Provision Map knowledge base

How to implement pre-filled fields, text areas and data tables

This guide will explain how to implement pre-filled fields, text areas and data tables.

When creating and editing sections in a custom learning plan template, you can also set up prefilled custom learning plan fields, text areas and data tables that contain the same information across all plans that use them.

To access a list of your school’s custom learning plan fields, text areas and data tables, click on the create new section button when viewing a template.

Provision Map create new section button

Alternatively, you can also click on the pencil icon on an existing section.

Provision Map edit_section_button

Performing either of these actions will bring up the New section / Edit section popup, which contains three lists of available learning plan fields, learning plan text areas and custom data tables.

Provision Map example_template_fields_popup

Converting a plan field to pre-filled

To convert a custom learning plan field to a pre-filled field, click on the convert to pre-filled button.

Provision Map plan_field_convert_to_prefilled_button

A popup will appear, warning you that existing data for the plan field will be hidden from all plans that use it. Click on the OK button to continue.

Note: If you later decided to convert the plan field back to normal, the hidden data will reappear on all plans that use the plan field.

Next, enter a new value for the plan field that will be applied to all plans. Click on the OK button to confirm your choice.

Provision Map prefilled_field_defualt_value_popup

The plan field will now be successfully converted to a prefilled plan field, as indicated by the (pre-filled) label in the Name column.

The prefilled data can be changed at any time by clicking on the edit default value button.

Provision Map plan_field_prefilled_example

If included in a plan, pre-filled text fields will appear as a greyed out, un-editable text field.

Provision Map prefilled_text_field

Converting a text area to pre-filled

To convert a custom learning plan text area to a pre-filled text area, click on the convert to pre-filled button.

Provision Map text_are_convert_to_prefilled_button

A popup will appear, warning you that existing data for the text area will be hidden from all plans that use it. Click on the OK button to continue.

Note: If you later decided to convert the text area back to normal, the hidden data will reappear on all plans that use it.

Provision Map prefilled__text_area_conversion_popup_warning

Next, enter a new value for the text area that will be applied to all plans. Click on the OK button to confirm your choice.

Provision Map prefilled_text_area_defualt_value_popup

The text area will now be successfully converted to a prefilled text area, as indicated by the (pre-filled) label in the Name column.

The prefilled data can be changed at any time by clicking on the edit default value button.

Provision Map text_area_prefilled_example

If included in a plan, pre-filled text areas will appear as a greyed out, un-editable text area.

Provision Map prefilled_text_area

Converting a data table to pre-filled

To convert a custom data table to a pre-filled data table, click on the convert to pre-filled button.

Provision Map data_table_convert_to_prefilled_button

A popup will appear, warning you that existing data for the data table will be hidden from all plans that use it. Click on the OK button to continue.

Note: If you later decided to convert the data table back to normal, the hidden data will reappear on all plans that use it.

Provision Map prefilled__text_area_conversion_popup_warning

Next, enter new values for each column of the data table that will be applied to all plans. Click on the Close button to confirm your choices.

Provsion Map prefilled_data_table_defualt_value_popup

The data table will now be successfully converted to a prefilled data table. The prefilled data can be changed at any time by clicking on the edit default value button.

If included in a plan, pre-filled data tables will appear as a greyed out, un-editable data table.

Provision Map prefilled_data_table

Converting a prefilled field back to normal

To convert a prefilled plan field, text area or data table back into a normal custom field, click on the convert to normal button.

Provision Map convert_to_normal_button

A popup will appear, warning you that existing data for the data table will be restored from all plans that use the field. Click on the OK button to continue.

The selected field will now be successfully converted back into a normal field.

Provision Map field_converted_to_normal_example

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