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Resource management - introduction and food management lessons AQA 2018 GCSE Geography

Resource management - introduction and food management lessons AQA 2018 GCSE Geography

All lessons for the Resource Management topic of the new GCSE specification. Lesson 1 - The global distribution of resources Lesson 2 - Provision of food in the UK Lesson 3 - Provision of water in the UK Lesson 4 - Provision of energy in the UK Lesson 5 - Global food supply Lesson 6 - Impact of food insecurity Lesson 7 - Increasing food supply Lesson 8 - The Indus Basin Irrigation System Lessons 9 and 10 - Sustainable food production Huge variety of resources included, exam questions each lesson.
AQA Geograhy 2016 - The Living World - Rainforests fully resourced lessons

AQA Geograhy 2016 - The Living World - Rainforests fully resourced lessons

A collaboration of lessons created for the Rainforests topic from Living World section of the new AQA geography specification. Each lesson has the same structure; connect, activate, demonstrate, consolidate tasks. Learning objectives are all linked to the specification. I have included a large range of resources e.g. rainforest explorer task, design a rainforest plant, mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, mapping tasks, videos, case study sheets, mind maps, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson. Each lesson is 120 minutes. I am teaching the GCSE over three years so their is lots of extra tasks. The lessons are as follows: Lesson 1 - The location and climate of the tropical rainforests Lesson 2 - The plants and animals of the rainforests Lesson 3 - Animal and plant adaptations Lessons 4 and 5 - Deforestation in Malaysia case study Lesson 6 - Managing tropical rainforests Lesson 7 - Sustainable management of tropical rainforests