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Religious Education Big Quiz! (KS2/KS3)

Religious Education Big Quiz! (KS2/KS3)

This wide-ranging and comprehensive RE quiz contains 40 questions. It was originally designed for high attaining year 5/6 classes as an end of term activity, but may also be suitable for lower KS3 groups. Questions are split into 8 rounds of 5 questions each. To add variety and promote engagement, there are a range of regular, true or false, multiple choice and picture questions. Answers are given at the end of each round. The rounds included are: 1.) Churches 2.) Jesus Christ 3.) Islam 4.) Buddhism 5.) Judaism 6.) Hinduism 7.) Religion around the World 8.) Final Round Lucky Dip A team answer sheet is included, provided in both Word and PDF.
The Buddha - The Eightfold Path!

The Buddha - The Eightfold Path!

In this engaging lesson, students gain a deeper understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path - the eight practices governing the lives of Buddhists. The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Defining what the Eightfold Path is; -Breaking down the different practices that make up the Eightfold Path; -Establishing why Buddhists follow the Eightfold Path; -Thinking about how they can apply the principles of the Eightfold Path to their own lives; -Considering a deeper thinking extension question; -Completing a plenary to assess their understanding. This resource pack contains a comprehensive Powerpoint, alongside an eye-catching worksheet. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.
Churches - The Features of Churches!

Churches - The Features of Churches!

In this lesson, students learn about the key features of Anglican churches. Some of the features covered include: the font, the altar, the pulpit, the lecturn, the nave, the crucifix and stained glass windows. Students learn about the key purpose of the features, and where they can be found in the church. Students also begin to comprehend what the features symbolise. This resource pack contains a comprehensive 16-slide Powerpoint, alongside an eye-catching worksheet. Two extension activities are provided in order to challenge higher ability learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with NC expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
RE - Sikhism - The Ten Gurus!

RE - Sikhism - The Ten Gurus!

In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of Sikhism through learning about the ten human gurus. The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Recalling key information about the life and beliefs of Guru Nanak; -Researching the nine subsequent Sikh Gurus, using a structured template; -Sharing their findings with their classmates; -Considering the key messages communicated by each of the Sikh gurus and justifying which they feel are the most important; -Completing a creative task in which they make a Sikh Guru timeline; -Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objectives. This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (17 slides) and the research template. There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - (predominantly upper KS2) the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions.
Islam Knowledge Organiser!

Islam Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Islam. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Islam Overview; -Islamic Beliefs; -Islam Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Judaism Knowledge Organiser!

Judaism Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Judaism. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Judaism Overview; -Jewish Beliefs; -Judaism Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Buddhism Knowledge Organiser!

Buddhism Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Buddhism. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Buddhism Overview; -Buddhist Beliefs; -Buddhism Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
KS1 RE - My Special Places!

KS1 RE - My Special Places!

In this engaging lesson, students consider the places that are important to them. The lesson serves as a foundation for children’s later learning about places that are special to people of different faiths. The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Discussing the differences between a house and a home; -Considering what features make a home a special place to many people; -Identifying the things that make their own homes a special place; -Brainstorming other places that people may consider as special, e.g. their town or their school; -Understanding that different people are individuals, and have their own opinions of places that are special; -Completing a plenary activity to assess their understanding; -Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective. This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (17 slides) and the template for the main special places activity (provided in Word and PDF). There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 1 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.
Major Religions Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

Major Religions Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

6 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for students learning or revising knowledge relating to each of the world’s major religions, including: Buddhism Christianity Islam Judaism Sikhism Hinduism Each organiser contains a number of comprehensive sections to guide learning and revision including: Religion Overview; Beliefs; Timelines; Important Vocabulary; Answers to the Important Questions; Top Ten Facts. The resources are designed to be printed onto A3, and are provided as both PDF and Word versions (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included). The knowledge organisers may be used for students of all ages, but are most suitable for children in upper KS2 and lower KS3.
Judaism - Moses - Knowledge Organiser!

Judaism - Moses - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children learning about Moses in RE. It contains comprehensive sections on: -Overview; -Exodus from Egypt; -The Ten Plagues; -Pesach (Passover) and the Seder Meal; -The Ten Commandments; -Personal Spirituality - Key Questions; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included). It is most appropriate for KS2 children.
RE - Islam - Features of Mosques!

RE - Islam - Features of Mosques!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the main features of mosques. They learn the names and purposes of a number of different features of mosques, including minarets, domes, prayer halls, and mihrabs. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, accessing an engaging interactive online resource (hyperlinked) where they can explore a mosque, and recording the key information. They conclude by comparing the features of mosques with what they know about churches. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 15-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
RE - Introduction to Islam!

RE - Introduction to Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the religion of Islam. They find out a number of key introductory facts about Islam, including: -Who follows Islam; -Some of the things that they believe; -Where and how they worship; -Their sacred places and texts. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and recording the key information, and exploring more information about the Qur’an, mosques and the Prophet Muhammad using a list of approved websites. They conclude by comparing what they have found out about Islam with what they know about Christianity. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 15-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
RE - Sikhism - The Life of Guru Nanak!

