I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course.
All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course.
All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
This task is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Organisation’ SoW.
For more resources designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This activity contains a set of differentiated questions worth 20 marks in total, it also includes additional extra challenge tasks for higher ability students to complete. This worksheet could be used as a homework or as an extension or revision activity in class.
I have included a comprehensive mark scheme for teacher or self-assessment of the work, there are also details of grade boundaries which I use to RAG pupils work against their target grades, a full explanation of how I do this is included.
Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
The first task involves pupils discussing the definitions for a set of ecological terms, pupils can write their ideas down in their books and then watching a video to fill in any blanks they were unsure of. Once this has been completed pupils can self-assess their answers using the mark scheme provided.
The next task is for pupils to think > pair> share about how animals are interdependent upon each other, they can write down their ideas as a brain storm in their books. Once this has been completed, pupils can self-assess their work using the answers provided.
Pupils will then be given some information on stable communities, they will need to read this information in pairs and then try and answer a set of questions. They can then self-assess their work, correcting anything they didn’t get correct using the answers provided.
Pupils will now be introduced to the difference between abiotic and biotic factors, the first task is for pupils to watch a video and sort the factors demonstrated in the video into two columns – abiotic vs. biotic. They will then be given a set of descriptions, pupils will firstly need to identify which factor is for a list provided and the second task is for pupils to identify whether this factor is biotic or abiotic. Pupils can complete this on the worksheet provided, once completed students can either self-assess or peer-assess their work, making any corrections if necessary.
The plenary task is for pupils to choose two organisms from the pictures on the PowerPoint slide, they will need to describe the difference in habitats between the organisms and compare the abiotic and biotic factors which affect their survival.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This is a lesson designed to meet specification points for the new Biology Trilogy 'Bioenergetics' scheme of work.
The lesson begins by focusing on the location of the main organs in the plant, students are then asked to match the name of the organs to their function. Once this work is self-assessed pupils will watch a video which will outline some of the adaptations a plant has that enables it to carry out photosynthesis.
Pupils are then introduced to the major tissues in the leaf of a plant and are given some information on the location, structure and function of these tissues. Using this information pupils are required to complete a worksheet labelling a cross-section of a leaf. Once finished, pupils can use the mark scheme within the PowerPoint presentation to check their work.
Students are then asked to consider why plants and the process of photosynthesis is so important. They are reminded of the fact that plants are needed to harness sunlight energy and synthesise organic molecules like glucose which not provides energy to the plant but to all organisms further up the food chain.
The final activity is a past-paper question worksheet that pupils should complete in silence, once finished they can either self-assess or peer-assess using the mark scheme provided.
The plenary is for students to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson by writing 3 facts, 2 key words and posing 1 question to their peers.
All resources are found at the end of the PowerPoint presentation. Thank you for purchasing :)
This is a lesson designed to meet specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE Biology ‘Bioenergetics’ scheme of work.
The lesson begins by pupils being introduced to the term ‘photosynthesis’ and then being asked to consider the raw materials that plants need in order for photosynthesis to occur. Pupils are then given three minutes to write down everything they have learnt about photosynthesis so far, with an extension task to write the word equation for the reaction.
In the next part of the lesson pupils are introduced to the word equations and are challenged to write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction.
Mid-lesson plenary involves a set of exam-questions (total marks = 9 marks) which they can complete in silence and then peer or self-assess using the mark scheme provided.
Pupils are then introduced to the concept of endothermic and exothermic reactions, they are given the definition for an endothermic reaction and are then asked to ‘think, pair, share’ with a partner about what an exothermic reaction might be and whether photosynthesis is endothermic or exothermic. After 5 minutes, pupils are given the answers and they can mark their work.
The final activity is for pupils to watch a video on the scientific investigation conducted by Van Helmont, pupils watch the video and answer questions on a worksheet which can then be self or peer-assessed using red pens.
Pupils can choose their plenary activity - either writing quiz questions on the topic of the lesson or summarising what they learnt by writing a twitter message along with #keywords.
All resources are included in the PowerPoint presentation, thank you for purchasing :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins with a recap on genes and inheritance with a fill in the blank task, pupils can then mark their work using the mark scheme provided.
The first task is on sexual reproduction , pupils will watch a video and will need to note down any facts about sexual reproduction that they can remember from the video. They can then assess their work given the list provided. Pupils will then be given a list of questions and will watch a second video on asexual reproduction, pupils will then need to answer questions about asexual reproduction using the video. The answers to these questions can be assessed using the mark scheme provided.
