GCSE listening skills
A presentation about listening skills and practice activities. Ideal as a revision session for students.
Comparatif et Superlatif
A presentation on the comparative and superlative in French.
Ma routine matinale
Que fais-tu le matin. Describing your morning routine
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain?
A lesson focused on saying what they are going to do next weekend according to the weather (e.g. si il pleut, je vais regarder la télé).
Genres de films - Expo 3 rouge Module 1
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 1
An introduction to different types of movies in French. It includes a writing template.
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton sac ?
A presentation to introduce what there is in a student's bag. This includes introduction of the contextualising question, introduction of new vocabulary along with an introduction to connectives and how to make more complex sentences (year 7 level) and in the negative.
Revision year 7
A revision lesson for my year 7 prior to their first assessment. It ncludes revision on members of the family, numbers and age, hair and eyes, characters and a written task to finish.
Higher level writing and speaking
A series of lesson in one presentation focussing on higher level strategies for speaking and writing. It includes an extensive list of connectives, giving opinions in 3 time frames (6 tenses), adjectives, intensifiers, adverbs, negatives, introducing opinions (e.g. je pense que...) and a more comprehensive list of likes/dislikes. It also includes a pracice activity on the negative.
Gifted and Talented underachievement plan
A template for an underachievement plan for More Able, Gifted and Talented students.
Introduction of plural
A presentation and activity to raise awareness of plural words in French.
Interview of a sports celebrity
Based on Edexcel Textbook
Questions and Answers using il/elle
Answers are to be revealed using the rubber on Smartboard software
Quel est son nom?
Quel est son prénom?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Quel est son lieu de naissance?
Comment ça s'écrit?
Quelle est la couleur de ses yeux?
Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
Que fait-il/elle de son temps libre?
Animals - Adjective agreement
Introduction of adjectival agreement of colours based on animals.
NACE Challenge Award Action Plan template
A template for an action for school considering applying for the NACE Challenge Award based on the 2008 framework (easy to adapt for the 2011 framework)
Christmas Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension
A presentation about Christmas vocabulary and includes a listening comprehension about le Pere Noel's self introduction.
hair and eyes - reading
A couple of text on celebrities describing hair and eyes colour (lower ability year 7).
Partitive articles
A presentation on the use of partitive articles. Based on the edexcel textbook (vert).
Angelina Jolie et les films
Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A reading comprehension activity based on Angelina Jolie's favourite types of movies (including opinions justifications).
Les participes passés - Crosswords
Infinitives in French are used as cues. Students have to put the verbs in their past participle forms in the crossword.
Les matieres scolaire - Crosswords
Crosswords on school subjects
Local Area - Full unit of Resources (Ma Ville)
This is a complete set of lessons (around 20 lessons) on the topic of local area and my town in French leading to a written assessment. This follows the Edexcel Rouge and Green textbooks with elements from Metro 4 Rouge. To play the listening activities, click on the stars (whenever available), answers are either hidden next to the numbers (use the rubber to reveal) or on a separate powerpoint depending on the activity (click on the heart if there is one). This is aimed at an extremely mixed ability group so most activities are differentiated but this can be taken further.
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