RE - Sikhism - The Life of Guru Nanak!

In this engaging lesson, students are introduced to the Sikh religion and to the first Sikh Guru: Guru Nanak. They learn about the key events in his life, including his vision of God, and they begin to understand the importance of Guru Nanak to people who follow Sikhism. The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Considering what children already know about Sikhism, and what they would still like to know; -Introducing children to the Sikh religion, including sharing information about where and when the faith started; -Watching an engaging, age-appropriate video (hyperlinked) to find out about the main events of Guru Nanak’s life; -Answering questions to check their understanding of the video information; -Finding out key information about how the Sikh Guru tradition started as a result of Guru Nanak, and then introducing them to information about how his life is celebrated today (hyperlinked); -Considering personal spirituality questions, including their perceptions of the Guru Nanak’s main revelations about God. -Comparing Guru Nanak’s ‘turning point’ with the turning point of prophets/ characters in other religions; -Completing a creative task in which they consider a ‘turning point’ in their own lives; -Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objectives. This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (15 slides) and the hyperlink for the video/ additional information. There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - (predominantly upper KS2) the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions.
Christianity Knowledge Organiser!

Christianity Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Christianity. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Christianity Overview; -Christian Beliefs; -Christianity Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
The Bible - Interpretations of the Bible!

The Bible - Interpretations of the Bible!

In this engaging and informative lesson, students learn how Christians may interpret the Bible differently. They learn about the meaning of ‘liberal’ and ‘fundamentalist’ Christians, and understand how these two viewpoints influence interpretations of different Bible stories. They learn through: -Recalling and remembering foundation contextual facts about the Bible; -Defining the word ‘interpretation’ and understanding that people can interpret the same things differently; -Learning about the differences in beliefs between fundamentalist Christians and liberal Christians; -Watching the story of Jesus’ baptism (link included) and establishing how fundamentalist and liberal Christians may interpret different sections of the story; -Considering how their work on different interpretations may influence the way that they see and behave towards other people with different ideas to themselves. This resource pack contains a comprehensive and colourful 15-slide Powerpoint, which guides teachers and students through the learning activities. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. A link to the video is also included (slide 9). In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. The resource is also suitable for home learning All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Thankfulness Collective Worship!

Thankfulness Collective Worship!

This fun and original collective worship session aids children in being thankful to God for what they have in their lives, through: Understanding what thankfulness is, and recognising why it is important; Learning the importance of thankfulness in a Christian context, through appreciating what God has done for us all, and through close reading of bible verses; Considering the positive aspects of their own lives, and considering those less fortunate than themselves; Learning strategies to demonstrate thankfulness in their own lives. This session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. The session also includes an interesting bible story, detailing one man’s thankfulness after being healed by Jesus, entitled ‘The Man that Came Back.’ Furthermore, there is an internet link to a beautiful, thought-provoking video which demonstrates how far too often we spend time focused on what we don’t have, rather than the many ways in which we are fortunate. There are also various discussion prompts to enable children to understand how they can be thankful in different areas of their own lives. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included two pages of notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Understanding Symbols - KS1 RE Lesson!

Understanding Symbols - KS1 RE Lesson!

In this engaging and informative lesson, children learn what symbols are, and begin to interpret and reflect on the meaning of symbols. They apply this knowledge in creating their own symbols, considering what the objects/ animals, colours and shapes that they select represent. I used this as an introductory lesson, before then going into more depth about different religious symbols in the subsequent lessons. Children enjoyed it and it gave them a solid understanding of symbols to build on in the next steps of their learning. This resource pack contains a comprehensive and colourful 15-slide Powerpoint, which guides teachers and students through the learning activities. A template worksheet is also provided (in Word and PDF) for the students to create and describe their symbol. In the past, I have used this lesson with children in both Years 1 and 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Hinduism Knowledge Organiser!

Hinduism Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Hinduism. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Hinduism Overview; -Hindu Beliefs; -Hinduism Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
The Theme of Peace - Assembly

The Theme of Peace - Assembly

This fun and original assembly assists children in understanding the value of peace, through: Understanding what peace is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is peaceful and not peaceful and considering what can be done to promote peace; Learning strategies to demonstrate peacefulness in their own lives. This session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. The session also includes a link to a powerful and engaging video, showing children how their small input can help to create peace in the world. Furthermore, there are interesting scenarios (with scripts provided) that enable children to consider how to act peacefully in different situations. Various discussion prompts are also presented, to enable children to understand how peace can be a force for good in their own lives. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included to pages of notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Sikhism Knowledge Organiser!

Sikhism Knowledge Organiser!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning about/ revising their understanding of Sikhism. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings: -Sikhism Overview; -Sikh Beliefs; -Sikhism Timeline; -Key Vocabulary; -Top Ten Facts; -Answers to the Important Questions. Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).