The next activity requires pupils to copy down a flow diagram, filling in the blanks, to show how male and female gametes fuse together during fertilisation and develop into an embryo. This task focuses on chromosome numbers during this process. Pupils will now be provided with a set of jumbled statements, pupils will need to sort the statements into correct columns - they are either describing asexual or sexual reproduction. Pupils can mark their work using the answers provided.
The final activity is for pupils to answer an exam-style question on this topic, they can complete this in silence and at the back of their books to challenge them further. This work can then be assessed using the mark scheme.
The plenary activity is for pupils to unscramble the anagrams to reveal 6 key words taken from the lesson.
The plenary activity is for pupils to summarise the 5 main key words they have learnt that lesson.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the B2 1.3 unit on Adaptation & Inheritance.
For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
The lesson begins with a ‘Think > Pair > Share’ activity which requires students to consider the definition for the term ‘evolution’. After students have had some time to talk about this, their ideas can be shared with the class and the answer can be revealed for students to check and correct their work.
This leads into an introduction to the fossil record as means of evidence for evolution, students will then need watch a video on the formation of fossils - during which they will answer a set of questions. Students can now mark and assess their work using the mark scheme provided.
Students will now be introduced to the idea of ‘Natural Selection’, they will be told the mechanism by which this works by using the example of girraffes with longer and shorter necks. Students will now be asked to complete a cartoon strip to summarise this process, once this task has been completed students will be able to mark and assess their work using the answers provided in the PowerPoint presentation.
The last part of the lesson students will be shown a video on examples of natural selection in action. Whilst watching this video, students will need to answer a set of questions, once this has been completed students can self-assess their work using the answers provided.
The plenary task requires students to write three quiz questions to test their peers on what they have learned this lesson.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep.
You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach!
This lesson begins with an introduction to enzymes and a starter discussion to review the structure of amino acids and the quaternary structure of proteins.
Students will then watch a short video and work independently to answer review questions from the video. The following slide offers brief answers to these questions so that students may self-assess.
The lesson then progresses through a series of lecture style slides explaining enzyme involvement in chemical reactions, the structure of enzymes, and the two models of enzyme action.
Following these slides, students have an opportunity to work in pairs to teach each other the two enzyme action models. The information for each student in their pairs is provided as the last slide in the lesson. Students should take notes on both models in their books and are encouraged to sketch a ‘cartoon strip’ style diagram as an extra challenge.
Students are then asked to practise two exam style questions, worth 7 marks and 2 marks respectively. The slide following these questions offers a marking scheme so students may self-assess. After a short discussion on these two questions, students are tasked with a third exam question on enzyme action. This exam style question is attached as an additional resource for students to fill in the blank spaces as a worksheet which requires students to define important terms related to enzyme action.
As a plenary task to complete the lesson and check understanding, students are asked to complete one of four sentences in their books.
All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep.
You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach!
This lesson begins with a starter to encourage discussion about the differences between the induced fit and lock and key models of enzyme action. Students are also asked to explain how temperature and pH balance affect enzyme action.
The following slide briefly reviews enzyme-controlled reactions then asks students to use their mini whiteboards to write down four factors that might affect successful collision. Students can self-assess with the answers on the slide.
Students are then taught to measure enzyme-catalysed reactions; in the notes I encourage you to ask students for examples and what the measurable changes are.
Students can then use the slide to work through the ‘fill in the blank style’ paragraph using a graph as a guide to understand enzyme-catalysed reaction. On the board where everyone can see you should write - substrate - product (H202 -> h2 + 02). The following slide includes answers so students may self-assess or check their answers with a partner.
The slides then work through a few more graphs to explain the effects of temperature and pH on enzyme action. The slides are lecture style, but you can see in my mores a few suggestions for discussion questions and further lecture material. Following these slides students are encouraged to graph on their own or perhaps as a large group.
Students are then given the opportunity to answer two graph style questions in their books and then self-assess.
Next the class will watch a video about measuring the rate of reaction at fixed points of time. After the video, students should answer four questions in their books and discuss the answers as a class. The next few slides build upon these questions and students are asked to practise calculating reaction rates on their own before self-assessing.
The plenary requires students to solve seven anagrams in their books, then write an original sentence with each word.
Each task or graph from the full lesson can be found on slides 22-27.
All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This resource is designed to meet specification points in the new AQA Trilogy Biology ‘Cells’ SoW.
