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Love Learning Languages French and English Resources

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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.




I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
GCSE FRENCH: 12 Intermediate - Advanced Level French Dictée Exercises

GCSE FRENCH: 12 Intermediate - Advanced Level French Dictée Exercises

Here are twelve intermediate - advanced level French dictations to use with your students. Each dictation is a separate audio file. Answer key and translation provided for each dictation. Sample text: TITRE: Notre fleuve TEXTE: TEXTE : Toi et moi, nous habitons le long du même fleuve. C'est ce fleuve qui nous apporte l'eau que nous buvons. Je suis chanceux. L'eau que je bois est filtrée pour la rendre potable. Elle est bonne pour ma santé. Mais si à cause de moi l'eau qui retourne au fleuve est pleine de déchets, toi, tu boiras peut-être une eau polluée. Tu es mon ami, et je veux que tu restes en santé. Pour toi, je ferai attention à notre fleuve.
Causative Faire - French grammar quiz or worksheet

Causative Faire - French grammar quiz or worksheet

Causative Faire - French grammar quiz or worksheet Quiz or worksheet on the French causative faire. There are 12 sentences written in the present tense, passé composé, imperative, futur simple and futur proche. Students fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb in parentheses. Answer key is provided. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
GCSE FRENCH: French definite and indefinite articles worksheets

GCSE FRENCH: French definite and indefinite articles worksheets

These 3 French definite and indefinite articles worksheets are best for students who have been studying French for a while, but who still struggle with understanding how and when to use definite as opposed to indefinite articles. These exercises will help students remember why we need to use articles and the reason why choosing the correct one is so important. The focus of these exercises is to choose correctly between definite and indefinite articles. Sometimes it is difficult when students don't know if the noun in question is masculine or feminine. That's why there is one worksheet that uses only masculine & singular nouns, another that uses only feminine & singular nouns, and one more that uses only plural nouns, masculine and feminine. You'll notice that the vocabulary used is more advanced than what it is when you first teach articles. These exercises are really to help non-beginners who still struggle to remember how and when to use definite and indefinite articles. Included with this resource: Exercise, LE vs UN + answer key and English translation Exercise, LA vs UNE + answer key and English translation Exercise, LES vs DES + answer key and English translation Example: _____ a. Dans ma rue, il y a __(UNE)___ boulangerie qui fabrique de très bonnes pâtisseries. _____ b. Où est __(LA)___ boulangerie Au bon pain, s’il vous plaît?


VERB RACE is a fun and very exciting way to practice conjugations. Your students are going to love this set of 75 regular present tense French verbs to use in the fast moving VERB RACE GAME. This set includes 75 common -ER, -IR and -RE verbs. Classic verb race involves dividing the class into teams and one person from each team goes up to the board to conjugate faster than everyone else. I've included full instructions, tips and rules with this resource. VERB RACE has always been a huge favorite in my classroom. In classic VERB RACE it is usually the teacher who moderates the game, but in the instructions I'll explain in great detail how you can play a student led game so that even your weakest students can participate and learn a ton. I'm including a powerpoint version of the game WITHOUT ANSWERS and student response sheets should you want to project the game and play as a class or in small groups without moving out of desks and up to the board. Also with this resource you'll receive 75 task cards without responses (answer key included). You can use these cards in STATIONS, in a game of SCOOT or in classic BOARD GAMES. I recommend printing out the cards, laminating them if possible, cutting them out, punching holes in the space provided and hooking them together with a ring for years of NO PREP usage and verb conjugation review. Here's exactly what you get: 75 calling cards with answers - Black and white and color versions provided 75 numbered task cards without answers - Black and white and color versions provided Powerpoint version of 75 cards without answers How to play and other ways to use the cards Student response sheet Answer key
GCSE FRENCH: 83 Intermediate French conversation starter cards

