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Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.




Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: characteristics of a city

GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: characteristics of a city

The aim of this lesson is to gain an understanding of the location and characteristics of Mumbai including population growth, ethnic mix and its global, national and regional context. This will help the students to build a sense of place. The lesson starts by locating the city using maps at a range of scales, from which the students will write a location description. After that the students shown a range of images of Mumbai to create a sense of place. They are then required to classify a series of statements about Mumbai into global, national and regional links. Next, is a comprehension activity on internal migration within India to Mumbai. After that the students have two maps to annotate to show the international migration routes and the number of people that undertake them. Next, is a graph of population growth for the students to describe. Finally, students are given data to show the ethnic mix of Mumbai. They are asked to select which type of graph to draw and to draw it. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Global Development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai contemporary challenges

GCSE 9-1; Global Development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai contemporary challenges

This resource will cover two lessons. Firstly, the students are reminded of what is meant by a contemporary challenge to a city. They are then given a note taking sheet with space to write 6 PEE paragraphs. Next they are then given a series of facts about the challenges if housing availability focusing on both rich and poor residents of the city. Students should select two facts and add then to the Point Evidence column. Next show the students the Kevin McCloud Slumming it programme. This will help them to develop a much more sophisticated sense of place, develop empathy with the residents and a greater understanding of the challenges of living in a slum. In the next lesson students are given information about the challenges of waste management and transport provision, accompanied by photos and clips. They should use these to complete the Point Evidence column. They are then given a sheet with text boxes containing explanatory comments. They are asked to classify these into transport provision, housing accessibility and waste management. Answers provided. After that the students should use these to complete the explanation column, using two connectives for each explanation. They are then required to evaluate which challenge has the biggest impact. Finally, there is an opportunity to go over how to plan an answer to an 8 mark question and use a mark scheme to assess their answers. All resources are included in the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Global Development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai sustainable transport

GCSE 9-1; Global Development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai sustainable transport

The aim of this lesson is to build up a case study of sustainable transport in Mumbai. The lesson starts by introducing the students to a definition of sustainable transport. Next the students are split into groups. They are given a resource linked to one of three sustainable transport solutions, these include improved rail links, new road building and improvements in bus transport. They are given 10 minutes to read this and then create a teaching resource on flip chart paper. After that each group takes it in turn to teach the class. They should outline the sustainable strategies and explain how they work. Whilst talking, the other students should take notes on their speech in order to complete a PEE paragraph. They will also need to write a paragraph about their own solution. At the end of the speech they should rate their teacher. They can use a different colour for each of the two groups that they will hear on their rate my teacher sheet. Finally, they can practice planning an 8 mark answer and assess their note taking sheet. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia aid project- Charity water

GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia aid project- Charity water

In this lesson the students will start by being introduced to the problem of water supply in Ethiopia. The students will learn about charity: water - an aid project through a series of clips and photos. Next they will undertake a story telling activity to learn about the aid project through the eyes of 3 characters. They are each given a character and key questions to listen out for the answers to. They are given a note taking sheet. After reading the story once there are comprehension / discussion questions for the students to undertake. Next they are read the story again. After that they get into groups of the same character to ensure they have all the notes from the story. They then get into groups of different characters to share information. After that they take part in an opinion line activity to assess the success of charity:water. This will help them to develop their conclusion writing skills. All resources are included.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, international investment

GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, international investment

Firstly, the students are shown a pie chart of employment structure in Ethiopia. They are asked to classify Ethiopia as either and LIDC or EDC. Next they are shown a diagram of Rostow’s development model and asked to identify which stage Ethiopia is in. This sets the scene for Ethiopia becoming a suitable host country for TNCs. Next the students are given a globalisation glossary most of these terms will be familiar and this activity will act as revision. The students are introduced to what a TNC is and asked to guess what the 10 biggest TNCs are. After that they are given info on some TNCs in Ethiopia and reasons why TNCs locate there and are asked to match the reasons to the company. More than one reason may apply. Next they are asked to classify the advantages and disadvantages of TNCs to Ethiopia. To finish are a selection of 4 mark examination questions about international investment. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, DME solving trade problems

GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, DME solving trade problems

This lesson is designed to get students thinking about the solutions to the trade deficit that occurs in Ethiopia. Essentially you are trying to get them to think about how to turn primary goods into manufactured goods in order to improve the balance of trade but the students need to discover this for themselves. Start by explaining how rich countries have a trade surplus and poor countries have a trade deficit. Then explain the impact of supply and demand of product prices. Next the students are asked to consider primary goods that could be produced in Africa and to classify them into either limited supply or plentiful supply e.g. diamonds = limited, coffee = plentiful. Next show the students a map showing major mineral exports from a variety of African counties and outline the problems of relying on trading these products. Next get the students in groups of 3-4 to find a map of Ethiopia in their atlases and give them a data sheet with Ethiopian data and UK data for comparison. Also give out a spider diagram sheet with key questions. Students need to consider the changes they would make to improve the balance of trade in Ethiopia and record them on the key question sheet e.g. improving infrastructure, overcoming problems of being land locked, war with Eritrea, drought. The teacher will need to circulate and prompt students and answer questions. At the end select some students to feedback their plans. Finally outline other problems that will also impact on improving the balance of trade. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; coasts revision lesson - landforms

