Provision Map knowledge base

How to manually update Year and Tutor groups

This guide will explain how to manually update Year and Tutor groups.

If you have not linked up Provision Map to your school’s Management Information System (MIS), you can directly manage your tutor groups through Provision Map.

Please note: We recommend archiving any pupils that will be leaving the school, so that their groups are not updated.

To increment the year of ALL tutor groups by 1, mouse over the Admin tab at the top of the page and select the Tutor groups option from the drop down menu.

Tutor groups admin section

This will bring up a list of the tutor groups that are currently in Provision Map. Click on the button labelled Increment year by 1.

Provision Map increment_groups

A pop up dialog will appear, asking you to confirm your choice. Click OK.

Provision Map incremented-groups

All tutor groups and year groups in Provision Map will now be incremented by 1 academic year. For example, if a tutor group was in Year 8 before the increment, it will now be in Year 9.

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