GCSE FRENCH: 83 Intermediate French conversation starter cards

Use this set of INTERMEDIATE FRENCH conversation prompt cards to get even your most timid students talking to each other in French. These 83 question cards are terrific for discussion and journal writing prompts and they span 13 different themes: ➤ les langues ➤ le travail ➤ les animaux ➤ la santé ➤ ta région ➤ le transport ➤ les livres ➤ qu’est-ce que tu préférerais… ➤ le voyage ➤ les tâches ménagères ➤ la nourriture ➤ le shopping et les courses ➤ le sport This no prep activity is perfect for small groups or centers. Use these cards as a review and vocabulary builder with French students at any level. Included: 83 question cards (color and black and white versions as you see in the thumbnails) Instructions on ways to use these cards Sheet for students to record new vocabulary words in English and French There are many ways you can use this set of 83 speaking cards: ➤ Print, laminate, cut out, punch holes and attach on a ring for small groups to ask and answer questions. ➤ Use as a warm-up speaking activity or ice breaker with a conversation partner. As students enter the classroom have them choose 2-3 cards from a box. ➤ Students who finish their work earlier than others can choose a few of the cards and write out their answers including reasons for their preferences. ➤ Use as exit tickets. Give each student a card before the end of class and as they walk out of the room they tell the teacher their answer. ➤ Stations: Put students into groups and divide the cards amongst them. Have groups rotate to a new station as they finish the cards. ➤ Scoot: Put one card on each desk in the classroom. Give each student a response sheet and set a timer to give them just enough time to answer the question. When the timer rings students move on to the next desk and the next question. ➤ Use the cards with board games. Students must answer a question in order to move. ➤ Use the cards as a getting to know you activity or ice breaker at the beginning of the year or at a French club event. ➤ Great resource for tutoring sessions.
GCSE FRENCH: Les sports d'éte et d'hiver- French Taboo Speaking Game-Jeu de Tabou en Français

GCSE FRENCH: Les sports d'éte et d'hiver- French Taboo Speaking Game-Jeu de Tabou en Français

Playing French TABOO is a great way to get students to speak French and learn a lot of new vocabulary. This game is simple to modify and use with beginners and advanced students alike. In this SPORTS D'ÉTÉ ET D'HIVER theme version of the game there 50 French-English cards. There are 2 fun ways to play this fun vocabulary game and both are explained in the instructions. This French Taboo game includes the following: How to play classic Taboo (beginner and advanced levels) 50 Taboo game cards to print, laminate, cut out and hook together with a ring How to play 15 MINUTES MAX - an alternative version of the game 15 MINUTES MAX game board Sheet to record new words in French and English (nouveaux mots) *In the upper left corner there's a spot for you to punch holes in the cards so that you can then attach them with a ring for no prep use every time. Be sure to laminate if at all possible! Object of the game: One player tries to get his teammate to guess the word at the top of a card. The player must give clues, but he can't use any of the Taboo words in his description. The taboo words are written beneath the word at the top of the card. Teams score points for each word successfully guessed. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Beginner students should be allowed to use the TABOO words printed on the cards. This will encourage them to use new vocabulary and will help them in forming sentences to use as clues.
French months and days scrambled words worksheet - Les jours et les mois

French months and days scrambled words worksheet - Les jours et les mois

This one page scrambled words worksheet will help your beginner French students of all ages learn the days of the week and the months. Great for core French, immersion schools, and even beginner secondary students! This resource includes all of the days of the week and months in French. It is an easy, no prep activity that is really useful for early finishers, for students who need extra help, and for literacy centers. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students. Merci beaucoup!
GCSE FRENCH: French jeopardy game: Verbes français en -IR - French -IR verbs

GCSE FRENCH: French jeopardy game: Verbes français en -IR - French -IR verbs

French jeopardy game: Verbes français en -IR - French -IR verbs You're going to love this powerpoint -IR VERBS jeopardy game with all the bells and whistles. It even includes music, daily double and final jeopardy questions. This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 15 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY. This game focuses on conjugating -IR verbs in the present tense. As the categories suggest, there are just as many easy verbs to conjugate as there are more difficult ones. Some of the harder questions involve using subjects like QUI - TOUT LE MONDE - MA FAMILLE - MES PARENTS ET MOI - TES AMIS ET TOI. I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing. This game would be wonderful after having spent time teaching French -IR verbs. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 6 categories, a daily double, and a final jeopardy question. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to write to me: french@lovelearninglanguages.com LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
GCSE FRENCH: French jeopardy game: Le conditionnel - French conditional tense

GCSE FRENCH: French jeopardy game: Le conditionnel - French conditional tense

French jeopardy game: Le conditionnel - French conditional tense You're going to love this powerpoint CONDITIONNEL jeopardy game with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY. This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 15 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY. This game focuses on conjugating verbs in the CONDITIONNEL tense. As the categories suggest, there are just as many easy verbs to conjugate as there are difficult ones. I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing. This game would be wonderful after having spent time learning the conditional tense. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 6 categories, a daily double, and a final jeopardy question. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to write to me: french@lovelearninglanguages.com LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
GCSE FRENCH: French Jeopardy Game: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir

GCSE FRENCH: French Jeopardy Game: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir

