I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.
I am an experienced teacher and currently Head of English and Media in a large secondary school. I am also an examiner for EDUQAS English Language GCSE. I have a range of resources available on TES. Some of my resources are quite old, from when I first started out, and I am currently working in my spare time to update my resources. There are a range of resources from displays, schemes of work, revision booklets, mock exam papers and lessons available.
A lesson looking at the setting of Macbeth and why the places are important. Map created with important locations labeled. All success criteria, learning objectives, real world link and resources are included in the powerpoint. A fun lesson for students to understand where Macbeth is set.
Bloomsbury Publishers have released a competition to design your own Hogwarts Professor for school children from the age of 7. I have created a lesson with all Learning Objectives, Success Criteria, resources, tasks and powerpoints for this competition to create a fun, engaging and educational lesson.
A stretch and challenge lesson looking at the basics of feminist criticism and how to apply it to the study of the Eduqas Anthology. All resources, learning objectives, success criteria are included . This lesson talks through what literary criticism is and the poem in secure detail, ensuring students understand the question. Students are given opportunities to expand understanding and knowledge and create more sophisticated analysis of the poem to reach the top grades. There are lots of discussion based tasks to apply the criticism they have been taught, looking at examples of art as well as poetry. Students are then given an exam style question and expected to answer it using literary criticism. This can be used as a complete lesson, but it can equally be used as a revision aide for students either in or outside of the classroom.
A complete, two hour, 'walking talking' mock where the teacher guides students through example questions and how to achieve top marks. Students are given a created exam paper with a 'A Christmas Carol' extract and essay question, a 'Blood Brothers' extract and essay question as well as two unseen poems and the exam questions. The powerpoint then talks the students through timings and how to answer each question. A fantastic revision aide and great training for the exam. All resources are included with this purchase.
Everything your students need to know to pass the Blood Brothers element of Literature Component 2 for Eduqas/WJEC. Also useful for all other exam boards. Students are talked through the question and how to answer. Students have a breakdown and key quotes for every character and theme in the text, as well as note cards on techniques used such as parallels, contrasts, dialogue, the effect of the narrator and much more. A fantastic resource for exam revision.
A complete mock paper and step by step guide to the English Literature Component 2 walking talking mock. All questions, answers, annotations and plan included as well as step by step guide to success and learning objectives.
A useful powerpoint with a range of 22 different literary places added to signpost arrows for you to create your own signpost to literary places and worlds. A lovely way to brighten up your classroom.
To tackle the lack of enthusiasm about homework in my school I created a Nando's menu of homework tasks. This one targets key stage 4 and above and assists teaching of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. There are 25 homeworks already planned, differentiated by 'spice'. Since using these menus, where the students pick for themselves, the amount and quality of homework has improved
To assist students with exam practice, exam writing style and 20th Century fiction I have created an exam style paper for Eduqas English Language Component 1 using Toni Morisson's Beloved.
Component 1 consists of:
Section A (20%) – Reading Understanding of one prose extract (about 60-100 lines) of literature from the 20th century assessed through a range of structured questions
Section B (20%) – Prose Writing One creative writing task selected from a choice of four titles.
A set of two lessons analyzing the poem Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy. A range of tasks including picture association, analyzing poetry and written analysis. Lots of short tasks and an optional worksheet to ascertain understanding for weaker students. All learning objectives, levels and success criteria on the powerpoint.
A range of resources to enable students to access, understand and enjoy Hound of the Baskervilles. A selection of worksheets, whole lessons and short tasks to enable understanding and appreciation of Arthur Conan Doyle's writing. Also very beneficial for the structure of the Eduqas English GCSE and skills needed.
A collection of five exam style paper comparing unseen poems. The selection includes: Emily Dickenson, Sylvia Plath, William Ernest Henley, Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, Christina Rossetti, Dylan Thomas, Roger McGough and more! Included in each resource is: the exam question; two unseen poems; teacher notes including assessment objectives and mark scheme; student notes (including a key terminology tick list and a breakdown of what is needed to get maximum marks when answering the question). A great revision tool and an excellent way of helping the students get to grips with expectations in the exam.
Normally costing £47 when all bought separately, I am releasing an 'A Christmas Carol' teaching bundle that includes: literature exam preparation, analysis lessons and a wide variety of resources including a homework menu with 25 varied tasks including essays, contextual research, creative tasks and more. Also included is a fun pairs game to match up key quotes in a Christmas carol and a full revision booklet with abridged versions of each stave, essay questions, quick quiz questions and more! All resources are tried and tested and very successful, helping students engage in the text and make rapid progress.
A template to create your own acceptance to Hogwarts letters, including Professor McGonnagall's signature. A fun way to invite students to a reward event/literary event in school.
A creative, engaging and interesting lesson looking at an Emily Dickenson poem and analyzing language. Students are given a range of tasks to help 'zoom in' on word choice and meaning. Students are asked to create a 'blackout' picture, keeping only the five most important words to them. Used with a top set year 7 class, but easily adapted for key stage 4.
A useful booklet for A Level students that consists of:
-Basic guide to two different literary theories and an example (psychoanalytical criticism and a reading of Hamlet using it and Feminist criticism and a link to The Handmaid’s Tale).
Extracts of 5 dystopian texts, alongside a range of questions for students to answer. Texts are: A Clockwork Orange, The Road, 1984, Brave New World and The Children of Men
A glossary of key terms needed for A Level Language and Literature.
My students found this very useful to ensure an understanding of the genre and the conventions. They also found the interview with Margaret Atwood engaging, as well as using the basics of the theories a good starting point for independent research and learning.
A resource used for student to work through during the summer holidays in order to prepare themselves for the course in September. This booklet has a range of 19 tasks for English Literature and English Language at A Level. In addition, there are useful web links provided for students, and a guide to different ways of doing some preparation. I have also included a recommended reading list for both Literature and Language - this can be easily amended.
Two revision documents for year 11 students.
Document 1: Create your own transactional writing task.
This sheet breaks down PAFT - Purpose, Audience, Format and Topic alongside a list of different purposes, as well as some examples of possible transactional writing questions that could be asked. This means students have 12 varied writing tasks to complete, as well as a grid to help them create as many extra writing tasks as they want.
Document 2: Create your own Literature Essay Focus.
This sheet breaks down the way questions are phrased for their Literature GCSE exams, with a box at the top with the style of questions posed for character, theme and relationship. There are then three colour coded (and editable) boxes with all of the main characters, themes and relationships in: The Merchant of Venice, A Christmas Carol and Blood Brothers. This means students have all the information to be able to practise any exam question that could come up in their exams.