History is just full of wonderful stories isn't it? Intrigue, war, competition, greed, progress, romance(!)...but unfortunately there just isn't enough time to plan EVERYTHING, so keep an eye on this shop for free and inexpensive lessons, worksheets, assessments and homeworks. Coming soon!
History is just full of wonderful stories isn't it? Intrigue, war, competition, greed, progress, romance(!)...but unfortunately there just isn't enough time to plan EVERYTHING, so keep an eye on this shop for free and inexpensive lessons, worksheets, assessments and homeworks. Coming soon!
This great value Industrial Revolution bundle includes lessons on:
Inventions and Inventors
Living conditions
Working conditions
Medicine & Public Health
Documentary questions to go along with a great documentary (link on worksheet)
Industrial Revolution Introduction
This download includes everything you need to teach these lessons - all powerpoints, clips, activities, instructions, worksheets and information sheets. Scaffolding and challenge activities are included where possible. All lessons last at least one hour and are fully editable. Activities have been designed to promote thinking and discussion.
You can find all our lessons, both free and inexpensive, in our TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoveringHistory
If you are happy with your resources, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resources, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you asap.
This lesson investigates why the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic sank in April 1912. It looks at a number of mistakes that were made and asks students to discuss and evaluate which was the most important cause of the sinking.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, reading comprehension task, , a consolidation explain written question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used as a part of our growing bundle on ‘Disasters’, which includes the Aberfan Disaster and Chernobyl.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates what it was like to live and work in a Victorian Workhouse.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including an inference starter, all clips and related tasks, information sheet with differentiated tasks, diamond 9 think pair share task, a consolidation explanation question and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
Check our other Industrial Revolution lessons here, including living conditions, working conditions, health & medicine, women, children and Victorian diseases: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=22174227&q=industrial revolution&shop=DiscoveringHistory
These are available in a great value bundle here:
Or you can find other free or inexpensive lessons and resources in our TES shop:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates what happened at Dunkirk in 1940 and evaluates whether the evacuation was a miracle or a disaster. The main aim of this lesson is to look at the wording of sources to identify morale, bias, exaggeration, propaganda and distort and to assess reliability from this.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, source breakdown tasks (class, paired and individual), consolidation explanation questions and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates what happened during the Prague Spring in 1968 and the consequences of it on Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union and on international relations during the Cold War.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete, including a starter, all clips and related tasks, mini plenaries, think pair share thinking task, reading tasks, example exam question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We have other lessons focusing on 20th century events, free or inexpensive in our TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoveringHistory
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates the history of Christmas and Christmas traditions from medieval times to today. Students will learn about where our modern traditions of pulling crackers and sending Christmas cards originated as well as the creation of Santa Claus!
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, timeline activity, card sort, consolidation explanation question and challenge plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates how the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan created greater tension and helped contribute to causing the Cold War.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, notes diagram, think pair share discussion, a consolidation evaluation/extended writing question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We have a growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons, please take a look:
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Weimar Germany lesson on the Reichstag Fire & Enabling Act investigates who may have set fire to the Reichstag in January 1933 and why. It looks at theories, decisions, actions of the time as well as the consequences.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, information sheet with table, explain written exam style questions and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used as a part of our growing bundles on ‘Weimar Germany’ and ‘Weimar & Nazi Germany’ which includes lessons on the Treaty of Versailles, Weimar Golden Age, Night of the Long Knives, Nazi Opposition and many others.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Historical Skills lesson investigates the importance of the discovery of King Richard III : the King in the Car Park. Students look at the evidence found (including skull, teeth, skeleton etc) during excavation to explain how important his discovery was.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks,interpretation sheets with table to complete, mini-plenary, think pair share task, a consolidation explain written question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
THIS LESSON IS PART OF A GROWING HISTORICAL SKILLS BUNDLE, which includes lessons on ‘using evidence’, Pompeii and Inca Mummies (check back for Otzi and Diaries!). Find it here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/history-skills-12982510
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Civil Rights in the USA lesson investigates how the Jim Crow laws affected the lives of black Americans. Students will learn about how it impacted everyday life including voting, education and work.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, clip questions/activities, think pair share activity, mini plenary, sources with inference questions, sources with table to complete, a consolidation written questions and a true or false plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We have other great Civil Rights lessons in our TES shop including the KKK and Martin Luther King - many more are on their way!
https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=22174227&q=civil rights&shop=DiscoveringHistory
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free and inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Norman Conquest lesson investigates why William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings. It includes a role play that can be acted out using the script (I borrow bibs from PE to show who is on which side and act out in the playground!), or it could just be used as a worksheet in class.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, worksheet with optional roleplay, a consolidation explain written question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates what happened at Chernobyl in April 1986 and challenges students to explain why it was such a terrible nuclear disaster.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, reading comprehension task, mini-plenaries, a consolidation explain written question and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used as a part of our growing bundle on ‘Disasters’, which includes the Aberfan Disaster and Titanic, which can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/historical-disasters-12911227
(with 28% off, you are getting a lesson for free!)