You're going to love this powerpoint POWER VERB JEOPARDY GAME with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY. This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 20 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY. This game focuses on the verbs VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR in the present, passé composé and imperfect tenses. A few times the conditional pops up (je voudrais).
French Connect 4 Game - Halloween

French Connect 4 Game - Halloween

French Connect 4 Game - Halloween This is a fun, quick, and easy way to let your students have some fun reviewing the following verbal phrases: faire peur à se déguiser en jouer un tour à frapper à la porte de avoir peur de hanter quelqu’un sonner à la porte de hurler sur quelqu’un In order to win, students connect four boxes by speaking complete sentences using the correctly conjugated forms of the verbal phrases listed at the bottom of the game board (see the vocabulary used above) with 60 different costume ideas on the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left. Once 4 boxes have been connected, students can check their work using the answer key provided. If a conjugation mistake has been made, play continues until 4 boxes have been correctly connected. Full instructions are included. Included: One game board How to play Answer key
Spanish verb TENER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher

Spanish verb TENER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher

Spanish verb TENER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating TENER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French IR VERBS - FUTUR SIMPLE - Fortune Teller For Conjugation Practice

French IR VERBS - FUTUR SIMPLE - Fortune Teller For Conjugation Practice

French IR VERBS - FUTUR SIMPLE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating FRENCH IR VERBS in the FUTUR SIMPLE in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb SER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher

Spanish verb SER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher

Spanish verb SER - PRESENT TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating SER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Conjugate Vendre - Present Tense French Conjugation Board Game

Conjugate Vendre - Present Tense French Conjugation Board Game

Conjugate Vendre - Present Tense French Conjugation Board Game This French board game for conjugating vendre in the present tense includes 37 numbered boxes. The first player to reach box 37 wins. There are a few tricks along the way, so getting to the end isn’t always so easy! Some boxes require students to conjugate the verb using the provided subject pronoun, and others require them to name the subject pronoun that matches the verb conjugation. Lots of repetition will really help them to memorize this very important verb! In groups of two to four, players take turns rolling a die to move their pieces forward. Spaces are numbered to keep track of which way they’re moving. There are some spaces with special instructions: Départ - Start Avance de 5 cases - Move forward 5 spaces Recule de 5 cases - Move backward 5 spaces Rejoue - Play again Tu perds ton tour - Lose a turn Fin - End For an extra challenge and to extend playing time, you can tell your students that they have to land directly on the last square and answer it correctly to win. This resource includes the following: ➯ 1 page printable game board Not included: ➯ 1 die per group ➯ Game tokens, 1 per player
Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable

Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable

Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable Tic Tac Toe is a fun game that your students already know how to play, and it is a simple way to get them conjugating, writing, and speaking the verb faire in the present tense. This resource includes two worksheets with 6 tic-tac-toe grids per page. One worksheet is for speaking answers, and the other one is for writing them. Photocopy on the front and back for a no-prep set of 12 grids for differentiated learning. Students play in pairs, conjugating faire so that it agrees with the subject pronoun in each box, saying answers aloud or writing them to claim squares on tic tac toe grids. Three correctly conjugated verbs in a row wins the game. Students need to use different colored pens or markers when writing their answers.
French Irregular Verbs Battleship Game - Bataille Navale

French Irregular Verbs Battleship Game - Bataille Navale

French Irregular Verbs Battleship Game - Bataille Navale Use this classic game format to have your students practice irregular French verbs. This is a NO PREP activity, just print and go. This set of battleship games features 5 versions with 40 verbs. Your students can play this game to practice conjugating in any tense. There is not an answer key due to the number of possible responses. A list of subject pronouns is written in the left column, and infinitives of irregular verbs or verbs with spelling changes are written on the top. Students randomly match subject pronouns with infinitives to conjugate. Scroll down to see the list of verbs that is used in this set of games. Students randomly place ships on their grid at the top of the sheet by drawing filled in circles. The number of circles for each of their six battleships is indicated at the top of the page. As they try to discover the location of their opponent’s ships, they use the grid on the bottom of the sheet to keep track. Instructions are provided in English on each page. Have a look at the preview to see what these games look like. Growing Bundle of Bataille Navale Games How to play: Print out one page per student of the version that you want to use. Students prepare the game by drawing circles to represent their boats on the grid at the top of the game board. Students play against each other to try to find and eventually sink their opponent’s boats. Subject pronouns are written in the vertical column and infinitives of irregular or spelling change verbs are written in the boxes at the top. To choose a square, the player must say a pronoun on the left and conjugate a verb at the top. All of the vocabulary they’ll need is written right on the game sheet. Each game sheet includes two battleship grids, one for the student and one for keeping track of guesses. The following verbs are used: être aller avoir faire pouvoir vouloir devoir dire voir savoir venir croire prendre boire mettre lire ouvrir courir partir sortir dormir servir souffrir apprendre comprendre promettre devenir manger nager voyager commencer payer acheter préférer appeler
L'heure - Telling Time in French - 24 Hour Clock - Battleship Games

