How to create a provisions outcome report
This guide will explain how to create a provisions outcome report.
Provisions outcome reports allow you to see the overall outcomes of provisions and compare them against each other.
To view a provisions outcome report, mouse over the Reports tab at the top of the page and select Provisions outcome from the drop down menu.
Next, enter the time frame that you would like the report to cover and the breakdown you will use to categorise the results. You can break the results down even further by specifying optional secondary and tertiary breakdowns.
Below the date range and breakdown options, you will see several checkboxes for further inclusions in the outcome report. These options are explained below:
Include archived provisions: Tick this checkbox to include your school’s archived provisions in the outcome report.
Include confidential provisions: Tick this checkbox to include all provisions that have been marked as confidential in the outcome report.
Include provision costs: Tick this checkbox to include an additional column for provision costs in the outcome report.
Filter by concern: Tick this checkbox to filter the results by the selected area of concern.
Filter by provision type: Tick this checkbox to filter the results by the selected provision type.
Filter by funding stream: Tick this checkbox to filter the results by the selected funding stream.
Only include selected pupils in the report: Tick this checkbox to filter the outcome report by the pupils of your choice.
Special pupil and provision fields
If using pupil as a breakdown option in the outcome report, an additional checkbox labelled Include special pupil fields will appear. Tick the fields of your choice to include them in the results of the outcome report.
When generating the outcome report, the selected pupil fields will be displayed for each pupil. If you have the Manage pupils permission, clicking on a pupil in the report will redirect you to their pupil profile.
If using provision as a breakdown option in the outcome report, an additional checkbox labelled Include special provision fields will appear. Tick the fields of your choice to include them in the results of the outcome report.
If using provision and pupil as breakdown options in the cost report, an additional field will appear within the special pupil fields list. Tick this field to include each pupil’s start and end grade for each listed provision.
When generating the outcome report, the selected provision fields will be displayed for each provision. If you have the View provisions permission, clicking on a provision in the report will redirect you to the provision.
Generating the outcome report
Once you are happy with the chosen criteria, click on one of the three buttons below to generate a report:
Display report: Clicking this option will display the report results below the form, which contains a visual representation of the average outcome. If pupil or provision was selected as a breakdown option, clicking on a pupil or a provision in the report results will display the pupil profile and edit provision pages respectively.
Download report: Clicking on this option will generate a pdf copy of the results, which contains a visual representation of the average outcome.
Export to Excel: Clicking on this option will send the results of the outcome report to an Excel spreadsheet, which marks the average outcome for each result in text form.
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