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Pointless - Maths - Shape, Space, and Measure

Pointless - Maths - Shape, Space, and Measure

Based on the popular game show 'Pointless', this resource is perfect for use as a starter activity, plenary, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change the questions/answers. Containing sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build students' understanding of shape, space, and measure, including: - Naming varied 2D Shapes (triangles and quadrilaterals) - Defining and understanding angles; - Unscrambling the names of units of measure; - Thinking about how many 3D shapes they can name. The nature of the game ensures that this resource can challenge students of all levels. NOTE: You can buy this resource alone, or in a bundle of 8 Pointless games, for only £1 more!
Pointless - Template to Create Your Own Games!

Pointless - Template to Create Your Own Games!

Template for you to create your own Pointless games - whatever subject or topic you are teaching! Based on the popular game show 'Pointless', this resource is perfect for use as a starter activity, plenary, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change the questions/answers. Containing almost 30 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several built-in rounds of questions to build students' understanding in your topics, including: - Identifying terms from definitions - Anagrams of key terms round - Recalling the highest level knowledge. The nature of the game ensures that this resource can challenge students of all levels. NOTE: You can buy this resource alone, or in a bundle of 8 Pointless games, for only £1 more!
Fantasy Football Club Group Project!

Fantasy Football Club Group Project!

A Russian billionaire, Asman Veryrich, has approached you about setting up a new football club! This exciting, engaging investigation activity allows students to control the direction of their own learning, through speaking, listening, discussing, and reasoning. I initially created these resources to provide something interesting for the students to engage with for their English Speaking and Listening discussions, but it has since been used across Maths, Art and Design, and PSHE departments, as well as by form groups and holiday activity groups, to build teamwork and collaboration skills. Students get involved in all of the fun aspects of designing and setting up a new football club, including selecting a team of players, a manager, a stadium, and a training ground. They also design the team's club badge and football kits. They also need to use their skills of literacy to read and understand key evidence, and skills of numeracy to ensure that they keep their expenses within budget! What is more, groups can compete against one another to create the most successful team in the league, as all of the resources that they choose can help them to acquire valuable league table points! Included in this resource pack are: - Full PowerPoint lesson talking students through the process; - An 8 page team booklet, used to create their designs and calculate their budgets; - A pack of 96 player cards and 12 manager cards to select from (a combination of new and classic footballers are included, to ensure that this will never be outdated); - Budget and recording sheets to track their progress; - An A3 football pitch to strategise and select their team. Considering the time and effort that it took to create these resources, I think that they offer exceptional value. Whenever I have used this activity before, it has taken at least 3-4 lessons, including the introduction, design process, presentations, and evaluation. I originally have used this with mixed ability Year 9 and 10 groups, but colleagues have adapted it easily for students of all key stages. All images have been cited at the end of the PowerPoint presentation and are licensed for commercial use.
Year 6 Maths Complete Primary Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

Year 6 Maths Complete Primary Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

10 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for teachers, parents and children throughout the teaching and learning of all of the Year 6 maths blocks. Included are 10 organisers: -Four Operations -Area and Perimeter -Decimals and Percentages -Fractions -Ratio -Algebra -Number and Place Value -Position and Direction -Shape -Statistics Each organiser contains clear sections covering the key learning areas, including an overview, the specific learning content, and important vocabulary. The knowledge is sequenced in alignment with the National Curriculum and most commonly-used mathematics schemes. Images are used to present and clarify ideas. The resources are designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and are provided as both PDFs and Word versions (so that you can edit if you want to).
Time - O'Clock and Half Past!

Time - O'Clock and Half Past!

This stimulating, highly-effective lesson enables children to develop the knowledge and skills that they need to tell the time at both 'o'clock' and 'half past.' It is made up of a series of succinct explanations, fun tasks and logical learning steps, including: - Playing the minute game; - Naming the hands on the clock; - Demonstrating their understanding through a carefully designed worksheet. This resource pack is made up of a colourful and engaging PowerPoint presentation, a time worksheet (in both PDF and Word) and a teacher lesson plan. By the end of the lesson, children should be able to: - Understand what each hand on a clock means; - Know how to tell an o’clock time; - Know how to tell a ‘half past’ time; - Be aware of different time values. This lesson was originally taught to a mid-attaining Year 2 class, however with appropriate intervention it could easily be utilised for any children across KS1 and lower KS2.
Pride and Prejudice Huge Bundle!

