I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Equilibrium. It includes subtopics such as reversible reactions, closed and open systems, dynamic equilibrium and the haber process. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of model answers on the CCEA, GCSE German topic of social media and new technology. It can be used to prepare for both the oral and written exams. It can be used by teachers and students as an example of what type of answers to give in these exams. I created this resource when revising for my own GCSE German exams, in which I received an A star.
This resource is a complete set of revision notes for the ccea AS topic of settlements. It includes subtopics such as rural-urban continuum, population density, service availability, green space, settlement size, accessibility, air quality, rural urban fringe, greenfield developments, suburbanisation, counterurbanisation, planning in rural environments, SSSIs, AONBs, national parks, honeypot sites, rights of access, path erosion, second homes, urban challenges, deprivation, reurbanisation, gentrification, issues of rapid urbanisation. It includes 3 case studies: should Northern Ireland have a national park?; Issues in the MEDC inner city of Liverpool; issues of rapid urbanisation in LEDCs such as Nairobi. The resource includes diagrams, tables, facts and figures along with small scale place examples incorporated throughout. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students for their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A, the highest grade attainable at AS. It can also be used in the classroom as a set of notes for teachers to go through these topic with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of changes in world development. It includes subtopics such as differences in development; economic indicators; social indicators; human development index; factors that hinder development including historical, environmental, dependence on primary activities and debt; sustainable development goals; appropriate technology; fair trade; globalisation and MNCs. It includes definitions, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has one case study on appropriate technology (Hippo water rollers). It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of river environments. It includes subtopics such as hydrological cycle; drainage basin; river characteristics; data collection; erosion; transportation; deposition; river landforms (waterfall, meanders, floodplain, levee); causes of flooding; positive and negative impacts of flooding and river management strategies. It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has two case studies: the human and physical causes of flooding in Somerset levels (River Parett) 2014 and river management strategies on Mississippi River USA. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Changing Urban Areas . It includes subtopics such as urbanistation; urban land use; Burgess model; Hoyt model; CBD; inner city; suburbs; rural-urban fringe; urban sprawl; why different land use zones develop; function of settlements; issues facing MEDC inner city areas; housing issues; gentrification; traffic issues; cultural issues; sustainable settlements and shanty town. It includes diagrams, definitions facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has two case studies: Evaluate an MEDC urban planning scheme that aims to regenrate and improve inner city zone, Titanic quarter, Belfast and describe and explain the location, rapid growth and characteristics of a shanty town, Mumbai, India. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Population and Migration. It includes subtopics such as births, deaths and natural change; demographic transition model; factors influencing population change;population structure; population pyramids; dependency ratios; implications of aged dependency; implications of Youth dependency; migration and immigration; barriers to migration; types of migration and refugees. It includes definitions, maps, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has one case study on the challenges of Syrian refugees arriving in Greece. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of earth’s structure and rocks. It includes subtopics such as structure of earth, crust, rocks in Northern ireland, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, plate tectonics theory, constructuve plate boundaries, mid-ocean ridge, destructive plate boundaries, ocean trench and subduction zone, collision zone, fold mountains, conservative plate boundary, earthquakes, liquefaction, tsunamis, shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes and super volcanoes. It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has two case studies: Haiti earthquake 2010 and Mt. Yellowstone super volcano. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of ethnic diversity . It includes subtopics such as ethnic groups, ethnicity, race, nationality, language, religion, perceived ethnic and social identity, role, residential concentration, age, gender, location quotient, chi- squared test, processes creating ethnic diversity, colonisation, annexation, international migration, case study on Jamaica, processes maintaining ethnic diversity, segregation, multiculturalism, case study on Belfast, ethnic conflict, causes of ethnic conflict, nature of ethnic conflict, outcomes of ethnic conflict and case study on Myanmar. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own A2 exams, in which I received grade A*. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of group 1,7,0/8 and transition elements. It contains definitions, diagrams, experiments and equations. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of work done, energy and power. It includes subtopics such as work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, power and efficiency. These notes include equations, definitions, examples and diagrams. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Forces. It includes subtopics such as distance, displacement, spreed, velocity, how a slope affects average speed, velocity at an instant, acceleration, motion graphs, newton’s laws of motion, investigating acceleration using a light-gate and data logger, gravity, hooke’s law, pressure, density, kinetic theory and density, moments, centre of gravity and stability . This resource includes definitions, diagrams and experiments. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of linear motion. It includes subtopics such as definitions of speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration, equations of motion, graphical representation of motion in a straight line and two methods for an experiment investigating free fall with a light gate. These notes include equations, definitions and axis to draw in graphs. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of projectiles. These notes include examples, equations and axis to draw in graphs. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of linear motion. It includes subtopics such as definition of momentum, equations for momentum and impulse, momentum, collisions and impulse in evryday life, principal of conservation of momentum, Newton’s second law, elastic and inelastic collisions and Newton’s laws of motion . These notes include equations, definitions, examples and diagrams. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of contemporary issues. It includes subtopics such as prejudice, discrimination, racism, ethnicity, poverty and fair-trade. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of developments in bioethics. It includes subtopics such as fertility treatments; alternatives to fertility treatment; arguments for and against fertility treatments; bible teaching; churh teaching and surrogacy. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Electricity. IT includes subtopics such as electric circuits; conventional current; conductors and insulators; power; cells in series; measuring voltage and current; resistors in series and parallel; factors affecting resistance; electricity in the home; the lighting circuit; fuses; wiring 3-pin plug; earthing; double insulation and buying electrical energy. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Radioactivity. It includes subtopics such as unstable nuclei; background activity; types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma); measuring radiation; alpha decay; beta decay; rate of decay; dangers of radioactivity; uses of radioactivity (in medicine, industry and agriculture; nuclear fission; issues of using nuclear energy and nuclear fusion. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.