L'heure - Telling Time in French - 24 Hour Clock - Battleship Games

L’heure - Telling Time in French - 24 Hour Clock - Battleship Games - Bataille Navale Use this classic game format to have your students practice telling time in French using a 24 hour clock. This is a NO PREP activity, just print and go. 5 versions of the game are included. You may also be interested in my 12 hour clock battleship games or the bundle of both sets which includes this resource. Students randomly place ships on their grid at the top of the sheet by drawing filled in circles. The number of circles for each of their six battleships is indicated at the top of the page. As they try to discover the location of their opponent’s ships, they use the grid on the bottom of the sheet to keep track. Instructions are provided in English on each page. Have a look at the preview to see what these games look like. A list of hours is written in the left column, and minutes are written on the top in numeric form. Students randomly match the hours on the left with minutes at the top. There is not an answer key included with this resource due to the number of possible responses. This game will give your students a chance to remember not to use vocabulary for telling time with a 12 hour clock such as: et quart, moins le quart, et demie, moins vingt, etc. How to play: Print out one page of the version of this game that you want to use per student. Students draw circles to represent their boats on the grid at the top of the game board. Students play against each other to try to find and eventually sink their opponent’s boats. Eight hours (13 heures, 20 heures, etc) are written in the vertical column and minutes are written in the boxes at the top. To choose a square, the player must say an hour on the left along with minutes at the top. All of the vocabulary they’ll need is written right on the game sheet. Each game sheet includes two battleship grids, one for the student and one for keeping track of guesses.
L'heure - Telling Time in French - 12 & 24 Hour - J'ai . . . Qui a - BUNDLE

L'heure - Telling Time in French - 12 & 24 Hour - J'ai . . . Qui a - BUNDLE

2 Resources
L’heure - Telling Time in French - 12 & 24 Hour - J’ai . . . Qui a Games - BUNDLE J’ai . . . Qui a games are a fun, quick, and easy way to have your beginner students review and practice telling time in French. This bundle is 20% off and includes games using 12 and 24 hour clocks. Each activity includes 21 cards. Depending on class size you can give each student more than one card or have them play in smaller groups. I recommend printing out and laminating these cards if possible so that you can use them over and over again. The 12 hour clock set includes plenty of opportunities to use the following vocabulary: et demie, et quart, moins le quart, midi, minuit, moins vingt, etc. See the list of times used for the 12 hour and 24 hour clock games below or check out the previews to have a sneak peak at all of the cards. How it works: Once each student has a card (or cards), the one who has the card that says Je commence le jeu begins the activity. He says, for example, Je commence le jeu. Qui a 3h30? The person who has the card with J’ai 3h30 on it says, J’ai 3h30. Qui a 7h15? And so the game goes on until the last card is called and that student’s card will say, J’ai _____. Le jeu est terminé! Another idea is to prepare two sets of cards, divide your class into two groups and let each group have a go to see which team can get through the entire deck of cards the fastest. It’s a very engaging and fun activity! Included: 21 black and white cards - 4 per page - 12 hour clock 21 black and white cards - 4 per page - 24 hour clock Times used for the 12 hour clock: 3h30 7h15 12h00 - midi 9h17 6h20 4h00 8h25 2h15 5h35 10h10 3h08 5h30 2h45 11h53 6h10 8h22 12h00 - minuit 7h45 1h40 4h55 Times used for the 24 hour clock: 13h30 17h15 12h00 19h17 16h20 14h00 18h25 12h15 15h35 20h10 19h08 20h30 21h45 23h53 16h10 18h22 0h00 17h45 21h40 14h55
Spanish Verb DECIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb DECIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb DECIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable This literacy center or independent work worksheet includes 6 activities, and is a fun, hands-on way for your students to practice conjugating DECIR in the present tense. Includes subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas Activities: Conjugate Palabras escondidas Crucigrama Sudoku Match the words Write a sentence in Spanish using DECIR in the present tense Includes the following: ➯ One-page worksheet