Pride and Prejudice Huge Bundle!

10 Resources
THIS BUNDLE CONTAINS ALL OF THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE LESSONS, IN ADDITION TO THE COMPREHENSION ACTIVITY BOOKLET, THE KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER AND THE POINTLESS GAME! This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, analysing key characters, settings, and themes, and understanding Austen’s use of language. Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps: - Engaging - Defining/ Understanding - Identifying/Remembering - Analysing/ Creating - Peer or self evaluating. All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Whole-lesson PowerPoints, activity resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.
Y3 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y3 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 3 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Multiplication and Division’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -3, 4, and 8 Times Tables; -Written Methods with and without Regrouping; -Related Calculations; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Learning Walk/ Teacher Development Checklists

Learning Walk/ Teacher Development Checklists

These comprehensive checklists have been created to aid school leaders when performing learning walks with a particular focus e.g. questioning, differentiation, etc. Clearly structured and organised, they present a central idea surrounded by a breakdown of a number of its key components. For the user, this layout provides a simple reference list of each of the desirable skills, categorised appropriately. The checklists also provide an alternative to regular feedback methods, which often focus too heavily on the standard or ‘judgement’, as opposed to being a developmental tool. Alternatively, these are really handy for teachers looking to develop their practice in the key teaching areas listed below. Included in the pack are checklists for: -Questioning -Differentiation -Utilising Resources (including support staff) -Engagement -Building Literacy Skills -Planning and Expectations -Building Learning Power -A blank template for you to design your own based upon your own focus Note: The checklists offer a range of desirable strategies that teachers should look to implement over time - it would be damaging to expect teachers to utilise each of these strategies in every lesson! Many Thanks
Roman Numerals!

Roman Numerals!

This stimulating and comprehensive lesson enables students to read and fully understand the Roman numerals system up to 1,000, recognise years written in Roman numerals, and complete a variety of sums written in Roman numerals. The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through: - Learning the origins and the basic rules of Roman Numerals through clear and simple explanations; - Demonstrating their understanding through well-differentiated application and challenge activities; - Applying their understanding to complete sums and scribe important historical dates using Roman numerals; - Gauging their own understanding through both AfL activities and self-reflection tasks. Included is: - Whole lesson PowerPoint - clear and precise, colourful and comprehensive; - Bronze, Silver, and Gold level award worksheets - carefully differentiated and provided in both Word and PDF; - Teacher answer sheets; - A help-sheet to support students who find the subject content more difficult; - A detailed teacher lesson plan. There are also opportunities for group learning, speaking and listening, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. I originally used these resources with year 5 and 6 classes, however colleagues have used them for between years 3 and 9 with minimal adaptations. All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Year 4 Maths Complete Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

Year 4 Maths Complete Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

11 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for teachers, parents and children throughout the teaching and learning of all of the Year 4 maths blocks. Included are 11 organisers: -Addition and Subtraction -Decimals -Fractions -Length and Perimeter -Money -Multiplication and Division -Number and Place Value -Position and Direction -Shape -Statistics -Time Each organiser contains clear sections covering the key learning areas, including an overview, the specific learning content, and important vocabulary. The knowledge is sequenced in alignment with the National Curriculum and most commonly-used mathematics schemes. Images are used to present and clarify ideas. The resources are designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and are provided as both PDFs and Word versions (so that you can edit if you want to).
Y5 Addition and Subtraction Knowledge - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y5 Addition and Subtraction Knowledge - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 5 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Addition and Subtraction’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Addition Methods (two 5-digit numbers, inc. no exchanging and exchanging); -Subtraction Methods (two 5-digit numbers, inc. no exchanging and exchanging); -Efficient Subtraction; -Using Inverse Operations; -Multistep Problems; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Percentage Problems!

Percentage Problems!

This stimulating and comprehensive lesson enables students to solve a range of problems involving the calculation of percentages, including for measures and comparisons. The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through: Defining, exemplifying, and understanding the basic rules of percentages through clear and simple explanations; Demonstrating their understanding through well-differentiated application and challenge activities; Applying their understanding to real-life problems, for example involving business profits; Gauging their own understanding through both AfL activities and self-reflection tasks. Included is: Whole lesson PowerPoint - clear and precise, colourful and comprehensive; Bronze, Silver, and Gold level award worksheets - carefully differentiated and provided in both Word and PDF; Teacher answer sheets; A detailed teacher lesson plan. A clear and simple help-sheet There are also opportunities for group learning, speaking and listening, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. I originally used these resources with Year 6 (and higher-attaining Year 5) classes, however colleagues have used them for between years 4 and 9 with some minor adaptations. All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Y2 Number and Place Value - Knowledge Organiser!

