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Language Resources by Nina

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(based on 263 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Spanish Question Words / Interrogatives Vocabulary Worksheet (Interrogativos)

Spanish Question Words / Interrogatives Vocabulary Worksheet (Interrogativos)

This Spanish Question Words / Interrogatives worksheet helps students familiarize themselves with the 12 most common question words. The worksheet contains three parts: 12 matching questions 6 short answer questions 6 translation questions Answer key included. Editable Word file. Activity idea: After the students have completed the worksheet have use the questions for conversation practice.
Spanish Beginner Readings BIG Bundle: TOP 20 Lecturas @50% off!

Spanish Beginner Readings BIG Bundle: TOP 20 Lecturas @50% off!

20 Resources
This Spanish Beginner Readings Bundle includes MY TOP 20 Present Tense Readings on Daily Topics @50% off! Topics include: Family, Hobbies, Friends, School, Household chores, Describing People, weekend plans, School subjects Grammar topics include: Regular and irregular verbs, adjectives, gustar and similar verbs, cognates, telling time, ser v estar All readings includes comprehension questions and answer keys. Ideal for beginner learners to review basic vocabulary!
Bad Bunny Biografía: Spanish Biography on Famous Puerto Rican Rapper

Bad Bunny Biografía: Spanish Biography on Famous Puerto Rican Rapper

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish biography on the famous Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny. It discusses his early life in Puerto Rico, how he was discovered on SoundCloud, his success as the most streamed artist of all time. Also discusses his Super Bowl appearance and the other hispanic artists he has worked with. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 9 reading comprehension questions based on the reading ~Answer key. Level: Spanish 2 (present and past tenses only)
French Imperfect Reading My First Job: Mon Premier Travail Lecture (I'imparfait)

French Imperfect Reading My First Job: Mon Premier Travail Lecture (I'imparfait)

This French reading introduces students the imperfect tense by discussing the routines of three different people’s first jobs: in a fast food restaurant, washing dishes and working in a flower shop. The reading includes 8 reading comprehension questions. Answer key included NOTE: Includes two versions of the reading with and without the verbs highlighted for students to see in context. Activity idea: Have the students underline all the past tense verbs they find in the reading and then have them talk about their own first jobs/volunteer work routines.
Chichén Itzá Lectura: Spanish Cultural Reading (Maya/Ruins)

Chichén Itzá Lectura: Spanish Cultural Reading (Maya/Ruins)

This 3-page file includes: ~A Spanish reading on the famous Mayan ruins of Chichén Itzá located in modern-day Mexico. It discusses its emergence in the 6th century, the various buildings, and the meaning behind its famous pyramid. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~A separate page with 10 reading comprehension questions based on the reading. ~Answer key. Editable word file
Mi barrio Lectura: Spanish Reading on Neighbourhood/ City / Around Town

Mi barrio Lectura: Spanish Reading on Neighbourhood/ City / Around Town

This 3-page file includes: ~A beginner Spanish reading that includes descriptions of four people’s lives in various types of neighbourhood: big city in the US, small town in US, a historic mid-sized city in Latin America and a city in Spain. Includes a lot of vocabulary for around town and buildings etc. ~A worksheet with 2 parts: A. 10 reading comprehension questions based on the reading B. 5 short answer questions based on general questions regarding where people live ~Answer key. Level: mostly present tense This resource is 100% in Spanish Editable word file
Il Natale in Italia Lettura: Italian Christmas Reading

Il Natale in Italia Lettura: Italian Christmas Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading in Italian about various Italian holiday traditions: decorating the tree, nativity scenes, gift-giving on Epiphany, Christmas Eve dinner with family, Christmas songs and mass. The reading includes a glossary of specialized vocabulary. ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions. ~Answer key Level: 90% in present tense
Italian Food Reading: Lettura en italiano (il cibo)

Italian Food Reading: Lettura en italiano (il cibo)

This easy Italian reading includes descriptions of three young people’s eating habits: cooking traditional food with family, eating out and being a vegetarian. Includes a lot of food vocabulary. The reading is followed by 8 reading comprehension questions in Italian Level: present tense only Answer key included. Ideal for beginner learners to review basic vocabulary! Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own eating and cooking habits in class or write about it for homework.
German Food Reading: Deutsches Essen Text (Schnitzel/Bratwurst/Sauerbraten)

German Food Reading: Deutsches Essen Text (Schnitzel/Bratwurst/Sauerbraten)

This 4-page file includes: ~A cultural reading in German describing four common foods found in Germany: Schnitzel, Bratwurst, Sauerbraten and white asparagus for students of German to get to know common German meals. Each meal is accompanied by a picture. ~A full page glossary of new vocabulary ~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions ~Answer key
German Food Bundle: Das Essen Top 5 Resources @25% off!

