I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of principals of management and leadership. It includes subtopics such as what makes a good leader, difference between manager and leader, management style, main functions of management, factors that influence management style used, style versatility, autocratic, democratic, paternalistic, laissez-faire, management and motivation. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of productivity and investment. It includes subtopics such as production, transforming resources, transformed resources, inputs and outputs, added value, job production, batch production, f;low/ mass production, cell production, lean production, factors affecting the method of production, productivity, problems operating near, at or above capacity, benefits operating near, at or above capacity, factors influencing productivity, improving labour productivity, improving capital investment, innovation, research and development and factors that influence innovation, research and development. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This resource is a full set of revision notes for the CCEA AS Geography topic of population. it includes subtopics such as census, vital registration, population change, crude birth rate, total fertility rate, crude death rate, infant mortality rate, demographic transition model, epidemiological transition model, theories of population sustainability including malthusian theory and boserup’s theory of population and resources and fertility policies (pro-natalist and anti-natalist). It includes two case studies: comparing how data is collected, reliability and what it is used for in the UK and Nigeria and China’s one child policy. There are also small scale place examples throughout to support the ideas discussed. The resource includes graphs, tables, facts and figures. This is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in private revision for exams. I created it for my own revision for AS exams, in which I received an A, the highest grade attainable at AS. It can also be used in the classroom as a set of notes for teachers to go through these topics with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of coastal environments. It includes subtopics such as types of waves; fetch; swash and backwash; coastal erosion; longshore drift; coastal deposition; coastal landforms (headlands, cliffs, wave cut platforms, caves, arches, stacks, stumps, spit, hooked spit); need for coastal defences and methods of coastal management ( sea wall, groynes, gabions, beach nourishment, managed retreat). It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with placxe examples throughout. It also has one case study on defences in Newcastle Co. Down. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. It includes subtopics such as definition of business, factors of production, land, labour, capital, enterprise, definition of an entrepreneur, reasons to start a business, entrepreneurial characteristics and opportunity cost. These notes include definitions and examples. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of markets. It includes subtopics such as definition of a market, consumer goods and services, capital goods market, labour market, mass market, niche market, features of markets includomg market size, market share, degree of differentiation, local/ national/ international, other factors affecting business and social environment and responsibility. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of investing in people. It includes subtopics such as people investment planing/ succession planning, main factors that influence workforce planning, drawbacks to employing people, on-going PIP, recruitment and selection, internal and external recruitment, methods of external recruitment, methods of internal recruitment, recruitment and selection process, methods of selection, training, induction, on the job training, off the job training, continuing professional development (CPD), performance appraisal and the use of online technology in recruitment and selection, training and appraisal . These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of central purpose of business activity. It includes subtopics such as adding value, difference between added value and profit, profit, reasons for adding value, methods of adding value, competitive advantage, cost advantage, economies of scale, economies of experience, superior technologies, differentiation advantage, unique selling point, strong brand, sustainable competitive advantage, competitiveness and improving competitiveness. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of market forces (supply and demand). It includes subtopics such as definitions of supply, demand and market price, supply curve, demand curve, equilibrium point, excess demand, excess supply, shifts in demand and supply, new equilibrium, difference between quantity demanded and demand, determinants of demand, compliments and substitutes, determinants of supply and explaining a shift in equilibrium. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of motivation. It includes subtopics such as definition of motivation, factors that influence job satisfaction, factors that de-motivate workers, factors on which job satisfaction depends, importance of motivation, motivation theorists (Taylor, Maslow and Herzberg), monetary and non-monetary methods of motivation. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of market structures and degree of competition. It includes subtopics such as market size, market growth, market share, perfect competition, competitive market, oligopoly, cartels, price wars, non-price competition, monopoly, factors affecting degree of competition, why is competition good/bad for the consumer, how is competition beneficial/not for the business, benefits and drawbacks of competition, barriers to entry and supernormal profits. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of marketing mix. It includes subtopics such as the 7Ps, changes in marketing mix, internal and external changes, product (product design, types of products, influences on development of new goods and services), place (effective distribution networks, choosing appropriate outlets, factors affecting channel used, advantages and disadvantages, telesales and mail order, the internet), price (internal factors, external factors, pricing strategies), promotion (AIDI model, forms of promotion, factors affecting choice of promotion), people (training, customer service) and process (key elements, physical environment). These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of central purpose of business activity. It includes subtopics such as organisational design, hierarchical structures, organisational charts, tall structures with narrow spans of control, flat hierarchy with wide spans of control, centralisation and decentralisation and outsourcing. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of forms of business ownership. It includes subtopics such as unlimited and limited liability, sole traders, partnerships, companies, public limited companies, exiting the stock market, franchises, business format franchise, social enterprises and the voluntary sector. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of product life cycle. It includes subtopics such as introduction, growth, maturity, decline, decision making, advantages and disadvantages, implications of short product life cycle, research and development, market saturation, product death, product extension strategies, prolonging product life cycle, a balanced portfolio of products, analysis using boston matrix, question marks, cash cows, stars, dogs, limitations of bosto matrix and relationship between boston matrix and product life cycle. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of market research. It includes subtopics such as marketing, market orientated vs product orientated, the relationship between marketing and other functional areas, target market, the role of marketing in achieving business objectives, reasons for market research, objectives of market research, importance of market research, primary and secondary research, sampling, qualitative and quantitative research, potential problems in market research and further limitations. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea AS business studies topic of market planning and strategy. It includes subtopics such as business planning, marketing plan, situation analysis, PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis, set marketing objectives, formulation of marketing strategies, advantages and disadvantages of marketing plan, market segmentation, geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, geo-demographic segmentation (ACORN), advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation, market targeting and positioning. These notes include definitions, examples and positives and negatives. I used these revision notes when revising for my own AS exams, in which I received an A in business studies, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA A-level topic of tourism. It includes subtopics such as definition of tourism, growth of international tourism, mass tourism, reasons for growth, global patterns of tourism, positive social and economic impacts, pleasure periphery, butler model, challenges and management of tourism, pollution, overcrowding, honeypot sites, social sustainability, competition for resources, case study: Mallorca, eco-tourism, social, economic and environmental benefits and negative impacts, case study: Montverde Cloud Forest Resort, Costa Rica, eco-tourism regulation, quebec declaration, GEC07, green globe scheme and UNESCO world heritage sites. It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with place examples throughout. . It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own A-level exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Modern warfare. It includes subtopics such as types of war; reasons for war; arguments for war; Thomas Aqinas; types of weapons; bible teaching on war; economic cost of war; alternatives to war; pacifism; holy war; Islam and war; child soldiers; refugees and conscientious objectors. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.