Y2 Number and Place Value - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 2 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Place Value’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, and 3s; -Comparing and Ordering Numbers; -Read, Write and Present Numbers to 100; -Key vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y5 Place Value - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y5 Place Value - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 5 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Place Value’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Numbers to One Million; -Negative Numbers; -Comparing and Ordering; -Counting in Powers of 10; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use.
Year 5 Maths Complete Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

Year 5 Maths Complete Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

9 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for teachers, parents and children throughout the teaching and learning of all of the Year 5 maths blocks. Included are 9 organisers: -Addition and Subtraction -Area and Perimeter -Decimals and Percentages -Fractions -Multiplication and Division -Number and Place Value -Position and Direction -Shape -Statistics Each organiser contains clear sections covering the key learning areas, including an overview, the specific learning content, and important vocabulary. The knowledge is sequenced in alignment with the National Curriculum and most commonly-used mathematics schemes. Images are used to present and clarify ideas. The resources are designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and are provided as both PDFs and Word versions (so that you can edit if you want to).
Space Mission: Find us a New Earth!

Space Mission: Find us a New Earth!

The year is 2086, and the students are needed for a special mission! This space mission has been designed to provide students with a fun and interesting group challenge, whilst also building key skills in critical thinking and collaboration, and essential knowledge for Science, English, and Mathematics. Students are placed in a scenario in which Earth is no longer habitable, and humans must seek to move to another planet in the Universe. Compiled for them is information on each of the potentially most habitable planets that are known to man (these are the real planets that have been confirmed by NASA and other agencies as having the most potential for life). In reading the key information, students will be drawing upon their knowledge of Science terminology, and will need to make some Maths calculations to work out implications of living on different planets. What will become clear fairly quickly is that none of the potential planets are perfect, and they must use reasoned judgements to determine which of them have cons that could perhaps be overcome. They then present their ideas, using clear and articulate speaking and listening skills, and write up their report, using appropriate written communication (a scaffold is provided to frame this). Everything is provided for you to download, print, and teach: - A comprehensive, whole-activity PowerPoint that guides the students through the mission; - Detailed and colourful information sheets on each of the contender planets for being the next Earth (these include links to amazing websites that can provide the children with more information); - A ‘Pros and Cons’ scaffold, to help students record their findings; - An information sheet on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars; - A scaffold for writing up findings; - Sorting cards for help with determining the key features of habitable planets; - Full teacher guidance. Considering the time and effort that it took to create these resources, I think that they offer exceptional value. Whenever I have used this activity before, it has taken at least 2-3 lessons, including the introduction, starter challenge, main mission, presentations, and write-up. I originally have used this with mid-ability Year 6,7, and 8 groups, but colleagues have easily adapted it for students across key stages 2-4. All images have been cited at the end of the PowerPoint presentation and are licensed for commercial use.
Y2 Shape - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y2 Shape - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 2 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Shape’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -2-D Shapes; -3-D Shapes; -Symmetry and Patterns; -Key vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y4 Place Value - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y4 Place Value - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 4 teachers, parents and children when covering 'Place Value’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Counting in 6s, 7s, 9s, 25s and 100s; -Comparing and Ordering; -1000 More and 1000 Less; -Roman Numerals; -Rounding; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth and Darcy's Relationship Graph Task!

Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth and Darcy's Relationship Graph Task!

This interesting task provides students with an opportunity to track Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship throughout ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ Students first rate Elizabeth and Darcy’s feelings for one another at different points in the text on a 1-10 scale, plotting their rating on the graph. They then justify the rating with an explanation and textual evidence, in the table beneath. It’s great for helping them to see how the relationship develops over the course of the text, and also offers a novel cross-curricular link with maths. Shameless plug - if you like this resource, please take a look at my paid ‘Pride and Prejudice’ resources, available as single lessons or in the lesson bundle. Thanks!
Roman Numerals 1-1000 Helpsheet!

Roman Numerals 1-1000 Helpsheet!

A quick and easy helpsheet to aid students with deciphering Roman Numerals between 1-1000, written in the style of a Roman script! Includes both a Word and PDF version.