German Food Bundle: Das Essen Top 5 Resources @25% off!

5 Resources
This German bundle includes My TOP 5 Resources at the beginner level on food and grocery shopping at 25% off! Script: At the restaurant Worksheet: At the supermarket Reading: My favorite meals (3 people talking about their food habits) Reading: Traditional German food Reading: Food and cooking Answer keys included.
Spanish Present Perfect Reading | ¿Qué has hecho hoy? (Presente de perfecto)

Spanish Present Perfect Reading | ¿Qué has hecho hoy? (Presente de perfecto)

This 5-page file includes: ~A script between two friends discussing what they have done so far today. The script contains 24 sentences in the present perfect tense for students to see this tense in context! The script also includes a glossary of new vocabulary. ~The same reading with the verbs in the present perfect highlighted for students to see in context. ~A worksheet based on the script with three parts: reading comprehension, instructions to underline all the examples of the present perfect in the reading, and a short writing section to be completed in class or for homework. (NOTE: there are 2 versions of the worksheet depending on which reading you use) ~Answer Key (2 pages)
Spanish Adjective Agreement Story with Gap Fill Version (Adjectivos)

Spanish Adjective Agreement Story with Gap Fill Version (Adjectivos)

This 3-page file includes: ~A reading that focusses on Amanda and her numerous adopted siblings! The reading is followed by 10 true/false reading comprehension questions. ~The same reading in which students must fill in the 22 missing adjective endings to complete the story. ~Answer key The focus is on descriptive adjectives with ser including personality, physical characteristics and clothing.
Pluperfect Subjunctive + Conditional Perfect Spanish Reading

Pluperfect Subjunctive + Conditional Perfect Spanish Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~An advanced level reading that is a funny dialogue between two girlfriends, one of which has just met the man of her dreams at a costume party. The reading includes numerous examples of the pluperfect subjunctive and the conditional perfect. The reading also includes a glossary of new vocabulary. Includes 6 reading comprehension questions in Spanish based on the story. ~The same story with the verbs in the pluperfect subjunctive and the conditional perfect highlighted for students to see in context. ~Answer key.
Genitive Case in German: Handout and Translations (Genitiv)

Genitive Case in German: Handout and Translations (Genitiv)

This 4-page file includes ~A 2-page handout on all uses of the genitive case: • to show possession • with nonspecific time expressions • with certain prepositions • after collective nouns or nouns showing proportion • with certain adjectives • with certain verbs • with certain idioms ~12 translation sentences to practice this case. ~Answer key. Level: Advanced
Moderne Technologie Text auf Deutsch: Modern Technology German Reading

Moderne Technologie Text auf Deutsch: Modern Technology German Reading

This 3-page file includes: ~A fun German reading where Robert talks about his own habits around modern technology and those of three members of his family. ~A worksheet based on the reading with 8 comprehension questions based on the reading and 2 questions on how the students relate to modern technology to initiate discussion in class. ~Answer key. Includes vocabulary around cell phone use, tablets, computers and video games. Level: present tense only with harder vocabulary
Spanish IRREGULAR Preterites Reading: ¿Cómo pasaste tu fin de semana?

Spanish IRREGULAR Preterites Reading: ¿Cómo pasaste tu fin de semana?

This reading is a dialogue between for school friends talking on Monday morning about how they spent the weekend. It includes numerous irregular preterite verbs including: dar, ir, saber, hacer, ser, estar, conducir, ver, tener The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and eight reading comprehension questions. NOTE: Includes two versions of the reading, one with verbs underlined for students to see in context and one without underlining. Answer key included Extension idea: Have students write a short paragraph on how they spent their weekend to share with a classmate or the class making sure to incorporate irregular verbs.