For more resources designed to meet specification points for the new AQA Trilogy Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins with pupils shown a picture of an amoeba and one of a polar bear, they will need to discuss the difference between the organisms in terms of how they take in oxygen from their environment. Once you have shared a few ideas from the pupils with the class you can show the pupils the difference between the two organisms - amoeba can rely on simple diffusion whereas larger multicellular organisms need specialised exchange surfaces.
Pupils are then shown three examples of exchange surfaces - alveoli, small intestine and leaves of plants - they will need to think about how these structures might be adapted to exchange materials efficiently. You could have a short class discussion to develop these ideas.
Once you have again discussed these factors with the class you can reveal the next slide which outlines the 4 main features of an efficient gas exchange surface.
Pupils will then be given a worksheet and they will need to move around the room reading posters of information about villi and alveoli to complete the worksheet. This should take approximately 20 minutes, once finished pupils can peer-assess their work using the answers provided with the PowerPoint presentation.
The plenary is an Exit Card pupils will complete and pass to you on the way out of the door, this requires pupils to write down 3 key words, one fact and a question to test their peers knowledge of what they have learnt about in the lesson today.
This lesson is designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy GCSE Biology specification, particularly the ‘Organisation’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
The lesson begins by introducing the heart as an organ and it’s function in the body, pupils will have a few minutes to read through the information on the slide as a ‘memory test’. Then move the slide forward where pupils have to copy and complete the information about the heart, using key words to help them. Pupils can then self-assess their work.
For the next activity pupils are given an information sheet providing information about the structure of the heart and the job of the blood vessels supplying/taking blood away from the hear. Pupils will also be given a worksheet which they will need to complete using this information.
Pupils will then be introduced to the idea of valves, they can watch a short video an have a look at the position of the valves within the heart. They will need to Think > Pair > Share ideas about the function of the valves in the heart. After a short class discussion the answer can be provided for them.
The next activity will require pupils to sort information into a flow diagram to demonstrate the route the blood flows through from the right atrium onwards. The words they need to fill in the boxes will be provided, they can self-assess their work once it has been completed.
The next part of the lesson focuses on problems with blood flow through the heart, firstly pupils are introduced to the idea of coronary arteries being blocked due to cholesterol/fatty deposits. They will provided with some information on the board and will need to answer questions on this information, which can then be assessed once the answers are revealed.
Then they will shown the differences between different types of treatment - surgery, stents or statins - and will be asked some questions about the uses, advantages and disadvantages of these examples of treatment for people with cardiovascular disease.
Again, all answers are provided for pupils to check their work throughout the lesson.
Plenary is to write a twitter message about what the students have learnt this lesson, make sure to #keywords!
Any questions please comment on the resource to ask me, any feedback if you have purchased this resource would be much appreciated :) thanks!
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Organisation’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins by pupils given a bit of information about the tissues which make up the lining of the stomach. They will need to read this information in pairs and then answer questions in their book, once completed the pupils can self or peer-assess their work using the answers provided on the next slide.
Pupils will then be introduced to the digestive system, it’s role and the organs involved with this system. They should be able to remember some information from previous lessons on organ systems (see ‘Principles of organisation’ in my shop!).
Now, pupils must read through another card of information in pairs and complete tasks on the board, these tasks will require pupils to label a diagram of a human body to show the locations of the major organ systems and also describe the function of these organs.
The next task is a video which pupils will watch and answer questions, list of questions is provided as a worksheet. Pupils will then self-assess their work using the answers provided after the video has finished.
The final activity is an exam-style question, pupils will answer this on the sheet and then mark their work using the mark scheme.
The plenary task is a word search challenge, there are 10 words associated with digestion in the word search. Pupils will race to complete against each other to complete the word search. You can award a prize if you have any :)
All resources are included at the end of the presentation.
Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
The first part of the lesson outlines the definition of deforestation and some key facts and figures about the destruction of forests around the world. The next task is for pupils to discuss why they think rainforests may be being cut down & the consequences this might have on a local & global scale. The next two slides outlines the four main reasons why rainforests are being destroyed and some of the consequences of their destruction, pupils can check their work against the answers provided.
The next task requires pupils to watch a video and answers questions using the information provided in the video, once they have completed the question they can asses their work using the answers provided.
Pupils will now be required to complete a recap task on the carbon cycle, they will be given a worksheet which they will be asked to fill in using the captions provided on the PowerPoints slide. Once this has been completed pupils can assess their work using the answers on the PowerPoint slide.
