, special formatting options of numberchoose optioninput text or pupil name are available. If selected, they will allow you to add extras such as drop down menus, the pupil’s name, a numerical range and an area to enter further text.

Provision Map Edit target options

Number: The number field allows you to set up a numerical range that the user can select a number from.

Provision Map insert_number_field

Option: The choose option field allows you to create a drop down menu for users to select from.

Provision Map Insert_select_option_field

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