A Level; coasts revision lesson - landforms

The lesson introduces the students to the type of examination questions that they can expect and the range of landforms that they are required to know. They are also reminded of what makes a good landforms answer. Firstly, students are given a factual recall test for the different landforms they are required to learn. Answers are provided. Students are the asked to complete flash revision cards for the different landforms. At the end of the lesson is a 40 minute processes and landforms test for the students to undertake as homework or in a subsequent lesson. All resources are include within the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - biomes flora and fauna

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - biomes flora and fauna

This is the second in a series of lessons available as a bundle. The lesson starts with a quiz recalling the characteristics of biomes and their climate. Next there is a youtube clip, which can be paused and used as Q and A to encourage the students to grasp more firmly what each biome looks like. Students are then asked to identify the biomes from photos, before matching images of biomes flora to each biome. Finally there is a sample examination question with mark scheme. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint presentation.
GCSE 9-1; environmental challenges - mechanisation of farming mystery

GCSE 9-1; environmental challenges - mechanisation of farming mystery

In this lesson students will start with a glossary of key terms relating to arable farming. They will then be introduced to the location and characteristics of the Norfolk Broads via photos and a clip from Alan Partridge. The pupils will then be asked to solve the mystery - Who shot Lady Rose? By working out which characters had motive and opportunity. My students love solving the mystery and become really engaged with the characters. The mystery cards also contain details about the environmental impacts of arable farming on the Broads these include soil compaction, use of fertilisers, clearance of hedgerows and lack of fallow period. Once they have solved the mystery there is are a range of examination questions and mark scheme to draw together the student’s understanding of the issue.
A Level; case study of a rainforest - water cycle in the Amazon

A Level; case study of a rainforest - water cycle in the Amazon

In this lesson the students are introduced to hydrograph features and types of hydrograph. They will discuss and explain these. Students will then be introduced to the impact of geology, relief and temperature on the water cycle and are required to explain these in relation to maps and diagrams. Students will be asked to identify the impact of an individual tree on the water cycle in the rainforest. There is an opportunity to plan a 10 mark exam question as well as a model answer being provided. Finally, there is another examination question and mark scheme for the pupils to plan an answer to or answer fully. This lesson is part of a series of lesson and can be purchased as a bundle.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - Sustainable  rainforest management (ecotourism, REDD+, agroforestry)

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - Sustainable rainforest management (ecotourism, REDD+, agroforestry)

This lesson is part of a series of lessons about the rainforest ecosystem and is available as part of a bundle. This lesson starts by recalling some of the threats to the rainforest. It then introduces the idea of shifting cultivation and how it is sustainable. Next there are a series of photos of reasons for deforestation e.g. logging, mining, ranching, faming. Students are asked to consider why this is not sustainable and why it would be difficult to regrow the forest. They are then introduced to 4 schemes designed to manage the rainforest the Surui-Google partnership, REDD+, Ecotourism and sustainable agroforestry. In a group of four the students are given the information about one of the projects to simplify the project into a mind map. The groups can then give a speech presenting their findings to each other. Next they are asked to complete gap fill paragraphs explaining each project. Finally, students should work as a group to consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of the projects and evaluate which is most successful. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; Human impacts on the water and carbon cycles

A Level; Human impacts on the water and carbon cycles

This lesson has a card sort for the water and carbon cycles at the start to remind students how to classify the different parts of the cycle. After that students are introduced to negative feedback loops. there is an example, then students are required to develop two of their own. Next students are required to develop flow charts to explain the human impacts o the carbon and water cycles. An example for urbanisation has been included for them. the students should develop their own for framing and forestry. They can use the OCR textbook to help them to do this. Resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - threats to coral reefs in St Lucia

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - threats to coral reefs in St Lucia

The lesson starts by asking the students to consider how different parts of the reef ecosystem are interdependent. It then reminds the students of the value of reefs. Next there is a map interpretation activity showing areas of reef that are under threat followed by a you tube clip. Students are then split into groups and given a threat to coral reef in St Lucia information sheet. there are four sheets; fishing, tourism, bleaching and disease. They are asked to create a teaching resource to use to teach their peers. there is also a rate my teacher mark scheme for the students to assess each other and a note taking sheet to encourage the students to use PEE paragraphs. These can be marked using the 8 mark, mark scheme provided. There is also a threats to coral reef homework activity provided. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - coral reef management, St Lucia