The next part of the lesson focuses on the importance of peat, firstly pupils will be given a set of information about peat bogs and they will be required to answer questions using this information. This work can be self or peer assessed once it has been completed.
The final task is for pupils to answer an exam-style question on the carbon cycle and deforestation. Pupils can assess their work using the mark scheme provided.
The plenary task is for pupils to choose words from a list of key words to formulate three summary sentences on what they have learned this lesson.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
Pupils are firstly asked to come up with a food chain for humans eating rice, then humans eating chickens and to consider the differences in energy efficiency between the two. This then leads onto the second slide which explains how shorter food chains mean more efficient food production.
The second task is for pupils to think > pair > share ideas about methods farmers could employ to ensure animals gain new biomass at an efficient rate. Once pupils have written their ideas down in their books the answers can be revealed on the PowerPoint, students can check their work against the answers and correct anything they need to. The methods listed on the PowerPoint have disadvantages, pupils should then have a short discussion in pairs of what these negatives are before they are revealed.
The next part of the lesson focuses on fish stocks, students are given some information and are asked to consider how we might sustainably manage fish stocks. Once students have some to discuss as groups and then as a class, pupils are given a set of questions they will need to answer whilst watching a video. Once this is complete students can self-assess their work.
The last part of the lesson focuses on biotechnology in food production. Students will be given some information sheet in their groups and should use this information to answer a set of questions, once pupils have completed these questions they can self or peer-assess their work using the mark scheme provided.
The very last task may be more suited to higher-ability classes. Pupils will be given a set of jumbled up sentences, students need to place the sentences in the correct order to describe the process of making mycoprotein, students can assess their work once complete.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Homeostasis’ SoW and specifically for the higher tier.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
The lesson begins with an overview of the function of the four main lobes of the brain, pupils will be given cards of information which they need to use to complete a table on these functions.
Pupils will then be introduced to further structures which they are required to know the functions of: medulla, cerebellum, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex. Pupils will need to use posters to complete a worksheet where they label a diagram of the brain and outline the roles of each of these structures. Following this is a card sort where pupils can assess their understanding of what they have just learnt.
The next part of the lesson focuses on how scientists and doctors have gained evidence for the structure and function of the brain. Firstly students will watch a video and answers questions on Phineas Gage, which can be self-assessed once complete. This will then go on to describe the role of electrical brain stimulation and MRI scans in providing knowledge about the brain. This is assessed with a copy and complete summary sentence task and finally the plenary is a 6-mark exam question.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the 'Homeostasis' SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins by pupils being provided with the aim of the investigation plus an equipment list, pupils will need to use this to decide what the independent, dependent and control variables of the practical may be. The next slide runs through some of the important details of the practical, using this pupils will then need to write a step-by-step method summarising how they are planning to conduct their investigation, they can work in groups to plan this but must complete their own worksheet.
Next, pupil will conduct the experiment to measure the effect of a distraction on student volunteers reaction time. Results should be collected using the worksheet provided, once they have collected their raw data they can use this (as well as the calculation provided) to work out the reaction time for each volunteer in each trial, and a mean can be calculated.
Once the second table of results on the calculated reaction times have been filled in pupils can complete their graph of results, this can then be used to write a conclusion using prompt questions provided on the plenary slide of the PowerPoint presentation.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.1 Module on ‘Cells’
For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
The lesson begins with an introduction to cells as the building blocks of life and the smallest units found in living organisms, this is demonstrated with diagrams of animal and plant cells.
The scientist Robert Hooke is then introduced as someone who firstly coined the phrase ‘cell’ after observing plant tissue down a microscope, this leads into the main part of the lesson which is on microscopes.
Students will be shown a diagram of a microscope and are told some details of factors which should be considered when observing a specimen using a microscope. A video is then played which students need to watch in order to complete a ‘fill-in-the-blank’ task which summarises how to use a microscope and the main parts of the structure of a microscope. This task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Once this task has been completed it can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided.
Next, students are shown how to calculate the total magnification of a microscope using the magnification of the objective lens and the eyepiece lens. Students will then need to work their way through a set of problems using this calculation. The answers to this task is included in the PowerPoint so students can mark and correct their work.
The last part of the lesson requires pupils to follow the instructions included in the PowerPoint to prepare an onion slide to then observe plant cells under the microscope. Once students have carefully prepared their slide they should observe the plant cells at a range of magnifications, sketching a diagram of their observations onto the worksheet provided
The plenary requires pupils to copy and complete sentences which summarise what they have learned this lesson.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Cells’ module.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep.
