![Hero image](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/store_live/686356/imageHero.jpg?_=1472562900395)
Interview of a sports celebrity
Based on Edexcel Textbook
Questions and Answers using il/elle
Answers are to be revealed using the rubber on Smartboard software
Quel est son nom?
Quel est son prénom?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Quel est son lieu de naissance?
Comment ça s'écrit?
Quelle est la couleur de ses yeux?
Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
Que fait-il/elle de son temps libre?
Les Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver
Based on the Sochi 2014 Olympics. A lesson and based on Winter Olympic sports and favourite sports. For the intro of vocabulary, just move the boxes to see the pictures and use the rubber to uncover the text just underneath.
Simpsons Catwalk
A stimulus for writing/speaking. A presentation of the simpsons dressed by designers. (pictures courtesy of Vogue, Condé Nast France).
Personal identity - Fortune teller
A fortune teller that I used for helping my year 7 with their speaking test (on personal description, favourite sport, animals, family, uniform, school subjects, nationalities, birthday, numbers 1-20 and colours). It's a great speaking activity!
Present to Future
This is practice activity. Fill in the table with the infinitive and the future tense (can be used either with immediate future OR futur simple).
Mon fils, ce drogué
Based on the Edexcel AS textbook. A presentation about the imperfect tense to start with, followed by visual support for the different activities offered by the book.
Tu es de quelle nationalité ?
A presentation about nationalities. It starts with a noughts and crosses on countries, introduces nationalities using je suis, il est and elle est
Quelle est ta matiere préférée ?
A presentation to introduce school subjects along with likes and dislikes and opinions with a few practice activities.
Work Experience routine - je devais
A presentation introduce vocabulary about work experience routine using the structure 'je devais'. Based in the edexcel textbook.
Work Experience routine - imperfect
A presentation to introduce how to describe your daily work experience routine using the imperfect tense. Based on the edexcel textbook.
Template for Gifted and Talented register
A template for a MAGT register at KS3 including formulas and condtional formatting.
Expressions with Avoir Expo 3 vert Module 3
Based on Expo 3 vert module 3. A lesson on expressions using avoir (and some with etre) including visual support for the activities offered by the textbook.
Le weekend dernier - Expo 2 rouge module 2
Based on Expo 2 rouge module 2
A presentation to introduce / revise perfect tense of regular -er verbs. It includes a nice interactive dice game.
Perfect tense - Expo 2 rouge module 2
Based on Epo2 rouge Module 2
A recap of the perfect tense using etre and avoir verbs. My students loved the plenary (Gossip Girl).
Cuisine du monde - Expo 2 Rouge Module 4
An extension of expo 2 rouge module 4 to talk about food from around the globe in French and justifying why they prefer that kind of food.
Qu'est-ce que tu feras a 20 ans?
Based on Expo 3 Rouge Module 2. A lesson based on future plans (at 20, 30, 40 and50 years old) using the simple future of selected verbs.
Un crime au Mariage (Expo 3 Module 4)
The sequel to un crime au chateau. Mostly using perfect and imperfect tense. Answers can be revealed using the rubber in Smartboard. Listenings are included if you click on the stars. The PPT is not formatted so feel free to adapt it, change it and include effects.