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. Students will study why they were dropped, what happened and how it changed political relationships, helping to cause the Cold War.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete, including a starter, all clips and related tasks, information sheet with sources and activities, consolidation exam style ‘useful’ source question and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We have a great value and growing Cold War bundle available, including lessons on the Cold War Conferences, Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, Berlin Wall and the fall of the Berlin Wall, here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-cold-war-12921730
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This James II / VII lesson investigates what happened during the Glorious Revolution and why a Dutchman became King.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete, including a starter, all clips and related tasks, mini plenaries, information sheet with summary table, newspaper article consolidation task and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used to lead to the Jacobite Rebellions or as a part of a 17th century Britain topic. Lessons linked to the Glorious Revolution including problems in 17th/18th century Britain, the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion and the 1745 Rebellion/ Culloden can be found, free or inexpensive, in our TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoveringHistory
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This History of Medicine lesson investigates the story of John Snow and the linking of water to the spreading of cholera in London in the 19th century.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a source starter, think pair share source activity, all clips and related tasks, information with tasks, a consolidation explain written question, two plenaries and extended learning/homework task.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used as a part of our growing bundle on ‘Medicine, Public Health & Surgery’ and includes lessons on the Renaissance, Pare, Harvey, anaesthetics, antiseptics, smallpox and penicillin.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Genocide lesson investigates what happened in the concentration/death camps during the Holocaust. 6 different camps are looked at to show how people experienced different things. Camps looked at include Theresienstadt, Sobibor, Dachau, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ravensbruck and Bergen-Belsen.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated 2/3 ways where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, all clips and related tasks, groupwork information learning activity, picture information extraction activity, a consolidation explain question and a plenary.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
This lesson can be used along with our lessons on ‘ghettos & separation’ and ‘Nazi laws’, which can be found as a bundle at the bottom of this page.
This lesson can also be used as a part of our growing bundle on ‘Genocide’ which also includes Nazi laws, ghettos and separation, as well as genocide in Rwanda, Cambodia and Bosnia.
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This Tudor lesson investigates the short life and 9 day rule of Lady Jane Grey. Students will look at her upbringing as well as her rule in order to evaluate whether she was a willing Protestant participant or an innocent victim of ambitious Tudor men. Parallels are drawn between Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey at the plenary at the end of the lesson.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need. It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete including a starter, clip link with questions, information sheets with activities to complete, mini plenary think pair share activity, a consolidation evaluative written question and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We also have lots of amazing Tudor lessons available in a variety of bundles, please look at the bottom of this page for great value deals!
For example, this lesson can be used as a part of our growing mega-bundle on ‘The Tudors’ which includes lessons on the Reformation, Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I, Bloody Mary and Tudor Women and Tudor Royal Palaces, which you can find here:
Please take a look at our growing TES shop where you can find free or inexpensive lessons:
If you are happy with your resource,** PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW**! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
We have a wide range of KS3 & GCSE History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out - follow our social media pages for freebies, new resources and interesting facts!
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
This lesson investigates what happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Students look at both causes, events and consequences.
This download includes a fully editable powerpoint with all activities, instructions, clip links and worksheets/information sheets you need.
It is differentiated where possible with scaffolding and challenge options and is fully planned with plenty of activities for your students to complete, including a starter, all clips and related tasks, mini plenaries, information sheet with storyboards, consolidation exam style ‘explain’ question and two plenaries.
Activities are planned to encourage thinking and discussion.
We have a great value and growing Cold War bundle available, including lessons on the Cold War conferences, Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan, the Vietnam War, Berlin Wall and the fall of the Berlin Wall, here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-cold-war-12921730
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
Watch a great documentary showing the relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots from when Mary landed in Scotland through to Mary’s death.
Perfect for an introductory lesson to GCSE lesson, a cover lesson or to add depth and visual aids to your students learning. Students complete the questions in order to gain knowledge of what happened at the time.
NOTE sexual assault references at 15mins
Lots more FREE documentary questions are available in our TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoveringHistory
We have a wide range of KS3 & KS4 History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out. Social media pages to follow soon.
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!
Watch a great documentary, featuring Sir Tony Robinson, on working conditions in Quarry Bank Mill and how they affected the workers. The documentary uses case studies of what happened in order to understand what it would have been like at the time and how lives of British workers were changing.
Perfect for a cover lesson or to add depth and visual aids to your students learning. Students complete the questions in order to gain knowledge of what happened at the time.
Lots more FREE documentary questions are available in our TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoveringHistory
We have a wide range of KS3 & KS4 History lessons on their way, please keep an eye out. Social media pages to follow soon.
If you are happy with your resource, PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW! If, by any chance, you encounter any issues with the resource, please email us at discoveringhistoryuk@gmail.com and we’ll try to solve them for you.
Got a lesson suggestion? Or looking for something in particular? Email us!