You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach!
This lesson on diffusion begins with a starter discussion to remind students of the functions of the proteins in the cell membrane and the ‘fluid-mosaic’ model.
Students will then ‘think > pair > share’ to discuss what sorts of substances cells import/export across the cell membrane. They should also examine why the cells import/export these substances. Answers are on the slide for self-assessment.
Diffusion is then laid out in two diagrams to explain the passive nature of diffusion. Students should use these diagrams to inform the next ‘think>pair>share’ and discuss with a partner what factors might affect the rate of diffusion.
Students are then introduced to facilitated diffusion, and the proteins required. They should take detailed notes on the features and functions of channel proteins and carrier proteins.
Another form of facilitated diffusion is then introduced, in which the carrier protein picks up molecules of a matching shape, rather than changing its own shape.
To quick check student understanding, they are asked three questions to answer in their books regarding the two forms of facilitated diffusion in comparison to simple diffusion, answers are provided on the next slide for self-assessment.
Students will then complete an exam-style question, as always, a marking scheme is available for self-assessment.
The plenary is a WhatsApp message task for students to draft a message to a friend, telling them what they’ve learned this lesson.
All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Biology GCSE, particularly for the higher tier for the 'Infection & Response ' SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins by students being introduced to how bacteria are grown and then students will watch a video on the growth of bacteria, they will need to answer questions and then will assess their work using the answers provided. Using the information learnt from the video pupils will then need to fill out a method sheet to describe how you safely grow microorganisms on agar plates.
Pupils will then complete an exam-style question on what they have learnt so far as a mid-plenary and check their work.
(Optional practical activity: Instructions are given for pupils to now complete the practical to start growing cultures of bacteria on agar plates.)
The last half of the lesson will focus on mathematical skills related to working out the number of bacteria in a population. Pupils will watch a video to help them answer questions and then will need to complete questions by themselves, all answers are provided.
The plenary task is for pupils to summarise what they have learnt this lesson.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation.
Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This is a resource for the NEW AQA GCSE Biology 'Infection & Response' unit.
Please find further resources designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
Pupils will firstly consider some traditional medicines such as digitalis for dropsy, willow trees for aspirin and penicillin mould.
Pupils then consider the time and money taken to conduct a drug trial, as well as the stages that are involved. Pupils will watch a video to determine the definition of a placebo and a double-blind trial, pupils should also use the video to identify how clinical scientists maintain a fair test during a clinical trial.
The next part of the lesson pupils will be introduced to what happens during the pre-clinical trial phase and the three stages of the clinical trial phase. Once students have learnt this they will need to match the key words to the definitions. They will also be given a set of 6 statements which they need to write in order, as a flow diagram, in their books to represent the stages of the drug trialling process. Pupils can then self-assess their work.
There is a 6-mark question on what they have learnt this lesson. To really test pupils' knowledge they should try and complete this in the back of their books, perhaps giving them a set of key words as prompts. For a less able class, they should be able to use their notes from the lesson. Pupils can peer-assess their work using the marking criteria on the PowerPoint slide.
All of the resources can be found on the PowerPoint slide, there is also extra resources at the end which could be used in an extra lesson or as a homework activity.
Other lessons from the 'Infection and Response' unit can be found in my TES shop :)
This is a lesson designed to meet specification points for the new OCR GCSE (Gateway) Biology 'Scaling up’ scheme of work.
The lesson begins by completing an activity which recaps the role of each of the components of blood.
Pupils are then introduced to the three types of blood vessels - artery, vein and capillary. Looking at a diagram provided pupils will need to consider the differences between the three in terms of structure an function.
Pupils will then watch a video and answer questions about arteries and capillaries, the answers to the video are provided so that pupils can then self-assess their work.
The next slide will show how veins are structured and how they work to move blood back to heart from the rest of the body. Pupils could draw a diagram to represent this if there was time.
The next part of the lesson is the longest activity, pupils will need to either copy the blank table into their books or be given a printout of the table. Using cards of information pupils will need to complete the table, which shows the structural features of each of the blood vessels. The answers to this activity are provided so that pupils can either peer or self-assess their work.
The next activity is a quick fill-in-the-blank task to demonstrate the role of the capillaries within the body.
Students are now introduced to the idea of a double-circulatory system, using a diagram and a description of the system pupils will need to answer questions about the role of this system, which can then be self-assessed.
The plenary task is for pupils to pick one question to answer from a list of traffic-light questions, green for most difficult and red for easiest.