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - coral reef management, St Lucia

In this lesson students will start by recalling the threats to coral from the previous coral threats lesson. There is a speaking frame for them to explain these fully and a copy of the note taking resources. Next the students will be introduced to the Soufriere Marine Management Area and will identify features of this using a sketch map. After that the students will be read an extract about the management area, how it was set up, what the different parts are, how it is sustainable and its advantages and disadvantages. The first time they hear they extract they should draw what they hear, making sketches and using numbers and symbols to focus on important information. The second time they hear it they add written notes. Pupils should then get into small groups of 3-4 and compare notes, adding any missing details. There is an examination question for them to tackle with a mark scheme to stick in their books including ebi and www comments. Finally there is a quiz to test the students recall of the facts. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - types of coral reef and Darwinian theory of atoll formation

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - types of coral reef and Darwinian theory of atoll formation

In this lesson students are reminded of the location of reefs before being introduced to the conditions that they grow in. They are then given a table to complete about fringing reefs, barrier reefs and atolls. To help them do this there are information cards about each type of reef including photos, diagrams and maps. When they have completed this the answers are on a slide for pupils to check their work. Next they are introduced to a map showing the route of Darwin’s voyage, then the concept of eustatic sea level change and reminded about the conditions needed for coral to grow. Then they are given a diagram of all three reefs and asked to consider how a fringing reef can become a barrier reef and then an atoll (the Darwinian theory of atoll formation). Finally they could also consider that most atolls are formed on volcanic islands and the impact of coral growth on those islands. All resources are included in the PowerPoint.
A level; Arctic - Arctic tundra water cycle

A level; Arctic - Arctic tundra water cycle

Students start by drawing the water cycle on a partially completed Arctic Tundra background. Next students add additional annotations of how the water cycle would change in Arctic conditions. Then the students are given specific information about how the water cycle is altered in the Arctic to add to a new diagram. Finally, students are asked to compare the water cycle in the rainforest to the tundra. They are required to include factual information in these annotations.
A Level; The impacts of water extraction - Beijing and Tigris

A Level; The impacts of water extraction - Beijing and Tigris

Firstly, the students are introduced to the key terminology relating to water extraction. Next, students will comprehend a newspaper article to evaluate the impacts of water extraction from the aquifer surrounding Beijing. After that the students will study surface extraction on the Tigris and Euphrates and convert this information into a mind map. T consolidate students are given an examination question and asked to produce presentations on one element of the question, using the case studies. The students can then answer the question for homework or in class. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; Arctic - Tundra carbon cycle

A Level; Arctic - Tundra carbon cycle

The lesson starts by asking the students to recall and classify the inputs, outputs, processes and stores of the carbon cycle. Next the students are asked to produce a diagram of the carbon cycle and then to adjust it to reflect the carbon cycle in the Arctic Tundra. After that students are given specific information on the changes and asked to annotate these onto a new diagram of the carbon cycle. Finally the students are asked to compare the carbon cycle in the rainforest to the tundra, including specific information.
A Level; Arctic - Impacts of Gas and oil Production in the Tundra on the water and carbon cycles

A Level; Arctic - Impacts of Gas and oil Production in the Tundra on the water and carbon cycles

Firstly, students are introduced via photos to the causes of permafrost melting in the Tundra. Next the students are given 4-5 impacts and asked to undertake research into these impacts, specifically focusing on the Prudhoe Bay. They are required to explain these, using factual information and then to annotate their findings onto a diagram. Finally, students are asked to evaluate whether the impacts of melting permafrost have a bigger impact on the water or carbon cycle, justifying their explanation.
GCSE 9-1; Climate - Tropical storms characteristics and super typhoon Haiyan

GCSE 9-1; Climate - Tropical storms characteristics and super typhoon Haiyan

This lesson will give the students the opportunity to learn about the location, causes, measurement and effects of tropical storms. This will be initially general before focusing on super typhoon Haiyan. the lesson starts by introducing the students to what tropical storms are, where they occur and what they are called. To add to the information there are two video clips, one the hurricane song and a second a short information clip about tropical storms. Next the students are introduced to the features of tropical storms and how they are measured. After that the lesson focuses on super typhoon Haiyan which hit the Philippines in 2013. Firstly, there is a skills activity where the students plot the track of the typhoon using longitude and latitude. Next the students are introduced tot he damaging effects through a series of photographs. After that they are asked to classify facts about the causes and effects on a mind map. Finally they are asked to interpret a graph about the frequency of tropical storms and to consider whether or not they are becoming more frequent.